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travelaround said:
Yes, I thought they treated the van man fairly. He shouldn't have left garbage everywhere around his van. Now he will be able to return to his van with a clean slate. I wonder how long it will take him to start collecting things on the street around it again. That is like a lifestyle. There's a person living down the street from me now that has stuff stored out in the street in front of his driveway. I don't know why some people think that's acceptable.

The last spot he was in which they also cleaned up looked about the same as the picture in the article.  I saw that spot it was maybe 2 months ago?  I don't know how long he was in jail that time.  It doesn't take him long to amass a new hoard.
It is like a sense of entitlement: "Your street is my storage space." Someone should give him a storage locker, but then he'd probably fill that up and need another one.
It is very similar to me and my books. I know I don't have room for more books but if I want to read a book, I order it anyway. And I prefer real books to Kindle more than half the time.
My wife was an avid reader, it didn't matter Kindle, book, online, library anything written. My daughter in law introduced her to Korean and Philippine shows and series with captions. She listens as well to get the voice inflections to aid in understanding the captions. I finally bought her some really good ear buds so I didn't have to listen to the high pitched screaming and grunts and groans. She spends hours of her time every day watching. I actually caught her yelling at them in their native language which she didn't used to speak. These things are more addictive than the old soap operas. She won't let me watch as she says I don't have enough free time to catch up and she doesn't have the time to enlighten me! I'm just telling you avid readers out there don't start watching Asian shows with captions, we most likely won't hear from you again!
travelaround said:
Someone should give him a storage locker, but then he'd probably fill that up and need another one.

His reason for finding and keeping all that stuff is kinda endearing as he wants to be able to help others by giving them something they could use.
I was going to go out at 10:20 and watch for a Starlink train to go by. Got all caught up in The Egg and I and when I finally looked at the clock I was 20 minutes too late.

The ISS is supposed to be in view tonight and I've never seen it but I'm not going to wake up and go out at 2:19 to see it.
Egg and I, movie or book? I used to drive by the farm location pretty frequently as I lived in that neck of the woods. They named the road it is on "Egg and I".

I rember watching the movie on TV as a kid when it had made it to the TV movie releases. Saw it several times over the years.

Always thought it funny that Ma and Pa Kettle got into the film complete with chickens running loose in the kitchen. I had cousins who lived in the Texas Hill country near Kerrville and let their chickens run around underfoot in their kitchen. i did not know those cousins well well but they hosted a family reunion as there was a river on the property so a great place for it as everyone could go swimming.
I loved both the book and movie(s) when I was a kid.

I completely missed the fact that the author hated where she was living and hated her neighbors. When I went back to read the book as an adult, I found nothing funny about it, and couldn't even finish it.
^^ The book. I haven't been through the Chimacum area for years, always take the ferry right into and out of PT, but I was very happy to see they'd named the road after her when I was there in the mid-80s.

Paula Becker of HistoryLink wrote a biography about her and there is a photo of the Bishop family that the Kettles were absolutely modeled after even though Betty swore in court that they were not because they sued her for libel.
Brushfire up by the airport. They called in helicopters immediately, must be a bad one.

Second alarm about to be called out.
I hope it isn't too close to you, Wanderingsoul.

They are still trying to control the fires north of Mt. Shasta but today's report said no structures were lost.
No, not close to me. Although I can see the smoke from my place.

I took this shot about an hour and a half ago

It's crested the hill now and is up on the Waterville plateau
The real life marriage of the bride whose husband, without her knowledge or consent, bought a derelict chicken farm and moved them to it did not survive that incident for long.  It was a short term marriage.But at least she was able to write a book about it and sell the movie rights to that book.
People about a half a mile west of my camp have been setting off fireworks all afternoon and evening. About 20 minutes ago two of the loudest firecrackers, or fireworks whatever, that I’ve ever heard blasted. My van literally shook. There were no more fireworks after that and now the third ambulance just went by with red lights and sirens on the way there. Be careful folks. It ain’t all fun and games. God bless the nomads and my neighbors up the road.
It was the quietest 4th of July I can ever remember. I heard absolutely no firewborks, no loud parties, etc. Fireworks are banned in this area. With fire risk so high I am sure neighbors would be very much outraged and immediately report anyone who was heard shooting off fireworks.
While they weren't banned in our town. Extreme caution was urged given the week of 100+ degrees in Eastern Wa.

No sooner had I told a friend about how restrained everyone was... lol..the house 2 doors down set their yard and bushes on fire.. ha! Fire dept was there super fast and had it doused fairly quickly. They didn't even turn on the sirens. I'm sure they stationed engines around neighborhoods. A quick response strategy. City limits is only 2 SQ miles.

All fireworks were banned in our entire county this year because of fire danger. Usually it is just in the National Forest. It was quiet - I'm happy to say I didn't hear any fireworks hereabouts. Usually there's some on "Sandy Beach" across the river (it is really a gravel beach) but the owners put out the word that they wouldn't allow it this year. I guess we're all a bit fire-shy no matter what side of the river we're on. I enjoyed a quiet day at home with only one short visit from my granddaughter.
They were banned all around here except for one town. The mayor said she spoke with the fire chief and they decided it was ok. wtf???

In any case, I didn't hear any fireworks leading up to last night and very few last night. Even the scanner was relatively quiet on the 'fireworks complaint' front. So good for us for once. lol

That fire east of me grew another 1k acres overnight, is up to 2500 now.
After having heard how super crowded the campgrounds in at were over memorial day weekend, I was braced for a weekend full of hot, cranky campers. But the heat kept them home, I guess! Camping units were in the single digits all weekend, and as of now, there is one travel trailer family and one truck of day trippers.

A very nice weekend for me!