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slow2day said:
But then I might end up having to pay $75 for a bottle of vintage stuff.

I had been reading about Grey Flannel cologne on the Fragrantica website for a long time and decided I just had to smell it.  People said that the reformulation was still good (I could talk about reformulation and when and why for pages) so I got a bottle from Walgreens.  Stuff is dirt cheap.  But it smells WONDERFUL!  It's heavy on violet, which is surprising for a men's cologne, but it still smells masculine.

So I just had to smell the vintage original.  There was a woman on Ebay selling sample decants, like 2 or 3 ml, and they were expensive but I was determined.  I got it and OMG it smells SO GOOD!  Much different from the one that's out now, deeper, more notes.  But like I said, the newer one is still good.

Getting to my point, I looked for bottles of the vintage and the prices were so outrageous that I gave up.  Gave the bottle I got to my son who wears it pretty regularly, and the sample of vintage, which he is saving for very special occasions.

I bought a bottle of vintage Ivoire by Balmain maybe 8 years ago for about $50.  Went to look for another bottle in the last few weeks and we're talking anywhere from $150 to a bottle I saw for $400 on Etsy.  Guess I'll be using the bottle I have sparingly.
Morning task done. I had to set up a new printer I bought when I went to the Walmart in Flagstaff a couple of days ago. My bulk ink tank printer did not like having the ink tanks shaken up the forest service roads. I had to print out a shipping label this morning. I buy the postage online from Etsy for the orders.

Now I have to unload some stuff out of the car and head to the post office in Grand Canyon Village to put the order into the outgoing box. 

I think I will do a little more sightseeing of the historic buildings and exhibits as well as walk along the path by the rim. Plus get rid of some packaging from the new printer. There are lots of trash receptacles in the public parking areas including recycling for the cardboard. I will also fill up a couple of gallon water jugs from the free grand canyon natural spring water dispenser.
"sweetish, marine, a little animalic."

It should smell that way considering it comes from a chunk vomited up by a whale.
desert_sailing said:
That was when I started to understand to not judge people and know we all have battles.

Now the scent of old spice reminds me to be always kind.

It's a good thing that most people possess empathy. Too bad that we have a sizeable slice of the populace who do not share that trait.
wanderingsoul said:
Ambergris is a fixative for the notes in perfumes. 

I would be happy to share.  I have some 5 or 10 ml spray sample bottles to decant some into.  PM me your mailing info.

"Notes in perfume"....is that a technical term in the fragrance world?  :)

Thanks for the offer of a sample but I will be leaving on my summer tour on Monday, so it probably wouldn't get to me by then. Maybe I could check it out at a later date.
My Etsy store has peak businesss in October, November, December and January. The other months of the year are slower but not at a standstill. People do get bored being indoors in the AC on hot summer days so they buy craft kits to have some fun.
slow2day said:
"Notes in perfume"....is that a technical term in the fragrance world?  :)

Yes!  Top notes (the first things you smell and usually subside relatively quickly because the oils are pretty volatile), Middle notes (the heart of the fragrance, there is where most of the floral notes are like rose & jasmine) and base notes (supports the rest of the fragrance and really starts to shine hours after applying.  Things like woods, cedar, sandalwood, etc., oakmoss, resins like frankincense).  I could go on and on.  Individual scents in a perfume are called notes too, the lemon note, the lilac note in the middle, etc.

Let me know if you're ever ready for a sample and I'll send one. :)
maki2 said:
My Etsy store has peak businesss in October, November, December and January. The other months of the year are slower but not at a standstill. People do get bored being indoors in the AC on hot summer days so they buy craft kits to have some fun.

Never thought of craft kits.  I just had a look and there are all kinds!
I made a comment in a thread and can't remember which thread it was, so I'll put this here. It was a bout a gentleman living in a van here in town who was also a hoarder and besides his van had a small car filled with stuff. And when he got settle in his spot it would fill up and spill out with his belongings in record time. I saw his spot before the last time the city moved him and oh man, what a mess.

Anyways.....there was an article about him and others living in vehicles in the local paper yesterday. I had to open a private window to see the article because it's was behind a paywall otherwise, but here's the link.

Jeez. Probably nobody would have messed with the guy if he hadn’t made such a mess. No doubt some mental illness in play there. I’ve seen the same here and there around Q
The back of my car currently looks like I am a hoarder. But it is mostly build materials and business supplies. Looking forward to. One of these days the quantity will diminish enough to fit under a platform area.

