Now that I am retired

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Sep 28, 2016
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I have been retired for over two years. I was at one point picky about everyone's spelling.

I personally make errors on about every other word at  times, always correcting and basically doing two finger typing with the hunt and peck method. Once, I was 75 WPM and now ... who knows but trust me, slower than 20 years ago.

I was once the guy who got angry at older people for going so slow. Now I am the man not in your hurry, I am simply in your way serving as your pace car. When I drive my RV just remember, I have been paying for that damn road longer than you younger ones have been born.... so, yes, as a matter of fact...I DO Own the whole damn road.

I am not trying out for the next edition of GQ so I will dress how I like and shave how I want and get my hair cut if and when I feel like it. I still get my Social Security and Pension. I get up when I want to and I have my own dress code. Contrary to your beliefs, I and others like me who did our part for an economy you broke with greed versus need paid our dues, don't owe you anything and dance to our own fiddler (Jethro Tull). We smoke marijuana where it is legal not to get high, but to take the edge of the aches of muscle strain or to help with a lost appetite from chemo therapy.

If I trip, it means I fell, not that I dropped acid although what's in the past is in the past. I went to college when it was all about expanding your knowledge and making new friends, not earning a useless degree and living in your parents basement to avoid working at McDonalds.

I am retired and inspired and in no hurry to give up on this life. I may be in the final third of the book, but I am not done reading it yet.

Forever the hippy, one with the universe.
It might just be me, but Dude!  chill!

Being angry at the world will only make you have a stroke, then you can't drive.   :(
I wanna play.

I retire in two months and eleven days. It has been my job to be every ones care taker, it seems it was their job to make sure I sacrificed everything in that effort. It's time I took care of myself.
I am the country bubba version, also retired a bit over two years. Having actually learned basic third grade written English, and having been my IT team's documentation guru for a couple decades, I do still insist on a very basic degree of written literacy in others. Else, the "ignore pit" beacons. Just the way this Old Boy rolls...
Driving..... yep, in my illspent musclecar driving youth, I was that road idiot blasting down the highway, going Hell-For-Leather and not caring.
Now, I am the old coot who walks with a cane and drives a minivan. But a quick minivan. I occasionally let the mighty Dodge 3.6L V6 roar.
I don't speed, but I don't well tolerate sluggards or illegal passing attempts either.
Occasionally I think back, and realise, "Oh crap! I have become my father!"
He was a cantankerous old curmudgeon, and I inherited much of that.
Thank God I inherited Mom's hair, or I'd have gone bald twenty years ago.
GotSmart said:
It might just be me, but Dude!  chill!

Being angry at the world will only make you have a stroke, then you can't drive.   :(

Peace and long life. You are entitled to your opinion but recognize opinions are beliefs and not facts so I take each one with a grain of salt, keeping it in its own perspective as it relates to a topic. 

If I struck a sensitive cord with you and your own life, I am sorry for your discomfort. But I certainly have nothing for which to apologize. Look inside yourself for the source of your anger and focus on a happy place. You want to relax and live a long and happy life beginning with today.  :)

You can always change the channel in your mind if doing so makes you feel better.
Hey, Lee!

I worked in IT as well, would not hire based on a degree. I would hire based on their love of computers and what they knew. When I was hired, I saw a company willing to pay me to do what I was doing for free!

I am the jerk that checks the posted maximum speed sign, accelerates to it, then pushes the cruise control button. I know it angers the people behind me. But if they want a personal waiver or greater speed limit, they can talk to their elected official and I will do the newly posted sign. Cruise Control does not care how close the driver gets to my bumper, and as I don't use my rearview mirrors, nor do I.

I owned muscle cars when I was younger and gas was cheaper and roads had fewer cars.

I try not to look in the mirror anymore. My dad hides in it obviously.

I got my dad's hair and still have it. Red like his mother's and the only white is in my beard. Maybe in my ear hairs  :p
jimindenver said:
I wanna play.

I retire in two months and eleven days. It has been my job to be every ones care taker, it seems it was their job to make sure I sacrificed everything in that effort. It's time I took care of myself.

You've earn the right to do for you. Many years of a happier lifestyle will follow. Four rules to follow:
1) Do what you want to, when you want to do it
2) Always know you CAN put off 'til tomorrow or NEVER as you answer to no one anymore
3)Your weekend is Monday through Friday. Be somewhere safe when the mad at the world gang tries to enjoy their 2 day weekend
4) Take comfort in knowing there really aren't any rules besides be good to yourself
renovader said:
Peace and long life. You are entitled to your opinion but recognize opinions are beliefs and not facts so I take each one with a grain of salt, keeping it in its own perspective as it relates to a topic. 

If I struck a sensitive cord with you and your own life, I am sorry for your discomfort. But I certainly have nothing for which to apologize. Look inside yourself for the source of your anger and focus on a happy place. You want to relax and live a long and happy life beginning with today.  :)

You can always change the channel in your mind if doing so makes you feel better.

Welcome to America.  Retirement is not a license to start fights, and you do not own the whole damn road.  You still need to share it with the younger generation.  

Here is a hint.  Let them speed by you, and draw off the cops.    :cool:


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renovader said:
If I struck a sensitive cord with you and your own life, I am sorry for your discomfort. But I certainly have nothing for which to apologize. Look inside yourself for the source of your anger and focus on a happy place. You want to relax and live a long and happy life beginning with today.  :)

Pretty sure he was saying you sounded angry.   I don't think that was your intent but some parts did seem a little belligerent.  

