Why in the actual are urine separators so damn expensive?!

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yea like everything thru the eons has crapped and pee'd all thru it yet 'make masses' with no disposal in human concrete cities and on top of millions of others, yea we got massive issues...ick, lol.

only humans truly do the worse on this planet as we know. :) but when one speices dominates, all hell will break loose as we sure as a species on this planet are 'hopefully smart enough' to see, or not :) ! hmm
I'll shit in a bucket and use it for compost to that 🍻 humans are gross and pee on the ground isn't even on the short list
Worth noting that urine is sterile too but mix it with poo and eewee
Urine doesn't stay sterile for long. As soon as it hits the air, it is colonized by bacteria. That's why it starts to stink. It is a vitamin and protein rich substance. Which is why it is so valuable in a good compost pile, but also why it is a bad thing to leave lying around where people can come into direct contact with it.
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UGH. Why do you think it's OK to leave sewage on the ground?
Because human beings and other animals have been doing it literally since the beginning of time. Except if you would have taken a moment to read your software the thread you'd see that I have no intention of putting a straight pipe out of the bottom of my van to leak under the ground. It will have a collection tank like any other RV toilet.

Do I get to ask a question now?! This is fun .... Ok ok.... Here goes 😝

Why do you think it's okay for society to have normalized putting big metal sewage pipes under the ground that constantly leak and contaminate drinking water in the pipes next to them then dialing it up a notch by throwing millions of pounds of non-biodegradable garbage into landfills?

Please allow me to put a gap between where your mind answers that question and where you get to read how completely backwards that logic is...
My homie Alex is going to stop by to assist in this one, and you're welcome, now the Jeopardy theme song is going to be stuck in your head for at least an hour 🤣😂merlin_189010167_d6bc81ef-0697-4b24-a06e-d9444d1f4608-superJumbo.jpg


That was fun! 🤗​

K, get ready to have your mind blown as It seems the concept of poop being on the ground is just way outside of your radar somehow even though we're literally the only things breathing on this planet that don't put up poop in the ground... Ready?​
Pooping in toilets and irresponsibly discarding garbage are considered "civilized" practices even though we all know they negatively impact the Earth and subsequently the animals that live on it including us. You know we know this because the government has spent hundreds of thousands of not millions of taxpayer dollars to launch save the Earth campaigns and not changing anything. How embarrassing right? Encouraging you as a "good citizen" to do those things to your home (Earth) while skimming a little bit off the top of your paycheck in order to make it a reality and then turning around and taking a little bit more from same paycheck to fund the scientific studies that say we shouldn't be doing those things in the first place.... Wait! They're not done yet! They swoop back in and take just a little bit more of your money to fund research that has produced so many alternatives we could have been using for decades.

The way the government decided that a "civilized" society should be handling their waste has created an actual island of trash in the middle of the Atlantic. If a "civilized" human were truly concerned with hygiene, cleanliness and being a steward of the land that they're on they could be doing their part to repair the damage that's been done by putting their shit in the ground with some leaves and foliage where it belongs in order to compost so that they could grow more food, and even create heat and electricity without using fossil fuels. That person would also be burning or otherwise repurposing their trash so that it doesn't end up in the middle of the ocean. Something that in conjunction with our general overuse of internal combustion engine, technology that is so archaic at this point in life has led us to this crazy greenhouse effect we've created which is literally making it harder for us as human beings to live healthy lifestyles because we're killing all the trees instead of shitting on them like we should be.

Hope that didn't come off as condescending, it's simply the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️ we've ben composting and burning our waste for thousands of years and all of a sudden that's not good enough? Come on! A quick hour on the internet doing a little research will show you otherwise. And what's the punchline and all this? The government's using more of your money to fund the schools that are lying to us as children to make us believe shit like this.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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Lol! If you search former threads you will get several years worth of opinions, probably should start a new thread and pray it doesn’t get political and closed!
UGH. Why do you think it's OK to leave sewage on the ground?

Lol! If you search former threads you will get several years worth of opinions, probably should start a new thread and pray it doesn’t get political and closed!
I just learned about that rule and as a recently retired, full time drug war activist I'ma have to really focus on not bringing the points into conversations when it's warranted. You'll never hear me pulling to one side or the other but commentary on the abusive relationship between the people and DC is second nature to me 😂🤣 stone people talk about sports, I talk about personal freedom 🤷🏽‍♀️

My therapists have told me this is normal for a neurodivergent gal such as myself.
You have Neurodivergency! Now I understand why you leave things out of what you write and yet think they had been included and then get frustrated by the responses.
You have Neurodivergency! Now I understand why you leave things out of what you write and yet think they had been included and then get frustrated by the responses.
I guess one could look at it that way.... On my end I'm wondering how everyone jumps to the conclusion that a drain pipe on a van wouldn't include a collection tank... I bet all these people have no problem showing outdoors and letting their body filth and chemical ridden soap suds go all over the place without batting an eye.

