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@Seraphim,<br><br>Work it!!!!&nbsp; I love your story of wedded perseverence.&nbsp; ;-)<br>
Vanimal,<br><br>No, you're not rambling.&nbsp; I was visualizing what you were describing in your post.&nbsp; WOW!&nbsp; How cool was your upbringing.&nbsp; Save that part about being on a volcano (why do I feel folk who live in Hawaii live on a volcano?&nbsp; Where did I get that from?)&nbsp; Anywho, it still envisions a way cool life.&nbsp; Thanks for sharing.&nbsp; Ramble on anytime, LOL.<br>
I'm <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"> kinda sorta 'cause I'm reminded of how more than one folk though my ex and I were still at it simply because we got along with one another.&nbsp; Geez, I didn't hate the guy or nothing; we were just young as ever when we had gotten married.&nbsp; It's really funny when our daughter gets all skonbuzzled when he asks her about me or says something about how good "it" was, or says something about how good I look, or how he loves me now more than ever (well, dang, of course).&nbsp; She's like, "Moom, Daaad!"&nbsp; LMBBO.<br><br>Lyric<br>
@Lyric. Haha. You are right. The Hawaiian islands are volcanos. There is at least one on each island. I believe the only active one is on the big island.<div><br></div><div>I checked out your and it is really cool. Reminds me of my childhood. I spent ages 8-17 on a 12 acre farm in central Utah. More like an experiment than a farm. My parents were not hippies in the wearing beads and burning incence kinda way but were very into self reliance and self sufficiency. My dad also made soap. He even made the lye that went in the soap. He hand dipped candles, learned to sheer sheep, spin the wool, and knit. We had chickens and ducks and sheep and cows and pigs and rabbits and what not. 7 ppl in a one bedroom pioneer house heated by a woodstove and a hand dug pioneer well. What crazy times. When your a teenager you hate it. The older you get, the more you miss it<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div><div><br></div><div>Keep on homesteading, I look forward to following your adventures!!!</div>
Sometimes, I wonder if this boat hasn't left me behind already. The thought of marriage and kids has always been a pleasant one; probably because I haven't done it yet, but I haven't found a girl willing to hold still long enough for either.<div><br></div>
@<span class="status_offline" title="Status offline"></span><a target="_blank" href="../profile/1627406">sl1966</a>,<br><br>Life sometimes IS truly a (you know, the B word) 'cause when you're ready for something the other person isn't; when they are ready then we aren't.&nbsp; Geesh, if we can only get it together.&nbsp; Case in point, SL, I know at least 100 women, RIGHT THIS SEC that would love to be in a loving, committed, MARRIAGE. <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br><br><span style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255); font-weight: bold;">@Vanimal,</span><br style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255); font-weight: bold;"><br style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0); font-weight: bold;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0); font-weight: bold;">"Keep on homesteading, I look forward to following your adventures!!!"</span><br style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255); font-weight: bold;"><br style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255); font-weight: bold;"><span style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255); font-weight: bold;">Ahhh, what you described from childhood is heavenly.&nbsp; I'm going to share it with Lee in a sec.&nbsp; Thanks for offering to read our adventures upcoming.&nbsp; We're not popular so it's good to know someone will give us a read every now and again <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0">.<br><br>L<br></span>
@bk2valve, I would love to sit by a campfire with you, sound like you have some stories of your own!!!<div><br></div><div>@Lyric, you got me reminiscing to much!!! This is the only photo I have of the farm. Thats me on the far left 23 years ago.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Sorry I don't mean to hi-jack this thread!!!</div><div><br></div><div>
My husband and I have been married for 43 years to each other. And, we can still put up with each other in our little class b Roadtrek.&nbsp; We travel about 5 months of the year and are presently in the Rocky Mountain National Park with a few thousand other people.&nbsp; We can't wait to get out of here and boondock somewhere by ourselves. We are headed&nbsp; for the Natchez Trace via Iowa from Washington state.<br>He's the driver and I'm the navigator. Our secret to a happy marriage is he says "yes, dear" and I say "ok, ok, whatever you want" and then we both do what we want to anyway. <br>Nelda<br><br>
Hi Nelda! Good to hear from you and know you two are still alive well and hopefully still riding your Segways.....<br>I love your great formula....Kit and I are very much the same nut only a little over half&nbsp; the time you two have works!<br>Hugs to you both....<br>Bri<br><br><br>
@Vanimal,<br><br>Hijak onnnnn!&nbsp;&nbsp; Nothing like positive convo.&nbsp; Way cool pic.&nbsp; Me and Lee here checking it out now!&nbsp; We can't WAIT to get Hip Hillbilly Farm up and running.&nbsp; We talk about it DAILY.&nbsp; Hopefully within next couple of months.<br><br>

Work it!!!!  I love your story of wedded perseverence.  ;-)

The perseverance is entirely on her part. I'm just not stupid enough to throw away the best thing that has ever come along in my life.

Our secret to a happy marriage is he says "yes, dear" and I say "ok, ok, whatever you want" and then we both do what we want to anyway

Sounds about right, except I'm generally doing the 'Yes dearing'. I'm generally the one doing pretty much as please, as well, though. I DID say the perserverence was mostly on her part...
Being newly wedded we're still working on our "patterns of adjustment" if-you-will, LOL.&nbsp; It will be interesting to look back and see what develops.&nbsp; I do know, we both are tired of stopping and starting relationships.&nbsp; That should help us in the way of longevity.&nbsp; Oh, and of course, not to mention the whole love thing.&nbsp; The Bible does say it "covers a multitude of sins."<br>
<P><FONT size=3>If you both stop and think about how each thing you are about to do or say will affect the other person, then avoid doing or saying those those things which will decrease the other's happiness, then you should develop a strong and lasting &nbsp;relationship. It will eventually become a habit. Oh yea - be quick to&nbsp;forgive the other those times they slip and can't follow the above advice lol.</FONT></P>
I really liked reading this thread and about the successful ones who made it happen. Don't know if I will be so blessed in the future, but this vanliving thing certainly has been the cause of one of my breakups already... Treasure your partners because it is hard to get rare gems like them gals around these parts.
Agreed! Rare gems they are! I will treasure mine always <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
WanderingRonin:<br><br>It sounds so clicheish (spelling, I know) to say, keep at it, it'll happen IF you want it to.&nbsp; It took me 51 years and "it" finally clicked . . . a partner with whom like minds are shared.<br><br>As usual hindsight is 20:20 vision and I see where foolish decisions, bad association(s), etc. slowed down, hindered earlier prospects for what I have today.&nbsp; Guess that's called learning in life.<br><br>I'm a firm believer in surrounding self with those going my way, so-to-speak; those of like-values, you get it.&nbsp; I believe if you do that, you will find a relationship that is on par with what you both want.&nbsp; Just MHO.<br><br>Cyber hugs,<br><br>L<br><br>
What's this "like-minded, like-value" stuff? DW and I are complete opposites. The only two things we have ever been able to agree on are houses and the fact that life is better if we live it together. 18 years after buying this house we STILL don't have pictures on the d*%# walls, because we can't agree and neither will put up what We like be ause we know the other one won't.

There's a blog post in that somewhere.