You Ain't Right Club

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rvpopeye, ya already gave me a stinkin' badge, now ya gave me another. What title do I get for 2 stinkin' badges? One I can repeat in public? :) or do I have to wear my mask---wink wink wink

I can sure say that pic is SO not right! Those shoes clash with that helmet. So tired of people not coordinating with class ya know. Some many wanna be fashion experts ain't got no clue nowadays! My momma wouldn't let me out of the house in that color combo~!
Roamer :dodgy:
2 "Stinkin' Badges" makes you "Ain't Right" and now we're certain the first one wasn't a mistake......
It's how I keep track of your individual level of "Ain't Rightness".


There's more to it but you'll have to go back to post #1 (the only path to true understanding)and see how it all transpired.....
(just a hint of the things you can find out...)

At first , I decided that "WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' BADGES !"
Then,,,,,after thinking about it , I decided that the "Stinkin' Badges" are about as "Ain't Right " as it gets . So , of course we must have them ! :s

Now ,,,
1)The "Stinkin' Badges" are all about the stories of " Ain't Rightness" ,
the more you post , the more you get. (Sometimes just a pic does it !)

2)PRESTIGE ! :cool:
You have a feature on the forum called your signature line.
(Click your forum name somewhere and then click user CP look for change signature or something like that, click and there you are ! )

3)To impress your friends ! :rolleyes:

4) I can't remember all the awards I give out and to make it easy on myself. :huh:

5) I ask you show your record in public for proper motivation (and peer envy) to post more stories of "Ain't Rightness".

6)By now , I'm sure you're sorry you asked , I'll stop if you post a pic in the mask !(Thus proving my personal total "Ain't Rightness" ) OH , and in case you haven't seen my sig line , THAT explains it ALL !

Speaking of "It ALL" If you read the entire thread from #1 to this one.
You get to add ROOIRIA to that sig line like me and a very few others.
(Also , this gets you an exclusive invitation to join us on the home planet Niburu )
Extra credit for achieving ROOIRIA on the forum also (reading here only gets you half of the "story")

("The Royal Order Of I Read It All" ,,,see ? I freely share the vast knowledge enclosed with anyone , you just have to study up !)

and finally
7) You didn't really expect me to explain it all quickly ?
Yuz guts tuz werks fer it ! :D

OH and I seem to have forgotten this ..
T W O h s,,,,P.O. :p
Dear Mr. P, 

I just read your answer to that lady who inquired about the badges.

I think I can explain our, at least my, almost embarrassingly obsessive need for a badge.

As I began my first day in kindergarten, I received from my sweet teacher, Miss Sullivan, a gold star for helping a little boy she had noticed bent over a bench in the play yard during recess. The boy was crying. He was bleeding a little from his nose.

Miss Sullivan thanked me for helping little Luther. Teacher appeared to be impressed with my show of compassion. 

That gold star began my life in academia with a keen observation: If you punch a little boy in the nose for taking your seat on the only bench in the play yard and then threatened to give him a black eye if he tells, teacher will give you a gold star.

(I honestly feel I have found a home here with YARC.)

Thank you,

Liv  :angel:
cool story as the villain in there Liv :)
I so get that!

for me tho banking up a bunch of badges is ok, now if there is a cash prize behind the damn banking of those badges I would be obsessed.   Kinda like pavlov's dog I respond to green stuff, and that ain't snot coming out with some of that blood out of that kid's nose ya cracked HA---too funny!!
There ya go LIV ! Another FMS.
Just missed the very rare Turkey Poop Edition by 1 day !
(I happen to be the only recipient and I didn't even have to award it to myself !)
I do have those gold stars too.
(I used to give them to my singers on an extra good night.......
the red ones I gave to bass players after they got back from the clinic on Monday afternoon !!!!!)

A must read best seller.
138,000 views can't be wrong !
(and that's just here on CRVL)
I'm considering making it a requirement for membership .

T W O h s ,,,, P.O.


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Shirley Temple ?
That REALLY "Ain't Right" !
Stinkin Badge.jpg

T W O h s,,,,P. O.


