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LivGolden said:
And I was only able to count backwards from 100 down to 95 so I don't know what they gave me.

Midazolam in the IV.
QinReno said:
Midazolam in the IV.

Ha! I dunno what that is, Q. But I think I sound better when I sing than I use to.  :huh:

I haven't owned a TV in years but I found a site where your can watch docs for free. I watched Harry Dean's and loved it! 

Next - Sam Shepard; John Trudell; the AIM (Banks & Means); Dolores Huerta...Caesar Chavez, if I can find one-

I may appear to be obsessed with badges (and love them, Popeye! - BTW) but real people still interest me, more...

Grateful for that.  :)

LivGolden said:
Ha! I dunno what that is, Q. But I think I sound better when I sing than I use to.  :huh:

Next - Sam Shepard; John Trudell; the AIM (Banks & Means); Dolores Huerta...Caesar Chavez, if I can find one-
If you look up Midazolam, you'll see it's one of several sedatives and anesthetics they use for surgery. M is the one that knocks you out within 5-sec or so.

Using Sam Shepard and Harry Dean Stanton in the same thought can only mean a couple of things ... Paris Texas and Fool for Love. Talk about illusion.
Yes! - Paris, Texas!

It always comes back to Terlingua - somehow... :heart:
Am I the only one taken with Terlingua? Q- didn't you say you went? 

I just love it!  :heart:
QinReno said:
Yeah, right up until the dog bites you in the ass.

HA HA no that type of life is real.  things are tangible and can hurt ya.....things like economics, our society and its civilized 'known normal' behaviors and more are illusions  :cool:
LivGolden said:
Am I the only one taken with Terlingua? Q- didn't you say you went? 
I mentioned traveling from No Carolina to California in the 1980s, and stopping in Big Bend NP on route, and the buzzards there were flying low and wanting to eat my dinner. I knew not of Terlingua, but see from the map that I would have driven right by it on Rte 118, heading for the Dairy Queen in Alpine. 

Dennis is the guy what climbed Guadalupe Pk.
QinReno said:
I mentioned traveling from No Carolina to California in the 1980s, and stopping in Big Bend NP on route, and the buzzards there were flying low and wanting to eat my dinner. I knew not of Terlingua, but see from the map that I would have driven right by it on Rte 118, heading for the Dairy Queen in Alpine. 

Dennis is the guy what climbed Guadalupe Pk.

Yes, I remember you mentioning those buzzards...

I'm re-watching 'Lucky', tonight.

Gee, Q, get to Terlingua, will you...

Tell him, Dennis!


Ha, I had not heard of Lucky and can't remember any of Paris, Texas except HDS staggering across the wasteland in the opening scene. Worth the price of the movie right there. He should have gotten the Duck's Ass Trophy for that.


So I just put both movies on top my netflix DVD queue. In regards Terlingua, you can't step in the same river twice. It's your river, Liv.
QinReno said:
In regards Terlingua, you can't step in the same river twice. It's your river, Liv.

Ahh, I kind of like that, Q. It is my river! I go every year. Like a Mecca. I guess.  :heart:
travelaround said:
I'll take the Klamath! (Lived next to it for 13 years and am returning soon.)
Hmmm, isn't that where you said all the murders were taking place? Happy Camp? Seems to me I've heard a "lot" of bad stories about n.w. California - shirley related to too much drug industry over there. Given how few and far between the highways are, you'd think it would be fairly easy to catch the SOBs.

One day I would like to drive down from Yreka to Eureka along the Klamath River, but I don't know about moving into Wildfire Centrale.
QinReno said:
...where you said all the murders were...
...drug industry over there...
...Wildfire Centrale...

Happy Camp was at one time called Murderer's Bar... but that was only at the beginning - it has been Happy Camp for over 150 years now. There are occasional murders even now, but there are murders almost everywhere. I don't think Happy Camp has an exceptional amount of them. I could count all the murders that took place in Happy Camp while I was there on the fingers of one hand. Oh, there were only three that I can recall, in 13 years.

Drugs? Well, there's a lot of medical marijuana being grown there. I saw plenty of that while I was there. I hear there are meth addicts etc. but I never hung out with that crowd. There are also a lot of good hard working people who keep the town running. My best friends were in the writing club and in the Chamber of Commerce (of which I was a member and even board member while there).

Wildfires! YES... Happy Camp has them. Not too close to town, thankfully. When they burn in the hills, the Forest Service "manages" them (aka. lets them burn while hundreds of people make money) and really, an occasional fire is good for the forest, burning undergrowth, etc. . . . but if a fire gets too close to Happy Camp or Seiad Valley, or one of the other little towns, they jump on it and try to save the town.

Once when I got home from a trip to Eureka during fire season, as I came back into town I saw there was a fire burning on the top of the hill next to the one I lived on! But, we didn't have to evacuate.

There were fires there every summer, from lightning strikes. There was also the occasional human-caused fire. Once I was coming back from Cave Junction with groceries and saw a 4' flame at the side of the road because apparently the car ahead of mine tossed out a cigarette (or could have set the fire intentionally) anyhow . . . I jumped out of my car and grabbed the bottled Arrowhead Springs springwater I'd bought, and put out the fire. I think it took two gallons. Well worth the effort - that fire was right next to one of my favorite campgrounds.

Anyhow, you get used to it. The smoke. The helicopter noise. Here's a photo of the place where I lived, on a smoky day.


Given the recent out-of-control fires in Northern California, I plan to revisit the Klamath River Valley only once a year, at the end of spring or beginning of summer, before fires become a problem.

Now, should we talk about floods?


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My first trip (alone in the US) was from El Cajon to Klamath Falls...I took Amtrak; hitchiked and even a Red Eye - but mostly trains. What beautiful country! 

Terlingua is my heart - not particularly for the climate or terrain,  mind you - it's hard to explain. It is a mystery.  :heart:
You've placed a desire to experience Terlingua in my heart. I feel I'm headed in that direction.

First though: Montana, Southern Idaho, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico.

Long circuitous route.
Where did my post go? I don't know....

Liv, Happy Camp is along the "lower" Klamath River, over near the coast. The entire n.w. quadrant of CA has been the scene of numerous huge wild fires over the past 8-10 years. Ok to visit out of fire season, otherwise uh-uh. Bad area to live anymore.

My ex-neighbor drove a school bus most of the year, but also drove crews to fires in CA in the summer months. In 2014, she spent weeks over in Happy Camp while they were fighting the big fire that went from there east to Seiad Valley. The crews would get totally drunk during the drive, and she'd have to stop along the way and sort them out. All 5'2" of her.

I just loved the trains throughout the territory. Small stations. Both quaint and spectacular at the same time.

Terlingua - You either love it or hate it. Yea, I love it!  :heart:
Living your dream in Terlingua. Looks like campsites with chickens.
