Where To Park, Recommendations

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Jan 13, 2014
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Hello to all on this forum:

The following concern might sound insignificant to many but I'm new to anything resembling living on the road without hotel/motel.

My only concern--where to park. This remains my only reservation about hitting the road full time.

I'm middle-aged and I can't drive forever. I might like to stay for extended periods of time in one place until I get bored or perform short-term contractual work. Staying in rest stops and Walmarts all the time not a viable option for me. Does a directory exist that lists available parks/campsgrounds/other places to park that many on this forum would recommend?

Anyone ever felt this way when starting out?

Go to Camping World and get a directory. You will also find links to online directories on this site and others. There is usually a 2 week limit at the federal and state parks, which will no suit you if you are working. Most of them are far from a job area, anyway, unless you actually work at the park. Private CG's do not have time limits, can be found close to or even inside towns where the jobs are, Nd usually have full hookups & laundries available. If you are staying somewhere to work, they may be a better bet.
I think just about everybody feels at least alittle awkward/frightened/intimidated at first.

but like just about everything else in life, there's a learning curve, and once you get over that, it becomes quite natural.

btw....what's this 'middle aged' crap??
I've seen youngsters who looked like hell because they don't take care of themselves. They don't get any excercise, eat like crap, and injest all kinza poisons. No wonder they don't live long. But I've also seen older folks who work like trojans and could run me ragged!! Take care of yourself, and your body. It's the only one you get.
What kind of work....is it work at home stuff or at their place.
Some places will let you stay on site or have an idea of the area.

Welcome to the group.
OP, tell us something about the lifestyle you are thinking of pursuing and the type of vehicle you are thinking of getting.

If you have a reasonable income and wish to live in a traditional RV, then there are RV campgrounds all over as stated above. And one option is workamping where you barter your labor for free rent.

If you are very low income and are thinking of living in a van or similar vehicle in urban areas then you might consider stealth camping where you simply park on the streets or other public parking and change parking places every night. The key is stealth--your vehicle looks like a normal cargo van, etc so no one thinks someone is living in it.
LW, and don't forget good ole reliable Bob (the patron saint on cheaprvliving). You can shoot him an email anytime to find out where he (and usually a few more) folks are currently camped.
Hi LWCount,

The above resources are all good. The answer is, you can park most anywhere that's a legal parking spot. Tho many places are better for van dwelling than others.

If you are trying to stay in cities, then search the forum for "stealth camping" or "stealth parking" as that's what we call living in cities in our vans/RV's etc.

If you want to get outside of the city, then it's called "boondocking" or just camping.

Many/Most large cities have laws about sleeping in vehicles or sleeping in public view, so you have to understand the local laws where you happen to be, or consciously decide to break those laws. That's your choice.

You don't mention what kind of parking you are looking for, tho I would guess stealth based on what you said.

Generally you want a quiet place with street lighting that's safe. Most industrial areas qualify here, and generally don't care about us parked there. Also, the best rule of thumb is to drive there, park, sleep, wake up and drive away. I.e. Don't park there for a week, or even all day and night. Another common thought is to rotate through many different places instead of the same place every night. Also, go ask the local police, they might give you an absolutely wonderful parking spot!

Of course you can get lucky sometimes and find places where you can stay parked for a month or more.

If you are in a city where it's illegal, and you don't want to break the law, your choices are, move cities (or better yet get out of the city!), or see if you can rent a parking space somewhere, Craigslist is usually a decent place to search/post for such a place. I know people do that, but it's not something I have experience with.

Generally the best / safe / awesome parking is boon docking, out on public land. In the USA most all national forests allow it, and most all BLM land does as well, plus some states allow it on their public land, you will have to check into your particular state(s). Outside of the USA , I am mostly ignorant.

I hope you find a path that works for you!

With love,
I used to worry constantly about cops and move a lot. They did come and knock, on some pretense, to see what i was doin. Despite not having to, i let them look inside and it paid off. I been in the same 2 spots for like 2 months and they never bugged me again.

I imagine eventually they might check in again, but now i don't fret over it.
My wife and I travel a lot and have always found that stopping in the Blm office or forest rangers office and asking about places for dispersed camping has always paid off. The people always have gone out of their way to find us some of the best spots that are free and unknown. Right now we are 5 miles outside of Kingman Az. looking down on the city. Cost us absolutely zero. The Blm office wants us to stop back on our way out to pick up maps to get us thru Az.
papa said:
What kind of work....is it work at home stuff or at their place.
Some places will let you stay on site or have an idea of the area.

Welcome to the group.

IT contract jobs mostly at their place. Skype for stay-at-home cool but depending on wifi hot spots not reliable. I'd need some type of sat internet hookup, which was my next question to this group.

As far as staying on their site; this never crossed my mind until you mentioned it. Thanks again for that --

Patrick46 said:
btw....what's this 'middle aged' crap??
When I was in my twenties I could stay up two nights without any drug but coffee, play three sets a night, tear down, chase skirts, work all day repeat and rinse.

And now I need a nap. I went from flaming liberal to conservative independent. I dress in grown-up clothes. I don't like any of the current music nor do I know what's on the charts. Seeing Lady Gaga in a meat dress makes me hungry. My hair is one color and there's no need to cut it because lots of it fell out.

That's middle-aged. :D