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Uh oh I seem to have left a pjir of cabinet doors at mt last foest camp site. I knew I had b
Gone off without my chair. It was sitting in the sshady spot away from my car and trailer. I am thinking I must have had the doors sitting next to it.

But just in case I did some very weird loading I will further excavate my car right down to the flooring. not today though. If I don't  locate it I will call the ranger station tomorrow.  At least no other persons will have camped there as the forest is still closed to camping.

I am beat with looking for that door and setting up my screen room for a work space as well as shade cloth. No shade trees at this camp spot, it is plateau land abot 25 miles from the south rim of the Grand Canyon., just small brush and short junipers.

I got slightly dehydrated this last few day. I can tell by feeling dizzy sometimes when I stand up and feeling more tired. But it is also hotter today and going up to the 90s this week. I will have to push much harder on drinking liquids.

Found out today there are showers about 7 miles away. $3.00 for 7 minutes. Run down facility at an older RV park but it will do. Cost a lot less than the truck stop, it is 30 miles closer than one, and no waiting in line. I do fine with sponge baths for keeping clean but a shower would indeed be a nice treat.

  • Yeah, lost cabinet doors found. The Phiffertex inset panels are now cut to size. Tomorrow more hinge locations to drill into the face frame. But a lot more days of labor to go to complete the cabinets. Plus over time I have realized I need one more cabinet. I have some leftover materials for it which is helpful as it will then match the rest of them.
Glad you found your cabinet doors, Maki. You are so patient in getting this job done over a period of time. Maybe part of my problem is in thinking it should all come together in a day or two.

Honestly, I did practically nothing today. It was a nice stay-at-home reading in the air-conditioning kind of day. I wonder what my electric bill will look like next month. I visited my property and saw I lost two rose bushes but two more are thriving despite the heat. My neighbor's yard is starting to look like a jungle. Not sure what all that is growing over there. Mine could use a once-over with the string trimmer and mower.... but I can't work in the heat. No shade. I know my limits... I have a tendency toward heat exhaustion. Don't want to go there.

I researched a few areas with BLM land to camp on in Oregon. I know where I want to go; don't know when I'll be able to go there.
Travelaround, a very nice dream to think your van will only take a few days to complete.

Totally delusional dream but still a pleasant one. : :heart:
Happy news this morning. Coconino Forest has reopened for camping.. I will likely head over towards Flagstaff to camp among the tall trees in a few days. That will put me closer to the supply sources for my build projects, grocery, laundry and postal services as well as Amazon lockers.

Hopefully Kaibab Forest will also reopen within a couple of weeks. I need to shuffle between them  because of the 14 day stay rule.
I built 10 - 15 dams today, had a major flood, and found the hole where the troll lives. Came home totally muddy and exhausted. I love my job. And as all the 'regular' staff got ready for an end of the year push to get paper work done I didn't have to. Being a sub doesn't pay as well as 'regular' staff but it sure is fun. And tomorrow I get paid to go on a picnic. I love my job.
^^What are you doing, vanbrat? Sounds interesting!

I don't remember what thread I hijacked about the Old Spice cologne so I'll just tuck it in here. I got my
wee little bottle of vintage 1970s Old Spice today. It's been many years since I smelled it. So good!
Yes it's spicy but it's not SPICY, there's more going on. And I was surprised how soft it is.
wanderingsoul said:
^^What are you doing, vanbrat?  Sounds interesting!
I am a preschool teacher - semi retired.  We have fun because we are paid to!

And my Dad used old spice when he was dressing up ..... so not often. Still think of him when I smell it and cigar smoke.
Yeah, Kaibab Forest camping has reopened! I will transition to it or to the Coconino Forest in a day or two.

Tough devision, camp just outside the Grand Canyon or go camp closer to
Flagstaff. Both have their advantages.

Today I wet to the Grand Canyon National Park Village to mail out 3 Etsy orders.
I devided to check out the laundry and showers at the campground inside the park. Glad I did, it was very affordable, $2.50 for a 5minute shower which was a sufficient time for getting clean. An extra large, bigger than most double load washers was $2.50 and a large dryer was $1.25 for a half hour. That is quite a reasonable price as far as laundromats go. No price gouging at that facility. I have a lifetime senior pass to the National Park system so I pay no charge to enter the park. Plus the showe laundry facility is not restricted to people camping at the paid campgrounds within the park. Bonus points given for a dumpster to put my trash in and free drinking water, as well as a black water dump which I don't need but others might appreciate knowing about. All of those are right next to the shower laundry facility.  The grocery store and post office are also close by. Free dispersed NFS camping is a very reasonable distance.

