Uses for the Bunks?

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Jan 8, 2017
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Hello.  This is my first post to this forum.  I am 60, my wife is 61 and I will be retiring in less than 2 years after my 40-year career in the defense industry (no children).  I need to clear my head.  My wife and I do 100 mile plus hikes and have now decided to spend a year as a nomad.

We are comfortable pulling a trailer as we were involved with motorsports.  We are looking at used RVs and many are of the bunk house design.  Does anyone have unique ideas how to make this space usable other than storage?

We have considered taking out the upper bunk and making it an elevated office work space.  Most RV trailers use the bottom as a location for pumps and electrical service.  Bunk house RVs are numerous but for two, it seems like wasted space.

We will appreciate all responses.

Welcome aboard FLJ !
Your desk idea sounds good.
I guess you could do just about anything with that space.
I use mine as storage, I don't know where I'd put it all if I didn't. I thought about the office concept, a extra fridge and even a Washer/dryer combo if I were doing full hook up parks.
Most all TTs (RVs being self powered) are optimised for sleeping as many as possible. The beds are usually convertible, and often uncomfortable.
If your budget allows, for true long term use, you might want to strip the interior and rebuild it to suit your needs. Put in a nice comfortable bed just for the two of you, and gain space for a couple comfy chairs. Maybe eliminate the dinette most RVs and TTs insist on having.
Welcome to the CRVL forums KRR! If you do buy a trailer with a bunk house design, try taking everything out and arranging furniture or even boxes to see how you can best use the space. You could also try looking at manufactured RVs and self built vans interiors for some inspiration.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Pinterest has tons of photo on RV renovations

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Travel trailer design is stuck in the mindset of "mini house"..... kitchen, living room, dining room, sleeping areas, bump outs to make it bigger (and more trouble prone)

Realistically many don't want all of this crap that we're forced to accept.
Why do I want a dedicated dining space?
Why do I want a full kitchen?

I want a bed, a good comfortable bed that isn't like a transformer toy, flipping and rwisting cushions around until you end up with an uncomfortable flat space.
I want basic food prep space, no ovens, dishwahers or what not.
I want a full bathroom,
I want a comfy place to sit while I rest, eat or whatever.
I want heat, real heat from a furnace that won't kill me.
A/C would be a perk.........

There are custom builders, they charge accordingly, but if you have the coin, it's really the best option.

IMHO....... TT / RV builders aren't in touch with real needs.

I plan to cut out part of my top bunk.   The bunks run front to back ways on the trailer and half of them are blocked off by the bathroom, so what is accessible from the isle is closet door sized.  And like you mentioned under the bottom bunk is the electric and water (don't they just go together!)
So the bottom bunk has to stay and I use that for storage.

That top section that would be in the area that is closet door sized I plan to get rid of so that it is easier to access that top left bunk area.  I'm really leaning towards putting in a couple closet rods, so that I can hang jackets and shirts and whatnot.  Probably throw a slide out drawer in there too.
The bottom bunk I will use the left side for storage, with drawers and shelves, but the right side, the side that you can see from the isle, that I think I will put a nice cushion on and since there is a window in the center of that bunk it could be a reading nook, or maybe a doggy perch spot.  Who knows?