I may be ND but the reality that a good percentage of people on the internet are only here to start an argument with strangers and make assumptions is not lost to me. This is why I don't do the Facebooks or Twitters, just an Instagram account and it's all dog and destination pics... Makes life so less stressful
I guess one could look at it that way.... On my end I'm wondering how everyone jumps to the conclusion that a drain pipe on a van wouldn't include a collection tank... I bet all these people have no problem showing outdoors and letting their body filth and chemical ridden soap suds go all over the place without batting an eye.

I may be ND but the reality that a good percentage of people on the internet are only here to start an argument with strangers and make assumptions is not lost to me. This is why I don't do the Facebooks or Twitters, just an Instagram account and it's all dog and destination pics... Makes life so less stressful
Most soap will break down naturally when exposed to the elements. Most chemicals will revert to natural, stable elements, also. Even poisonous chemicals will break down to harmless components with enough time. Fungi and bacteria are constantly fixing what mankind keeps breaking.

Even global warming can be fixed with enough time. Theory is that as soon as it's warm enough, plants start growing like crazy in the poles, sucking all the carbon out of atmosphere, naturally cleaning the air. All the plants die off and over time that carbon is locked up in dead plant matter and turned into coal and oil that's buried. The lack of carbon in the air, keeping the planet warmed, triggers another ice age. And the cycle keeps repeating. 100,000 year ice age, 10,000 to 20,000 year warming period, then another ice age.

The issue with soap being discarded is that it's fertilizer for aquatic plants and turns ponds and lakes scummy green. When the scum dies off, the fertilizer is released back into the water to fuel the next cycle of aquatic plant life. I've seen crystal clear, spring fed ponds turned into pea soup from the dumping of chicken manure from a nearby egg farm. All the nitrates leaching out of the piles of manure ruined several ponds where I grew up. Farmers indescriminately fertilizing farms have ruined most bodies of water in the West from the runoff. I grew up swimming in crystal clear rivers, lakes and ponds. I can't imagine swimming in some bodies of water that are municipal water supplies, the water is so fouled.

Urine in the grass is used by the plants. It's good for the grass. Urine in water is good for algae blooms.

Modern sanitation methods are a result of trying to combat diseases spread by human waste. Cholera, hepatitis, tape worms and other intestinal parasites. Keep people from creating cities and you have no need for modern sanitation methods. Spread that waste out. Nature will take care of it.
Because human beings and other animals have been doing it literally since the beginning of time. Except if you would have taken a moment to read your software the thread you'd see that I have no intention of putting a straight pipe out of the bottom of my van to leak under the ground. It will have a collection tank like any other RV toilet.

Do I get to ask a question now?! This is fun .... Ok ok.... Here goes 😝

Why do you think it's okay for society to have normalized putting big metal sewage pipes under the ground that constantly leak and contaminate drinking water in the pipes next to them then dialing it up a notch by throwing millions of pounds of non-biodegradable garbage into landfills?

This may surprise you, but I've lived a good part of my adult life off-grid, and I hate flush toilets and the whole sewage system. But I also, after having watched people a good while, totally understand why the PTB are dubious about permitting composting systems, because they require maintenance.

I also hate to be wandering around and find someone's poop and TP lying around.

And i do my best to take people's words as I find them, making no assumptions about what they really mean.
Van life = dealing with waste issues. Frankly, saying Babylon can't handle pee in his van is like saying Babylon can't handle gravity.

I'll try to steer clear of the political here .... My personal experience: the fewer surfaces my waste touches between being leaving my body and being properly disposed of, the better. ("Properly" = in a socially acceptable way that I believe is as "green" as possible (ymmv), in which my waste is not a direct affront or a bio hazard to anyone else).

Peeing directly into a container that can be emptied and rinsed is less fuss than peeing into a funnel that empties into a hose that empties into a container that ALL now need rinsing (and Soon or they will begin to stink), especially in a place where my container volume and water supply is drastically limited and I have to deal with all that in public. Assuming your boychick will be handling his own clean up, he might appreciate simplicity of the whole process vs. easy-peesy 🤣that requires more gross work later.

My favorite pee bottle: metal, wide mouthed, with a screw top, can be unobtrusively dumped in a public toilet and rinsed in a public sink without attracting attention. RTC Thermos
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