With the upcoming RTR, identify yourself

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Iggy if you get a yellow rain hat you could double as the Gorton's Fisherman with that beard and the yellow jacket j/k
Gregg said:
No not my plane.  I don't do planes real well.  My preferred mode of travel always has wheels (on the ground).

That was a monthly open house Sunday at Santa Paula airport.  Everyone opens their hangers and shows off their stuff.

Ah, Santa Paula Airport-we got married in Santa Paula 47 years ago and and flew our plane there often.

We'll be there, as usual.
I'll have a sign out front that says "free candy" to entice you all to stop by and say hello.

Nelda and Jerry
Washington State


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Nelda said:
We'll be there, as usual.
I'll have a sign out front that says "free candy" to entice you all to stop by and say hello.

Nelda and Jerry
Washington State

How about a Grand Slam Breakfast?  :D
Hmmm....Strangers in a van offering free candy hahahahaha! I'll be sure to stop by in that case ;-)
Nelda said:
We'll be there, as usual.
I'll have a sign out front that says "free candy" to entice you all to stop by and say hello.

Nelda and Jerry
Washington State

But watch out, it's a trap!! Once you stop by they will grab you and pull you inside and feed you wonderful food and regale you amazing stories! But the worst is still to come!

After all that, they will shower you with compassion and kindness. They're monsters I tell you!

P.S. Just don't let your dog pee on their rig!
akrvbob said:
P.S. Just don't let your dog pee on their rig!

You know that one from personal experience there Bob?
Iggy said:
Is there going to be a test on all these names and faces? And vehicles, pets, and tats associated too? I'll have to do a data dump of my memory to make space for more info. :)

No pets right now. I have seven tattoos but you can see those in person, except for a couple that would require some indecent exposure. See you all in a couple months!
Oh yeah, my real name is Dan, but Iggy is a long time nickname. Either will do, as long as you speak up. :)

You only have to remember the pets.  The people don't count ..... LOL
Theadyn, nice thread, thank you!

Here's Sassy (and hubby Andrew who was only at RTR one day last year but THIS year he's gonna hang out).


and my van, distant cousin to Beth's Lady Arabella but nowhere near as clean.

Sassys Van - Copy.jpg

Iggy, I am glad you posted that pic because I would not recognize you from last year!  Nice pic of you and Portland's Umbrella Man -- all decked out in his holiday garb.  See you at the campfire!


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Yah, I thought wassup with that..? Looking like a very big crowd this year, the Bozo encampment will be a bit away from the roaring crowd. Main street was manageable but this year is looking epic all the new people, well I hope to chat with you and hubby and he can stay longer than a day. Drum circle will evolve at the Bozo camp.
great thread Pam. I am with you iggy on the test, I will surely fail this one. great responses everybody. highdesertranger

I am coming to RTR. It will be my second. I hope to be lots more relaxed. 

I am in a different van now. It's a 1991 previa. It's pretty snug compared to the Dodge Majal but it was a good deal and I want to give it a try. 

Here's a recent picture of me. I am looking stunned because I had just buried jenniedog. She got sick very suddenly and died in September. 


And here's Jennie. I had the impulse to cover her with flowers. Here's the link in case the embedding doesn't work. 


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Here's another try on the picture of me. 



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Hi Nancy,

I'm very sorry about jenniedog. I'm glad you are coming to RTR.

towhee said:
Here's another try on the picture of me. 


My condolences on the loss of your friend...it's never easy...
Nancy, I'm so sorry about Jennie, she was a wonderful companion and friend. I truly believe you will be with her again.
towhee, I don't know you and I didn't know Jennie but if it will help you, put a share of your grief on my shoulders. The love we have for our dogs is immeasurable and when they go, the pain is almost intolerable. " Love knows not it's own depth until the hour of separation." K.B.