With the upcoming RTR, identify yourself

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Chris, what a wonderful thing you are doing for your family!! I'm really looking forward to meeting you all!
Am I being detained?  :D

Old picture of me here. Home sweet home (for the summer of 2015) is in the background.


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I'm David. My wife Marian and I have been together for 45 years. I'll turn 70 in less than a month.

For the last six months I have been lurking and researching Bob's site and this forum along with Google. I gave up our VW Vanagon traveling van almost 10 years ago when it was in need of some work and I donated it to a local high school to convert to and electric vehicle. I've missed it more as time went on and over the last year or so I've become more determined to get a traveling van again.

A few years ago we came on a really nice 18 foot, 1994 travel trailer. I have a 2000 Chevy 4x4 with a 5.3 V8 to pull it. It is ok but I've never had the connection like I did with the Vanagon and the desire to get back in a van has been eating at me.

Recently, since I saw dates for the RTR, I've been working on ways to get that van and get to next years rendezvous.  Well, today my wonderful wife suggested we could just take the truck and trailer and go. So there we are, trying to get together the logistics to get down there for the 2016 RTR.

We will be traveling down I-15 from Montana. Weather right now is cold and looks like is stays that way until we get at least to St. George. I'm thinking 3 days to Q. With the cold weather I feel we will probably need to use cheep motels. If anyone has any suggestions I'd sure like to hear them. We are really looking forward to meeting everyone.



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MtDave, while I don't have any suggestion for the route you are taking. I say go for it. bring some of those bows behind your pic. highdesertranger
MtDave said:
I'm thinking 3 days to Q. With the cold weather I feel we will probably need to use cheep motels. If anyone has any suggestions I'd sure like to hear them. We are really looking forward to meeting everyone.

Hey MTDave... I lived in Great Falls for a few years back in the 90s.. great little city.

I have a few routes I can take to RTR... and weather will dictate how fast I go south to avoid the coldest nights.

Hey, you have a a great traveling companion and cuddle buddy - it's great she is on board with making your "wishes" come true. I like Marian's "Go with what you've got" attitude. :)
highdesertranger said:
MtDave,  while I don't have any suggestion for the route you are taking.  I say go for it.  bring some of those bows behind your pic.  highdesertranger
Thanks, I will bring along a couple and probably one or two bow staves to carve on. David
Welcome aboard the CRVL forums David and Marian.
I wish I was escaping the cold country too !
Drive safe and I'd say wait out bad weather if any catches you but in the Rockies , that might mean wait till spring !! Skuh kuh kuh kuh

Hope you enjoy the desert.
MtDave said:
So We will be traveling down I-15 from Montana.

From Las Vegas, I'd take US95 to I40 to AZ95.
I've taken the 95s between Vegas and Blythe several times , nice relaxing drive. Go slow over rail crossings I remember one was a doozey!
blars said:
From Las Vegas, I'd take US95 to I40 to AZ95.

Thanks, that is what we will do. Google maps gives that route too. David
You're gonna have a great time MtDave! Do you make your own bows? I don't know anything about bow making but it would be a great class for the RTR if it was practical to teach it while you are, obviously it would just be a basic introduction. Don't feel any obligation, after all you are coming here to have fun and meet people, but sometimes it great fun to share our passion for a hobby with others.

Is your furnace not working, is that why you might stay in motels? If so you might consider a Big Buddy heater, they work really well in Travel Trailers.

With El Nino it is has been a cold winter so you will probably want heat even while you are here.

See you soon!
akrvbob said:
Is your furnace not working, is that why you might stay in motels? If so you might consider a Big Buddy heater, they work really well in Travel Trailers.

With El Nino it is has been a cold winter so you will probably want heat even while you are here.

See you soon!
Thanks Bob, Actually the furnace does work. Problem is that when it is cold and the furnace runs a lot it sucks life out of the batteries. I do have the smaller Buddy (3000-9000??) and we do use that. One of my main concerns was finding a place to park along I-15. I have never been that route and have no clue as to what might be possible.

I don't want to have to have to drive a lot of miles everyday. Day one I was thinking Great Falls to south ID or north UT (Pocatello, ID is right at 400 mi). Second day maybe to St. George, UT 465 mi. Then the third day on to Quartzsite about 335 mi.

Or maybe it would be better to brake it into four days and keep mileage closer to 300 per day. I am just not sure what I should try as this will be our longest trek so far. I'd welcome ideas if anyone has them. David
Mt. Dave and Marian - I just drove down 90 out of Missoula, to 15, and went to Las Vegas to 95, then to Blythe. It was COLD!!! I stayed in Walmart parking lots and a Flying J. Took me 3 days. It will be nice to meet another Montanan! I'm from Corvallis Mt.
Ya'll are driving about the same distance we are (Houston ~1300 mi).  I am with Marie and recommend Walmart's, truck stops and even the rest areas on the freeway.  I plan to stop in Anthony NM at their rest stop on I-10.  Of course you could get an 18 wheeler idling near you too.  That is why I pointed out the I-15 area in Southern Idaho.

If your battery does not charge from your tow vehicle or solar, then the better advice would be the motel route.  You could use the Buddy heater too instead of the furnace, just more covers.
MtDave said:
We will be traveling down I-15 from Montana. 

I used to drive from GF to Florence, AZ with my parents on I-15 (they wintered there).  Only places we had weather trouble was Monida pass (closed for high winds/blowing snow & semi jackknife) and heavy snow/closed interstate around Pocatello, ID.  We made the trip in two days with 2 drivers.  Motel overnight.

If you have the time/interest/good weather, a side trip through Brice and Zion is worth it.  Beautiful with snow.

-- Spiff