Safe travels, brother.
I'm kinda sorta retired, I'm only 56 and my pension is almost enough to cover 2/3'a of my rent, but my beloved wife makes a nice paycheck so we're good. I applied for a job today, a minimum wage job doing retail in an outdoor outfitter shop, I'll most likely get it and then I'll be sort of gainfully employed again. I've been offered two jobs in the last two weeks and turned them down, because I don't have to work and it didn't look like fun. If I'm going to work it's going to be fun and in a relaxed laid back place. I so love not having to give a flying crap anymore!
I'm also retired, but only for a few months. I hope it take a lot more than two years for me to start negatively judging anyone and everyone who happened to be born years later than myself.

It's also funny how you seem to be blaming younger generations for breaking the economy, when the problems were caused primarily by people from your own generation (or maybe the generation just after you, if you don't count as a boomer)
frater secessus said:
Pretty sure he was saying you sounded angry.   I don't think that was your intent but some parts did seem a little belligerent.  

Safe travels, brother.

Always, even when channel surfing  :D
renovader said:
I have been retired for over two years.
I will dress how I like and shave how I want and get my hair cut if and when I feel like it. I get up when I want to and I have my own dress code.
I am retired and inspired and in no hurry to give up on this life. I may be in the final third of the book, but I am not done reading it yet.

:D I snipped a bunch out of your post although I really didn't need to.  
When friends, relatives and past co-workers ask why I'm living out of a Box Van I simply say, "Because I can".
Renovader, sounds like we could almost be brothers. I am an avid user of the Cruise Control too. I set about three MPH above the speed limit, and if it's too slow, they can pass. Not a problem for me.
When I got hired, the State put more stock in someone who completed the local Vo-Tech course, as it gave much better hands-on training, than the "book learning" the college kids got. We could start work immefiately, while the college grads had to be trained more. Twenty years later they hire degrees, not knowlege. They wouldn't pay to train us Old Dogs on the newer platforms, so I had to retire when they retired the mainframe. Different worlds. Different standards. "Department loyalty" counts for nothing, just hire the college kids, and watch them move on after getting some experience, climbing that corporate ladder. I had no desire for management, wanted to spend my thirty programming. But constant downsizing of personnel while adding ever more work was a nonflier. Not sustainable. So I willingly retired early. I am on a much more limited budget now, with half the pension I had hoped for. But in two years plus a bit, Social Security is available. Then I'll be reasonably comfortable. Likely be about ready to do the fulltime vandwelling by then.
Some of the youngsters here sound a trifle emotionally sensitive. :D

It's not anger, it's not belligerance, it's just how it is.  We used to keep our mouths shut, and now, after half a century of listening to a lot of doodoo, we simply don't care what most other people think.  After all, it's been vice versa for a long time, hasn't it?

Renovader, welcome to the boards!  You sound interesting, and have the ability to call a spade a... well.... a spade.  Some folks here are a bit... delicate about things like that.  Even when it isn't aimed at them.

If you and LeeRevell can be brothers, can I be your sister?  Please?  Please?

And if we ever meet at an RTR, and you give ME any trouble, I'll just have to beat you up.  Nothing personal, of course.  :angel:
I can understand the laments.   When I see these young guys with numbers on their cars acting as though the roads are the Daytona Speedway I just take a deep breath and hope the Ohio State Police are up ahead. 

Especially for the ones who have those inane bumper stickers that say,  "Don't ban High Performance Cars, ban Low Performance Drivers".    I regularly watch them cross the double yellow lines to pass 5 or 6 cars,  exceed the speed limits through School Zones,  act like they are some kind of Folk Hero's for their actions. 

I know a lot of  small towns have neighborhood watches,  but I wonder if there will ever be "high way watches" similar to them as these Dash Cam's become more and more popular. 


And I'm sure that any craziness that they capture where someone is harmed....there will be a Lawyer willing to pay substantial money for the video footage of that misconduct.
I have a sister with a lead foot and riding with her puts a claw in my stomach. Last week we drove from Kentucky to Destin, Fl for a beach getaway and I kept my eyes on either my phone or a knitting tool the whole time. I am so paranoid about scary drivers!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
TrainChaser said:
Some of the youngsters here sound a trifle emotionally sensitive. :D

Perhaps it's a matter of perspective. We youngsters (I'm 50) call it "not acting like a jerk". In general, not referring to this thread in particular.

TrainChaser said:
It's not anger, it's not belligerance, it's just how it is.

Saying something is how it is does not make it how it is.

TrainChaser said:
 We used to keep our mouths shut, and now, after half a century of listening to a lot of doodoo, we simply don't care what most other people think.

There is no moral requirement that we care what most other people think. Some have suggested it is best to treat them the way we ourselves would like to be treated.

TrainChaser said:
Some folks here are a bit... delicate about things like that.  Even when it isn't aimed at them.

Some folks here are friendly and civil.

TrainChaser said:
And if we ever meet at an RTR, and you give ME any trouble, I'll just have to beat you up.

Nice. You do understand this is what belligerent means:

If I witness you beating up people I will use the minimum amount of force necessary to neutralize the threat.
Bullies are bullies, whether in the workplace, on the road or at gatherings. I always prided myself on being able to get along with most anybody. But as I get older (soon be 60), I simply don't have the time or inclination to tolerate bullies anymore.
Avoid them if possible, thump 'em if not. Help the folks that need it.
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