There is a downside though gas prices in that area are 20 to 30 cents more per gallon and groceries are more expensive too. Good thing I am trying to lose weight, the higher prices won't impact my grocery budget by all that much.

So a pleasant and productive day. Now waiting for the cool of the evening to get some organizing, packing and build chores done. More of that work to do in the cool of the morning. Then the decision, camp near Flagstaff or camp near the Grand Canyon. I will be alternating between them every couple of weeks so it is not that critical of a decision to make.
After checking the weather report Flagstaff camping looks to be the safer option healthwise to avoid the extreme heat, health hazard, warnings that just got posted for the airport location by the Grand Canyon. Plus I realized I need a bifold hinge for the door on my toilet cabinet. There are quite a few very good hardware stores in Flagstaff plus Amazon locker options.so I guess I will get up early, pack up and try to hitch up before lunch time. Then find some place in the forest with shade and a breeze but some sun for solar. It would be brutal to stay where I am now, there is no shade at all.
Maki - glad to hear you're in such a beautiful place for the summer. It has been a few years since I've been to the Grand Canyon and I'd like to go back.

My next trip might be to South Dakota, then back to Lake Tahoe. I don't know. There are other places I want to be as well. I might go back through Oregon to Idaho. Home Sweet Home... I miss it.

I'm glad my daughter is enthusiastic about taking up residence on my property so I won't have to worry about that while I'm gone. Today they put back the front gate and they've put up a flag on the fence out front - so I feel like they're already taking over the place which is fine with me. I think they'll be better at it than I have been. I called the county and was told the paperwork giving me back access to the property (for building) should be here soon.

Van conversion - I'm still ordering parts. The RV-guy will be here tomorrow to look over some of the parts I'm about to order for the build. This might include a drive to Grants Pass Home Depot... 75 miles each way.
Travelaround I can totally relate to having to drive such a long ways to get to Home Depot having spent last winter in Quartzsite.
Ha! If you guys visit southeastern Utah you will soon learn how valuable internet shopping is! Nearest city with most major stores is Grand Junction Colorado 226 miles one way.
travelaround said:
Van conversion - I'm still ordering parts. The RV-guy will be here tomorrow to look over some of the parts I'm about to order for the build. This might include a drive to Grants Pass Home Depot... 75 miles each way.
Everyone has been eager to see your build out pictures TA.
Sounds like your really gearing up.

Trips to hardware/depot stores really does a number on build progress.
My second build was planned in much more detail and I only made 2 trips to depotland my first build well over 20 trips I'm sure. 

The savings in travel time, fuel costs, and time in the store equates to a very nice penny saved.

Can't wait to hear your next build update.
Finally a day jhas arrived with a build photo to share. Cabinet doors on the side with tne sink and stove are now hung . Still some adjustments to make. But I am pleased with the look.  Sorry for using a link, I can't attach photos when using my tablet. My laptop is already packed away for moving to a new campsite.

The wood on the doors is poplar, the center panel is vinyl covered fiberglass. It lets the air move as it is not a super tight weave but tight enough to hide what is inside the cabinets. Super strong material, it is used for the seating on outdoor patio furniture. The cabinets are framed in aluminum angle. The hinges are riveted to the cabinet framing. What can I say other than I do things very differently from most van builds. My work background is different so it leads me to build things light in weight but strong and hopefully nice looking as well.

Oh the memories of old spice. They had quite a variety of products and we four grand children always got our grandpa some of it for Christmas. When he died we found a box full in the closet in a drawer in the dresser full of old spice. I wonder what he thought when he got more of it. I guess we should’ve bought him a necktie. Or some other useless thing. He smiled and laughed and thanked us for everything we gave him even though he knew we had a box of the same upstairs. I remember him getting a deodorant called high karate instead of old spice one year. he said it because it kept off the insects when working in the garden.
I got Error 404 also. Hopefully there will be pics using the alternate method once she unpacks at the new campsite.
Moving at the pace of a slug this morning wirh the packing up stuff. i should have been a lot better at cleaning up and putting things away as I did build and business projects plus cooking tasks.. But I am cheering myself up by seeing those doors installed and realizing that as far as build projects go I am in the home stretch now :) I will be in a new campsite tonight, with trees for my neighbors. Going tontake a day of rest before I begin making more messes.