Got to meet the husband of my host this afternoon. Very nice guy and he is comfortable with me staying here longer, he is not feeling intruded upon.. I was asked to help his wife build some simple tables. She wants some lessons on using a power miter saw her brother gave to her when he upgraded.

They also said I could go ahead and put up my screen room. That would be nice as I need to spread out the vinyl mesh fabric that is. For the center panels of my doors. It will be easier to do that with the wind gust blocked by the sides ofbthe screen room. Plus of course keeping the passing rain  showers off the doors and keeping me shaded when the sun is out.

I also found out there is a hardware store close by inside a large pyramid shaped building. That will be handy as I need a piano hinge, although I might possibly have one somewhere in my hoarders nest. Seems like I have seen it but not for quite a while.  :p
It is hard not to look like a hoarder when you live in a vehicle. Excessive stuff was one of my constant problems while living in the van. I never put things outside though, as I wasn't rooted in one place. One of my goals is to live in a more minimalist way while traveling, and to leave the extras here in a shed or small house of some kind.

My definition of hoarding is to have so much stuff you can't use places or rooms for what they were intended. In that case, I have a book hoarding problem as my travel trailer table has plastic boxes of books on it and there's no place else to put them right now.

The van has things collected for the build. The cargo trailer is full of things like a storage shed, including things I took out of my van. And my trailer, for the most part is usable except for the tabletop covered with books. There are no bookcases in a travel trailer!

Why am I hoarding books? Well... when I found out my home burned my first thought was that all the books I'd left there burned. And let's face it - bookish people often collect books. I've been buying books to replace what I lost but I don't really have a home to keep them in.
wanderingsoul said:
I made a comment in a thread and can't remember which thread it was, so I'll put this here.  It was a bout a gentleman living in a van here in town who was also a hoarder and besides his van had a small car filled with stuff.  And when he got settle in his spot it would fill up and spill out with his belongings in record time.  I saw his spot before the last time the city moved him and oh man, what a mess.

 From the article: " Cities can’t remove cars and campers that individuals are using as a home under City of Seattle v. Steven Long"

of course this is a fantastic ruling up here in WA. State.

It's too bad that he conducted himself so as to create a nuisance and lose his home.

I really liked the paint job of his rig... looked like sunset on the sea.

travelaround said:
And let's face it - bookish people often collect books. I've been buying books to replace what I lost but I don't really have a home to keep them in.

Semi-bookish here and I thought a Kindle would solve the space problem in the van but I'd rather read a real book.

So I buy them from Goodwill,eBay,Amazon,etc. and enjoy donating them after I've read them.

The only ones I keep are the factory repair manuals I have for the van.
Did some downsizing this week, lost enough weight I had no choice but to buy new to me jeans (at the thrift stores). Of course that means I also have to get rid of the old ones, most to trash, a few to charity. A couple of them kept as disposable painting clothes for another month or so. I have to do some varnish work and install the headliner on my ceiling. No point in trashing good clothes with that messy work.
I don't think I would travel with out my small water paint kit and my small embroidery kit and at the least 2 books also the chess set and the camera and the sling shots and the doggy toys and the golf putters for mini golf and the pool que and the movies and .......
Ok so my van is always going to look like a nut lives in it even though we don't. Then again my house is packed too. I'm not a hoarder, but hubby is border line hoarder.
desert_sailing said:
 From the article: " Cities can’t remove cars and campers that individuals are using as a home under City of Seattle v. Steven Long"

of course this is a fantastic ruling up here in WA. State.

It's too bad that he conducted himself so as to create a nuisance and lose his home.

He didn't lose his home.  They are holding the van for him and he will be able to pick it up when he gets out of jail, no charges accrued for storage.  I think they impounded the little car though because it was being used for storage only.

It is a fantastic ruling.
slow2day said:
Semi-bookish here and I thought a Kindle would solve the space problem in the van but I'd rather read a real book.

My ex gave me a Kindle long ago, I think it was a second generation.  I used it for a while, loaded it up with quite a few books, but I like real books best.  I like the feel of one in my hands.  Haven't used the Kindle in a few years although I have a few books  on there I want to read again but don't necessarily want to buy.
Yes, I thought they treated the van man fairly. He shouldn't have left garbage everywhere around his van. Now he will be able to return to his van with a clean slate. I wonder how long it will take him to start collecting things on the street around it again. That is like a lifestyle. There's a person living down the street from me now that has stuff stored out in the street in front of his driveway. I don't know why some people think that's acceptable.