You Ain't Right Club

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Popeye, I did read all those posts. I stayed up until 2 am to do it. I was afraid I would wake up my dad I was laughing so hard... Btw he is deaf.
Alllllrighty Then !
If you did that "You Ain't Right" and are in !
BUT , we still like to read tales of other reasons for membership you have hidden away... as you surely have seen reading through the thread !

Badgemaster , a "Stinkin' Badge" for our newest member Pleeeeeeaaaaazzzzzzzz.

The Weirdo Overlord has spoken..........P.O. !
Ok sign me up.

I just got so irritated at the overweight goats bleating constantly at  the home I am house sitting, I chased them around their enclosure with a plastic rake screaming highly inventive curses , that in another situation I might be proud of.  

They are physically unharmed.

Once, in an inexpensive Losmen in Indonesia, I got so irritated with a crowing rooster early morning while hungover, I ran out of my room chased him around, only to discover it was no longer  early morning, and a bunch of shocked Dutch tourists sitting around the pool had the rooster shit all over them, and that my boxers were not quite covering me properly, nor had my morning wood subsided when I launched from the room in a fit of rage.

I was kindly asked to leave.
Stern "Ain't Right"!

After being sooooooo out!
You are so IN !

Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh Skheeewwwwwww.
Thatsk Skembarraskin'

Badgemaster , 2 badges , I think !

The Weirdo Overlord has spoken ,,P.O.
as a child i was treed twice,once by a pack of wild dogs and once crossing a field by a giant billy goat,the thing was vicious,reared up 6 feet tall and charged me,had to break out the juke moves,the spin moves and up a maple i went,a couple hours later the adults notice i was missing and when they found me the goat attacked them,took 3 guys kicking the crap out it before it retreated
Gary68 said:
as a child i was treed twice,once by a pack of wild dogs and once crossing a field by a giant billy goat,the thing was vicious,reared up 6 feet tall and charged me,had to break out the juke moves,the spin moves and up a maple i went,a couple hours later the adults notice i was missing and when they found me the goat attacked them,took 3 guys kicking the crap out it before it retreated

Sounds to me like that goat should get a badge, cuz that definitely wasn't right. Well, at least it got it's crap kicked out of it. :p

I sing this to my mother when I help her dress every morning
Sounds to me like that goat should get a badge, cuz that definitely wasn't right. Well, at least it got it's crap kicked out of it.

Nope no badge for the goat. It's a goat and that's what goats normally do.
Let me be clear, the rake did not actually make contact with the goats. It merely made them fear the crazy guy wielding the rake while cursing in a langiuage obviously understood across species.

They obviously had no respect for the new guy dispensing their hay. Now when I approach the door, they give me plenty of space, and cringe at my curses.

Fat bastards. I'm putting them on a diet, and I will see their obnoxious bleating with loud obscure rock music aimed directly at them with a 550 watts of portable ear bleeding speaker. The people on the other side already told me they like my music, so its on.
Those goats will learn to behave. I've got an extension cord can place that speaker iside their enclosure if required
. It might be a Pyrrhic victory, depending on the Auditor, but at this point the war is on and I have won the first battle

Said the guy who truly Ain't right
Hhhmmmm maybe the goat should get a badge for putting up with the music and the rake that didn't connect. You ain't right if you think you can make a goat behave. Give him a badge.
SternWake said:
I've got an extension cord  can place that speaker iside their enclosure if required
You do know the goats will eat that too?
All that goat stuff is totally weird BUT the "Right" things for goats to do ......They don't get no "Stinkin' Badges"!

I would highly suggest the speakers be placed just outside their reach ,,,,still not safe if they decide to jump the fence???

Now , about that root beer in the you get in the tub too ?
(It WOULD be the "Ain't Right" thing to do............
(We'll need pics or it didn't happen!)

T W O h s .....P.O. :p
SternWake, I think you should stick to boats -- you just don't sound like a farm boy.

With all of the problems you're having with that pet-sitting job, at least you know why they needed a vacation.
Farm boy I certainly am not.

The dog is doing a lot better, no longer chewing herself raw when alone. But did not appreciate sundown on the fourth of July, sitting on my lap wrapped tightly in my arms and shaking like a meth addled leaf until the distant finales were over.

My contempt for the goats compounds with each bleat. Such a shame the only way to shut them up is with more food, or during rakegate

Fresh Eggs warm from the chickens butt are nice. Quail eggs taste better but are hard to open and many are required.