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I have had the opportunity to meet 3 or 4 kids who were home schooled.&nbsp; They impressed me with the communication skills they had.&nbsp; At a young age they could ask adult questions and respond in an adult manner.&nbsp; The research I have seen suggests home schooled kids do better than average in college.&nbsp; My sister home schooled her two boys from 2nd grade until high school and they gained ground during that time.&nbsp; My sis is no rocket scientist and she did great.<br>
<P>Hi Lyric, I to am new here, but I will give you my 2 cents: you WILL truly get along better and do better as a couple living off-grid as far as I'm concerned. To me there is sooooo much less stress and conflict while your out on the road finding cool things to do instead of worrying weather you can pay the rent this month or not. My husband and I drove a big truck together for more than 18 years till I first got sick, then he had 2 heart attacks and is now sporting a defib and pacemaker. It has been VERY depressing to have to be stuck in a regular house all the time. We used to be able to go on trips on our motorcycles together till he got 2 sick to really go anywhere anymore. We always got along MUCH better when we were traveling together, now he acts like he's giving up on life,(they say he only has less than a year or so anyway), but YES, it is ALOT less stressfull when you are out having fun on the road instead of being couped up in a house all the time when your heart is yearning to be free! Sorry, didn't mean to be so long, but I just felt I had to say YES YOU CAN DO IT!&nbsp;&nbsp; Hope you both have a wonderfull life whatever you decide!</P>
Hello Judy:<br><br>I am just back here after some while.&nbsp; Your post was poignant and beautiful and I thank you for it.&nbsp; <br><br>We have moved out onto our land and are off grid.&nbsp; We commented the other day how we have not missed unlimited Internet time.&nbsp; The children are experiencing withdrawal (they think we'll get back on line when we get solar and wind power); but, I'm hoping Lee won't do it.&nbsp; <br><br>They get enough 'Net time while at homeschool and really with Bible study and everything else we need to do to get our farm up and running there is no time for such frivolous activities.<br><br>I hope your husband will learn to find joy in how much ever time he has left on this place 'cause really, no day is promised to any of us.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I want him to be happy because it costs him no more to be happy than it does to be sad; I want him to choose happiness and let his loved ones see how much he loves them (make sense).<br><br>
Thank you, Lyric. I really appreciate that. And yes, I absolutely agree with you about the children. In this day and age I wish all children could do without t.v. and internet, it seems like we have lost them somehow, but I also know we can't stop progress. And I think that is wonderful that they have bible study time, hopefully because of your diligence your family will be one of the lucky ones and survive the craziness of this world. Again, thank you so much for the kind words.
I loved reading that too Lyric. I also hope the kids get to play helmet free! As odd as it sounds some of my fondest memories as a kid was when I wiped out real bad. I learned NOT to repeat those mistakes much quicker.<div><br></div>
<p>Been married for 41 years.&nbsp; Living this life is hard but it is supposed to be.&nbsp; I use to have a teacher that use to say, " take what you want in life...but pay the price ".&nbsp; Living this wonderful life is full of trade offs.&nbsp; You can't be like Madonna and want AND&nbsp;have it all.&nbsp; Even she suffers for what she gets.&nbsp; We live on a Prison Planet.&nbsp; Nothing is free, it all has strings attached.&nbsp; Everything is always changing too, nothing remains the same.&nbsp; You are not the same person you were 15 years ago.&nbsp; We live and learn.&nbsp; The ones who don't learn live to regret not learning their lessons and life just gets harder for them.&nbsp; Life is just one big school and when we die, we graduate.&nbsp; I'll probably graduate with honors!</p>
Just want you to know we do exist!!! My hubby and I are fairly new to RVing but not each other and I believe every day that goes by it just makes us stronger. We DO live in a 'conversion van' 95' Chevy Astro to be exact and if we can live in this little of a space with our little Savannah (dog) and not kill each other on a daily basis (only kidding), we were bound to be together!! We figure we have already gone through so much, if we can' get through that, we can live in our van. We also find things to do that involve our own special interests, he does push-ups, I learn the guitar. It can work out. It does take some patience but who doesn't need to work on that!? I'm still reading through all the posts but wanted you to feel totally secure in your feelings. If you want to see what goes on, on a day to day, you can look through some (or all) of my blog posts too @<br />Take care of yourself and each other<br />Kalani<img src="../images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hello again Lyric,<br />I forgot to comment on the clothing situation! I am a girl who loves fashion, loves her clothes and loves her high heels even more. I have packed a large duffle bag, about $17.00 at Walmart (I have red, hubs has black) and it is packed to the brim. I am packing for year-round travel, so Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and boy was it hard. I had to think of layers; leggings, skirts, shorts, pants that can fold up into capri's, tank tops that can act as bras and so forth. I seemed to have brought most of my favorite stuff although I did have to leave some in storage including my heels (boo hoo). I am learning that I didn't really pack for the right 'lifestyle', we are (now) going to be mostly dispersed camping, which would have been nice to know when I was packing, but let's just say, I'm probably the most fashionable girl in the woods! haha Everyone we have met has told me to dress for comfort and function and not fashion...but I can still do that AND dress fashionably. Hey, it's what makes me feel good, I don't care if there's anyone around or not. Okay sorry, little rant... I say if you wear heels to your functions, maybe you can get or pack a nice dressy sandal that is more compact. I have brought a total of 6 pairs of shoes but 4 of them can pretty much lay flat or be compressed into semi flat. I can wear any of these shoes in the woods or out to dinner or to a club (if we ever go to one again!) I brought make-up too, being a former hair stylist I thought I needed my 'face' but once again am learning it is just space I'm using for nothing...but I will have it when we have celebrations of any sort and find ourselves in a city...woo hoo! haha Anyway, I could have brought more cargo pants, jeans and things of this nature but the girl in me put a few pairs of those back for my dresses and long flowy skirts. You can always pick a couple pairs of panty hose and just rinse them in a sink or bucket the night you wear them and hang them to dry for the next time. You will find yourself (in this lifestyle) re-wearing clothes. Believe me when you change your clothes every single day, it gets to be costly on the laundry bill and when you're in the woods for extended periods of time, you don't really have laundry. I guess it's all in what you need and a little of what you want. Who knows, you may just find me one day in a skirt and tube top with my make-up on dancing to Ke$ha in the dirt...wanna join me!?<br />Kalani<img src="../images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Just some jeans, Tshirts, clean socks, and biking clothes.<br /><br />After our little camper van, this truck camper seems huge. More storage than weknow what to do with.
Another married couple checking in!! Hubby and I are high school sweet hearts out on the road full timing it!! We want to be together and this is the perfect lifestyle to do that!! Even after all these years... <br />Here's to loving life our own way!!<br />Cheers