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Little blip in my character. Will always have it and it ain't no flaw, I don't have any flaws, I have crimps and blips in my character that I embrace vs. deny and brings out the devil in me sometimes :) I will always pay someone back for a wrong done to me!

Thanksgiving day.....long long long ago....

Family is here. Everyone is having a blast. Chaos between the amt of kids roaming, the parents boozing it up at the table reliving good old times and house cozy and smell of turkey cooking. All good things.

Little me goes after a pie on the counter, just a sliver after being told to leave it alone. What kid leaves anything alone they want? Not this one.

Aunt Pokey sees me from the kitchen table hovering with that pie cutter gadget in my hand. Hey Helen, your kid is going after that pie! Laughing as she says it. Mom jumps up and clears me from the kitchen. Leave it alone, that is for after dinner, you kids go play. Move on now!

Darn almost a victory! Aunt Joanne got in the way. Why do that? Snitch? Snitches deserve payback if ya ask me.

What to do to Aunt Pokey? Peeking in from the corner of the dining room into the kitchen the adults are having a blast. Drinks on the table. Put something in her drink....nah, too right in front of everyone. Sabotage her dinner plate with a bug from outside later....hmm, have to wait to long to get that payback handled. I want to get her now!

She is up and down getting refill drinks for everyone, working on cooking stuff and more. Very mobile.

Into the kitchen I go.
I say..Mom can I get those fire caps for the cap pistols? Sure. They are up in the cabinet above the fridge. Ahhh, near the fridge where Aunt Pokey's chair is and she is sitting. (Mom had to hide cap pistol replacements, we banged thru them at warp speed and she would hide them from us til we asked for some more)…….Mom is an unwitting accomplish in this deed.

Kinda stand there behind Aunt Pokey, just waiting, being stealthy....everyone loud and having a blast laughing and all....she stands up from her chair and reaches over to the cheese platter farther from her chair and I swing her chair out from behind her, turn it to the fridge and climb up and get the cap pistols from the cabinet.

Aunt Pokey sits down and BOOM she hits the floor and the chair hard like a ton of bricks going down. Done deal. Payback complete.
Ohhhh, are ya ok and the help comes out for her. Yea I am fine with laughs so she didn't get nailed bad but I got her. The looks from the adults that the kid did something stupid. Never was thought it was calculated but hey, that is how I set it up. I am in the clear from the get go and Pokey got paid back big time. Told now to STAY out of the kitchen...heehee...

Shoo'd out of the kitchen fast of course leaving with the biggest damn smile on my face of course.
Us kids shot thru the rolls of caps I got in like 1.5 minutes. Ahhhh

I love remembering happy fun holidays :)
But you didn't get the pie ???????
A catasstrophy I tell ya !

uh ooh spellcheck.....
Cat Ass Trophy


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Great victory, Roamer!

Mr. P,

Here is a red star for your bass players. I admire musicians who wake up while it's still daylight just to attend Monday afternoon 'music' clinics. That's dedication!

I don't quite understand why their stars are red but it don't matter.



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highdesertranger said:
Liv I am still laughing.  that is not right.  highdesertranger

Out of curiosity, HDS - where did you attend kindergarten? We may have met.
y'all may or may not believe this but I went to kindergarten at Richard M. Nixon elementary school. the school is long gone, replaced by his presidential library. maybe that's why I ain't right. highdesertranger
I dont care where these belong. They're fantastic! How can you not love these.  :D :heart:

To me, really represents what the Internet should've been "for", or at least where it's impact has been most positive.
It was a long time ago but I think it represented the pain they felt trying to pee .........

That's the fun part ,,, for me anyway.
The fun part for them ???? Usually little memory there....

(female voice behind me..."excuse me , can you tell me where I can find the Bass player?" "SURE CAN !" skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh , do you think I should have told them ??)
Cat Ass trophy? omg too funny, if that hole could talk right? :) :)


I accept that award graciously. Then I will go home and try to find a value on it and see if I can sell on the internet and get some bucks to fund my next purchase of rum!