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And you asked about trees - we have pine, madrone, fir, oak, dogwood, cedar, bay, manzanita... not sure what else. There are no redwoods here - those are closer to the coast.
I think it does too, sound like a lovely place. Many years ago my mom met a guy from there and they got hitched. Not sure if they were actually married, but Mom didn't want us kids to feel weird at school I guess. We moved out to Wimer Oregon with him, and it was not good for my mom, but it was a wonderful couple years living out in the country for us. I love small towns out in the middle of nowhere.

I might try to come there some time if possible TA. I used to look up towards the mountains and wonder about Happy Camp (had such an inviting name) when we drove I-5. I'm headed up in the a.m. for a camp-trip, up above Gasquet CA. As the crow flies, probably not all that far from you :) Wish you were there ;) Denise
shadowmoss said:
What I was told, YMMV, is that acceptance.is only GUARANTEED the first time you enroll.  After that you have to go through underwriting, slang for if you have any chronic or pre existing conditions no one has to insure you.  I'm a cancer survivor, so for me changing to better insurance would be a no go.  Part D prescription coverage is the only one that has to take any subscriber every year at open enrollment.

Broker explained the underwriting if you want to switch.  She also told me that one of the Plan G options (The one offered through AARP) will let you switch from Advantage to Medigap during the first year of enrollment with no questions and it's been that way as long as she's been working with these plans.

She said most people go with Plan G, although Plan N is another similar option.  How long until there are Plans X, Y and Z?? lol

So I walked out of there (with head spinning) and with a huge stack of paperwork to read through, was advised to go on Medicare.gov, learn how to use it and read up and come in and talk to her again around mid-October.
travelaround, is Klamath Falls closer to you than Medford or Ashland (I can't remember which one is more south).
There are thunder beings making themselves known to the north where there's a big fire and the fire is causing it. NWS Spokane tweeted it.
I am on the aarp plan with United Healthcare. They have a number of different levels of plans.The way it works is I can make a change to anyone of those plan levels during any month of the year but the switch will not be effective until the 1st of the next. There have been a couple of times I opted to pay more for better coverage such as the year I became eligible for medicare when I had 5 surgeries and then again I switched a couple of times up and down in the next 2 years years with more follow up appointments and surgeries on my eyes.

When you get medical issues if it is not an emergency you might indeed know a month or more in advance that a procedure such as a surgery or a series of pbysical therapies is going to happen. That is a benefit to having a flexible option coverage plan. But it is not going to be your cheapest type of insurance..or then again it might depending on your health issues. You just never know what life will bring along and when it will happen. But of course old age brings more health issues.
^^ Yeah, I'm looking hard at that AARP plan.

Too bad you still have to buy a Part D plan though. Be nice if it was covered like with Advantage.

edit: Just signed up for AARP, I am officially old now. lol
wanderingsoul said:
travelaround, is Klamath Falls closer to you than Medford or Ashland (I can't remember which one is more south).

No... Medford and Ashland are much closer!

Ashland 92 miles
Medford 105 miles
Grants Pass 70 miles with Grayback Rd. open
Grants Pass 133 miles with Grayback Rd. closed (it is closed right now)
Klamath Falls 158 miles

I had to go to Klamath Falls yesterday because closer Home Depot stores didn't have what I needed. The salesman in Grants Pass told me on Monday that plywood was in short supply because of pot farmers buying it all.
Sounds like you are asking the right questions.  That is half the battle.
travelaround said:
No... Medford and Ashland are much closer!

Ashland 92 miles
Medford 105 miles
Grants Pass 70 miles with Grayback Rd. open
Grants Pass 133 miles with Grayback Rd. closed (it is closed right now)
Klamath Falls 158 miles

I had to go to Klamath Falls yesterday because closer Home Depot stores didn't have what I needed. The salesman in Grants Pass told me on Monday that plywood was in short supply because of pot farmers buying it all.
We live on an island and our local Home Depot is always out of stuff so we order on line and it is delivered or we 'pick up' at our local Home Depot. Everything from plywood to bricks and hardware. The last order took a few days but still was all there. Try on line ordering
The sun is shining at least for a while. But the week ahead is looking much more promising with a lot less chance of rain. However I am reminding mysellf that monsoon season last through September. Which is good for keeping cool but not as nice as sunny and 70s everyday. Of course if the rain wears too much on me I have wheels under my vehicle.

I have some very noisy early rising neighbors at this campsite. They do go to bed early. It is a herd of free range cattle. The noisy one of them is of the type who insist that everyone come with her everywhere she wants to go. But the others ignore her so  lots of bellowing going on. I had been keeping my eyes open for finding mushrooms during this rsiny season in the forest. The only ones I have seen are growing in a pile of cow poop, quite a variety of them. Even if they were edible varieties I would not pick them, just a bit too soon in the compost cycle, of return to soil, lol.

Going into town for errands and a coffee shop meet up with another woman camping in this area. Always good to try to expand my circle of friends. It is nice to have company to camp with now and again. But right now I do not want to caravan.
During my early months living in Nevada after retirement from New Jersey, I thought the Milky Way was haze from fires in California.

Decades ago in Minnesota as a youth, the stars were numerous and brighter, even when viewed within the Twin Cities. I saw auroras when up in northern Minnesota.
I have thought of going to Minnesota for the fishing, but am afraid the mosquitoes would carry me away.
highdesertranger said:
LOL,  the first name was Murderers Bar. 

I was waiting for you to mention that again.

The line I liked in that article is: "Located in proximity to nothing..."

But Murderer's Bar wasn't the first name. Before that it was called Athithúfvuunupma. Don't ask me to pronounce it. I know a few Karuk words and that isn't one of them.

The article reminded me that I forgot to mention the auto parts store, mechanic's shop and the bank. We've got it all.