Water damage, the good the bad and other upgrades

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nice work. can't even tell the couch or the micro cabinet was modified. highdesertranger
The rebuild pics..........very nice !
The vent pic with the aluminum framing........rig ENVY !!!!!!!
rvpopeye said:
The rebuild pics..........very nice !
The vent pic with the aluminum framing........rig ENVY !!!!!!!

When I first got this rv, I had no idea that it had aluminum framing.
But the more work I do on it, I`m finding that its built like a tank, or at least the exterior wall are.
Why is it that the weather can be in the high 60`s to high 70`s all week long while I`m at work, but when the weekend
gets here the temperature drops down to the mid 40`s and it rains ?.
Just found your thread and read it from beginning to end.   I bought a 31 foot 95 Tioga class C and have been living in it for the last two years.  Mine is also fiberglass with the worst of the damage in the rear bedroom.  Mold and lots of it.  Rubber roof was repaired first and everything fabric was thrown away.  I've replaced every inch of the paneling.  Bathroom wall had to be completely rebuilt, it was so rotted.  Most everything is now done except... you guessed it, the overhead cab.  It's pretty much stripped out but need to re-panel it so got a lot of info from reading your posts.  I love my home and it's so worth all the sweat equity.  I only paid $2000 because of the mold (34000 miles and runs great) and could have never afforded to buy anything like it without that issue.  Keep up the great work, you'll reap the benefits soon.


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decodancer said:
Just found your thread and read it from beginning to end.   I bought a 31 foot 95 Tioga class C and have been living in it for the last two years.  Mine is also fiberglass with the worst of the damage in the rear bedroom.  Mold and lots of it.  Rubber roof was repaired first and everything fabric was thrown away.  I've replaced every inch of the paneling.  Bathroom wall had to be completely rebuilt, it was so rotted.  Most everything is now done except... you guessed it, the overhead cab.  It's pretty much stripped out but need to re-panel it so got a lot of info from reading your posts.  I love my home and it's so worth all the sweat equity.  I only paid $2000 because of the mold (34000 miles and runs great) and could have never afforded to buy anything like it without that issue.  Keep up the great work, you'll reap the benefits soon.

I`m glad you found my thread, and found it helpful.
I never thought I would ever own an rv, or be rebuilding one. But because of a dishonest seller I ended up buying a basket case.
I am not a carpenter, but I know enough to do what needs to be done, so far, and it will be better than it was originally when I`m done.

There are a few things that are above my pay grade that I will have to pay a shop to do, but doing most of the work my self, I`m
saving thousands of dollars. I just wish I had more time and money to get things done faster.

I just watched the local weather here , It's been cold and raining for so long I forgot when it wasn't .
We're going to get 5 or 6 hours of sun tomorrow and the temps might even get to the 60s , IF it actually happens!
Then more rain and cold till Friday....Arrrrrrgggghhhhh!

Summer will show up after the 4th of July like most years,, I guess.
Yea, that`s how its been here. We should be seeing low to mid 70 degree weather here on a daily basis right now, but so far we see one or two days of warm weather and then it drops back down to the 40`s and rains for days.

At the rate were going now, we will get summer five minutes before next winter.
Somebody asked me yesterday when the rain would stop....
I told her "Next December when it turns to snow !"
We got the same forecast again this week, nice sunny warm weather all week, while I`m at work. But Friday thru Monday the forecast is for one hundred percent rain.
Its the middle of may, its 39 degrees with rain and hail. The forecast for next weekend is mid sixty`s, and I hope it happens so I can work on the rv. I`m really tired of these wasted weekends were I can`t get anything done.
You're lucky !
Here , they keep tellin' us this day or that day will be warm and sunny and it will make up for all the cold-rainy's but it still rains anyway.........They are tellin' us tomorrow will be a "summer noreaster" Oh My GOSHK !

Hope you get the chance to ....Git er done.
I have no clue what is going on with the weather here, its the middle of May and its snowing here right now.

Just wow! I am not making any progress on my conversion, but I am still glad the weather has been very nice this past week! LOL
Makes me feel good that all I got was wind blown sand in my eyes while working today!
I did NOT see that pic you posted !
Your weather Just Ain't Right !!
rvpopeye said:
I did NOT see that pic you posted !
Your weather Just Ain't Right !!

No, its not right at all. We should be seeing mid 70 degree weather right now.
There was no snow today, it just rained most of the day, but it was still cold.
Weekend update.

Its hard to believe, but it was actually a nice warm sunny day today for the first time in over a month on my day off.
So I was actually able to get some things done.

I was finally able to replace the front clearance lights, there are eight of them on the front of the rv, and it took a little
over three hours to replace all of them and get them sealed up. I still have to get them all wired in.

Here is the new lights, front and back.


The original light used butyl tape around the inside edge on the back, and then once it was installed on the rv
it was sealed with dicor, so I used the same method when I installed the new lights.

So all of the lights are installed with new screws, and all are sealed as they should be.


Here are some of the old lights that were on the rv, some are original and were in really bad shape, and
several others were newer and in better condition. I did save the newer lights, and tossed all of the old
lights that were shot.

Here is a shot of the roof from the front, I still have two roof vents to replace, and replace the A/C roof
gasket, as well as replace the A/C cover.

If the weather is nice tomorrow, I will be back at it again.

Lots more to come.
one thing I noticed is, with the new housing the bulbs must be replaced from the back. this means removing the whole housing, or can you replace the bulbs from the front without removing the housing? highdesertranger