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From a local's perspective is there really good fishing around HC, or was that just a lure?
There supposedly is good fishing, but I don't fish so ... I don't know from personal experience. At the Karuk Tribal Reunion there's smoked salmon, smoked their traditional way, and acorn soup.
The tribe might have traveled to a place where they could camp and catch salmon in good enough shape to smoke and then travel with the smoked fish back to Happy Camp.
:exclamation: Woops I am very wrong there are indeed edible salmon at Happy Camp,
I love the little Northern CA towns. I don't think I've been through Happy Camp. We did take 97 to
Klamath Falls once when we were bored of the I-5 and 101 routes. We did a lot of traveling between
CA and WA for some years. Kids dad had a friend who lived in Quincy, I used to love going up there.
Maki, some people really, really love those mushrooms that grow in cow poop. They boil them down and make a nice tea. YMMV
wanderingsoul said:
I love the little Northern CA towns.  I don't think I've been through Happy Camp.  We did take 97 to
Klamath Falls once when we were bored of the I-5 and 101 routes.  We did a lot of traveling between
CA and WA for some years.  Kids dad had a friend who lived in Quincy, I used to love going up there.

Happy Camp is not on the road to anywhere - no one goes through Happy Camp accidentally!
jacqueg said:
Happy Camp is not on the road to anywhere - no one goes through Happy Camp accidentally!

Let's hope not! That would be a long-distance accidental detour!!

Anyhow, I had an exciting day. I got a fraud alert from my bank for a place called "DING" which I had never heard of before. They sell minutes for cell phones. So I checked my bank account and saw someone spent over 650 dollars of my money with an online clothing vendor I'd never heard of before. I didn't lose my card so I think while I was in Southern Oregon during the last week... this person stole the number somehow when I used the card there. So I spent the day calling the bank fraud department and the sheriff's department, things like that. I think I'll get my money back from the bank on Monday. I also wrote to the online clothing vendor to let them know they should not send out those five orders. The deputy suggested I use cash when traveling in the future.
Lovely sunny morning with more days of decent weather in the forecast. As I am a 20 minute or so drive from hardware and lumber store I will settle in here for another 10 days by Flagstaff and get back to work on build projects. Also order in some supplies for the things I make for sale.

I will do some more day trip exploration of this area for camping spots and visit a few more historic sites. All work and no play is not how I want to live,.
maki2 said:
One foot in the grave, the other foot on a banana peel.
Late to the banana peel party, but it brings to mind a choir warm-up exercise, sung as a dirge:

"Here lies the body of our dear Anna,
Done to death by a banana
It wasn't the fruit that dealt the blow,
But the skin of the thing that laid her low."

Oh, my.  The things we remember.
My sunny day has turned into a deluge of a thunderstorm with hail and then heavy rain pounding on my trailer roof. So glad I did not put up my screen room today.
Enjoy all the energy & negative ions to refresh you !!!

I love rain & thunder ♥️
Gypsy108, the dirt road next to my campsite just turned into a strong flowing stream bed because that thunderstorm rain was so heavy. I could not have left out of here while that was going on, too much water in the road, moving too fast and deep. This is not just your normal thunderstorm stuff in Arizona. Getting hit by lightening is not nearly as much of a threat to campers as the amount of runoff from these events. I am not in a canyon or on the side of a mountain. The terrain is not all that steep either. It just rains very intensely and very heavy and it can cause flooding in only a few minutes of time which is what it just did right next me, not even 15 feet away and not in a flash flood warning zone. It dug a little stream bed in the very gently sloped meadow across the road from me. A stream bed that was not there a short time earlier.
Hope you are safe Maki  :heart:   Can you go to higher ground without getting on a road ?
I was not in any real danger. The road that flooded was well banked and the bank is higher up than my campsite. I inspected my campsite carefully before I chose it. No evidence of flooding in it. The ground slopes down away from the road so even if the temporary steam in the road had overflowed the banked road edge the water would have drained away from me. The soil in my campsite is very gravely, more stone grit than dirt, no clay or sand, it is not slippery or soft. I do have an AWD vehicle but not a super high clearance one.

This weeks forecast is for a much smaller chance of rain, more sunshine!
Too close for comfort for me, maki. Glad you didn't get washed away!
I am glad about that too :) , thanks for the thought
I watched part of an RTR video earlier (not one of Bob's) and there was a van with two solar panels tilted towards the Sun and a windmill! I'm guessing it was for generating power. I wonder how much power you'd be able to get out of a small windmill like that. Would it be worth having one?
Bob Wells has posted videos about wind energy - with Jim ... a long time ago. Jim still posts on this forum but I don't remember seeing him post in this thread.

Here's one of the videos - there's a few more... just put the word "wind" into his video archive on YouTube.
