Now that I am retired

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Just pull over when you can and let people pass you.
No good comes from being that "Ass" on the winding road who seems to enjoy an endless line of cars behind him filled with Frustrated drivers.

If unable to do the speed limit, yes. If doing slightly over the speed limit, no. The speed limit is there for a reason. Stay safe, WITHIN the law.
Don't get me started on misuse of head and signal lights......
People are TAUGHT safe driving skills. Whether they LEARNED those skills, there lies the problem.
I'm very much a live and let live person, this includes not giving a flying **** if someone else chooses to exceed the speed limit. Spending time and energy worrying about what other people do "HE ROLLED THAT STOP, DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!", is a time suck. Don't think speeding or rolling a stop sign or lane splitting is okay, don't do it.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Life is too short to be a traffic vigilante although I will call and report a drunk or impaired driver in a heartbeat. I keep up with the flow of traffic, be it 5 or 10 over I don't care.

As far as being a retired old curmudgan I may qualify because I TRULY don't give a **** about what anyone thinks of how I look or if I've shaved or am wearing sweats and my cleanest dirty shirt. But I am not belligerent about it, why bother? My apt is a wreck, clean but crap scattered everywhere but it's my crap and if someone doesn't like it well tough.

But the idea that you own the road is foolish. You don't, you share the road and if that concept doesn't agree with your delicate sensibilities perhaps it's time to reconsider driving at all. If you get on the freeway in front of me while I am keeping up with the flow of traffic that may be going 10 over and you set your cruise at the precise speed you are in fact being a jerk and a wanna be pain in the ass. The 'hall monitor' syndrome. Your way or the highway. Pun intended.

Idiot drivers come in all shapes, sizes and ages. Been to Florida lately? 40 in the fast lane and you can't see anyone driving, just silver hair peering over the steering wheel.

My shrink told me yesterday she thought my anger issues are returning, she's right. I'm not the one big ball of hate I used to be but certain self important assholes bring it out in me.

Gunny, "Hall Monitor" is a perfect description. I just try to enjoy myself, trying to make other people behave the way I think they should is a tiring waste of my precious time.
This thread is like going to WalMart when you do not need anything. . .   Just to watch the show.   :cool:

Life is beyond my control anymore.  I can laugh at everyone.   :p  

I refuse to die angry. 15 years after my forced retirement, my turn to use the fancy hyperbole with double and triple interpretation.  I can claim my mind is playing tricks on me, while i call someone a gudgeon.
Wanna speed? No skin off my ample nose.
Wanna risk a ticket? Have at it. You have the whole highway as your playground.
Wanna cop an attitude and show your arze with some road rage? No probs, you''ll be exaining to the cops.
Life's too short for me to play those games. I'll get where I am going. I like to leave early and allow extra time for traffic troubles, including the silly games of other drivers in a hurry. As an old teacher used to say, "The hurrier ya go, the behinder ya get!"
There's a desert sunset I haven't seen yet
Just out of Tucson

Down in hot springs Arkansas, you can get an overhaul
I sure could use one

I'm gonna rise above the madness then I'll be laying low

I'm ready to trade the fast lane for a country road
All right folks, everyone has had their say and this doesn't seem like a very helpful thread (although fairly entertaining).

It's to the point of doing more harm than good so lets close this baby down.

Thread closed.
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