Preparing to make the jump

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New member
Nov 9, 2020
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Currently South Carolina
Hi, new sub here. Am preparing to make the jump to living on road. I've watched a lot of videos of people living and working on road full time. Am curious about types of work for those that dont have a current job that you can do remotely on road. Was curious, for the ladies that work from vehicles/ youtubers that I see that their biggest fears are being alone somewhere remote. Do you think any would be interested in hiring a security person? I would have own vehicle and accompany them to what ever locations and provide peace of mind. Am former Army Infantry, was head of security for 12yrs, can teach any camping/bushcraft/outdoors skills desired, have all my own gear, studied numerous martial arts(have taught women selfdefence)? Just curious if this might be a way to make some money while getting to travel. Thanks.
Welcome to the CRVL forums grunt1969! Interesting concept but I don't think you'll get many takers for the security position. Most people, men and women alike, find out fairly quickly once they get on the road that most of their fears are unfounded. Teaching bushcraft/outdoors skills could be a popular thing though - maybe get a group of people together and have classes. You may need to get a permit if you do it on public land. Try posting in the Market Place section and see if there is any interest.

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Most van-duellers have hard time supporting themselves, let alone paying for private security.
It is not so dangerous out there anyway, and many travel with others, so they watch out for one another without needing that kind of services.
You can travel with company if you want, but don't expect to be paid for that.
It’s a good concept- and you’re right there is security in numbers. That benefits you as well.

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Think about doing an interview with Bob Wells. It would show your friendly face, your experience and expertise! Lisa