You Ain't Right Club

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Denial is a typical response to discovery of personal "Ain't Rightness" .........
Sweet Cammy took days (weeks?) to realize and accept it.

The very fact that you attended YARCAMP and are here reading is your clue , but I'm used to spotting "Ain't Rightness"....
Go to post #1 and read till you understand or ,,,,, I suggest you run before you do !
Qxxx everyone would have welcomed you. They are all good people.
I will be around the YARC camp somewhere. I am still waiting on the RTR. if they go to the new location in California I will definitely be at the YARC as I will not attended the RTR. highdesertranger
Cammalu said:
Qxxx everyone would have welcomed you. They are all good people.
I know, they were all very nice. Too nice. So nice, in fact, that I was wondering why they were calling themselves YARC'ers. I was very afraid that if I stayed in the camp that some of the niceness might rub off on me. So I fled.
jimindenver said:
Lets see. I take my 25 ft power station pulled by another power station down jeep trails in the middle of a dessert with a paper white Schnauzer calling the shots just to see where I can get internet.

Actually the last time was in the forest near Prescott. I missed the site, went on for 5 miles and lost the end cape off my bumper turning around. The next day I took the person I'm camping with back up to find it, all the way up I heard You went over that and kept going, around that and kept going, climbed that and didn't turn around? When we got to the top where I did turn around, ( no internet up there by the way) I found the rock I bumped and knocked off the end cap. My friend said you came all the way up here with your big azz trailer and then I heard it...You just ain't right!

That's just the beginning. I'm a gay Irishman that finds the pipes so soothing that they will lull me into a nap. I don't drink often but say you can out drink me and I'll pull out the tequila, drink until you give up and then finish the bottle wondering when the buzz is going to hit.

I never did understand the Celtic games. Everyone knows it's far easier to throw the logs than carry them.

So hearing You just ain't right is right up there with You can't do that cuz when I'm done proving them wrong you know what I'm gonna hear. Son, you just ain't right. :)

So, do I get in?

Do you sing "Danny Boy?" Inquiring minds want to know so we can head for the hills if you do.
dang Jim I didn't realize that you let the cat out of the bag. YOUR'RE IRISH. LOL highdesertranger
dr_nelson said:
Thanks for the explanations! I think I got it now... and hey, I definitely ain't right, either! :)

If you got it, then you definitely ain't right.
I'm back, all you lucky not-righters! Got discouraged and dropped out of the Forum for a while, 'cause I still can't be anything but a wannabe, but decided my time and my presence is so valuable it was a shame to deprive you'all. Anybody miss me?! If your answer is no don't bother to post. My ego couldn't take it.
rvpopeye said:
Warning: cryptic statement follows.........can you solve the riddle ?
"When you finish , you'll be half way through !"

Page 163... And yes I have solved the riddle, dammit. LOL Radio silence for a week as I move my daughter and grandson to Louisiana (just the next step to getting ME on the road)... then back home to finish the house sale, etc.
hey I had that right

I said read a book
this whole YARC stuff is a BOOK!! I was on the right track and I want a literary badge for my efforts :)

I worked hard on my answer and I need a reward. If you don't feed me after ya test me then I feel used, abused and maimed and tortured for no good reason
163 ?
Are you doing anything else ?
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
~30pages left to "read it all !"
If you truly know the right answer to the riddle ?
Post it.......there.

Nice try Roamer !
If you desire a ROOIRIA award , you'll have to do it the same as everybody else.
Read it ALL.

And don't forget the riddle part ............

I didn't expect to need a ROOIRIA wannabe award .....
You are now a ROOIRIA WANNABE. (If you have to , I guess)
Full ROOIRIA is just the letters anyhoo....and you got a bunch more !

T W O h s,,,,MD.
read a ton of it but somewhere along the way I got lost
like, way too damn much to read if ya ask me LOL
I ain't got that attention span at all and never did, take the bunch more letters tho!! :)
more letters behind my name I am becoming something right?
oh darn HDR where ya been, under a rock?
that rock you seek has thm' there gold under it I guess...look past the rock for the glory me thinks
For other Riddle Guessers.

The answer is in the archive of YARC.
Post #1 and straight on to infinity.................
Rapidly approaching P2K !

Milestone announcement comin' up on your 6 !

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