Making $100 at a Casino, professional gambler discussion

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Wow...way to take things way too personally.

  No need to get angry and basically resort to name calling.  Most of the people on this forum are good people that only want to help others.

  Also, many on this forum are not in this life because they are at the end of their rope with no way out.  Many are in this life out of choice...they wanted the freedom that this life affords please stop falling for the propaganda.  Most here aren't homeless with little hope, they have homes that they have built and love living in...their homes just happen to have wheels.

  As for the whole "spandex wearing hero" type comments... isn't that kind of what you are being?  Trying to 'save' people from this 'horrible life' that they have been 'forced into'?  Many here, in my opinion, aren't interested in being 'saved'. They love this life and wouldn't leave it if you handed them the keys to a free house.

  In my opinion, you are completely missing Bob's message.  He isn't talking about 'this is something you can do if you've lost everything and have no other options'.  While that may be true in some cases, that really isn't his message.  He is showing people that feel trapped by the rat race, are sick and tired of living a life that makes them miserable and are looking for another way to live life that there is another option, a way to 'live your best life'.

  Personally I am not yet on the road but will be in the next several months.  Not because I -have- to, I have other options if I wanted them, but because I want to see the country...I want to be free to go where I want, when I want without worrying about whether the rent is paid or do I have enough to cover the utilities.

  Teach your system if you want, it's no skin off my nose.  Just realize that not everyone is interested or will be as passionate about it as you obviously are.  I realize this is something you have been working on for a long time and maybe you have come up with a system and maybe you haven't really...I don't know and it really doesn't interest me.  Just realize that not everyone will jump on it as the next big thing regardless of your enthusiasm.

  Sorry, but that's just how things work.
@ Markw; I'm not naïve in this regard and this applies to your well stated opinion also. In fact I welcome anyone that is also not interested. How many people, that are nomadically free out here on the road, can also earn a little extra with a portable income that they themselves control? They can take this to any casino near where they are traveling and in a sense hire themselves. You have people all over the place trying to subsidies their incomes with YouTube videos. That alone is proof that some people want to earn extra money while they travel. Bob has a few videos on how to use a skill to help themselves out. There is seasonable work available too. I can only guess that at least a small percentage here would want to do this successfully if they could.

I'm just offering any interested people a skill. It takes work, just like any other skill or expertise. This skill can be used at hundreds of locations across the country and does not require an appointment with Human Resources to get hired. In fact they welcome you to come in and try. They even comp you with free meals and free rooms if you win a lot.

As to how you deal with life after your life blows up in your face, I'm glad that you did not have to experience that. I know first hand that my life blowing up in my face and losing everything I own twice was the very best thing that ever happened to me. As far as dealing with the mathZombies , not the skeptics, they are in another boat, as to dealing with them, I will always stand up against them. I will do this because they are wrong. They own the belief that "the house always wins." They use it to validate that statistics and odds are absolute. They almost like a choir in unison project that I'm trying to ( sell ) people a capacity to perform prediction, an ability that is impossible to demonstrate.

Now to the skeptics that accused me of "scamming others," they are at best waiting for me to prove it first. They are waiting for me to drop the other shoe and at some point ask for money. I'm waiting too. I'm waiting for a few people that are willing to try this out on their own, in a safe and costless way, to discover that they actually can break the odds to pieces.

So let's agree to agree then. Not everyone that has chosen the nomadic lifestyle has had their life blow up in their face. Actually I'm counting on the greed that some people will not be able to resist. Human nature is stronger than wisdom. It almost always wins the argument at first. People will do what they will do. Most will do nothing until there is a big enough noise to be heard that they begin to believe it might be possible. Unfortunately that when that noise is load enough to be heard the casinos will have already heard it too. They will take action. They have proved that much many times before in history.
gizmotron said:
@ Markw; I'm not naïve in this regard and this applies to your well stated opinion also. In fact I welcome anyone that is also not interested. How many people, that are nomadically free out here on the road, can also earn a little extra with a portable income that they themselves control? They can take this to any casino near where they are traveling and in a sense hire themselves.  You have people all over the place trying to subsidies their incomes with YouTube videos. That alone is proof that some people want to earn extra money while they travel. Bob has a few videos on how to use a skill to help themselves out. There is seasonable work available too. I can only guess that at least a small percentage here would want to do this successfully if they could.

I'm just offering any interested people a skill. It takes work, just like any other skill or expertise.  This skill can be used at hundreds of locations across the country and does not require an appointment with Human Resources to get hired. In fact they welcome you to come in and try. They even comp you with free meals and free rooms if you win a lot.

As to how you deal with life after your life blows up in your face, I'm glad that you did not have to experience that. I know first hand that my life blowing up in my face and losing everything I own twice was the very best thing that ever happened to me. As far as dealing with the mathZombies , not the skeptics, they are in another boat, as to dealing with them, I will always stand up against them. I will do this because they are wrong. They own the belief that "the house always wins." They use it to validate that statistics and odds are absolute. They almost like a choir in unison project that I'm trying to ( sell ) people a capacity to perform prediction, an ability that is impossible to demonstrate.

Now to the skeptics that accused me of "scamming others," they are at best waiting for me to prove it first. They are waiting for me to drop the other shoe and at some point ask for money. I'm waiting too. I'm waiting for a few people that are willing to try this out on their own, in a safe and costless way, to discover that they actually can break the odds to pieces.

So let's agree to agree then. Not everyone that has chosen the nomadic lifestyle has had their life blow up in their face. Actually I'm counting on the greed that some people will not be able to resist. Human nature is stronger than wisdom. It almost always wins the argument at first. People will do what they will do. Most will do nothing until there is a big enough noise to be heard that they begin to believe it might be possible. Unfortunately that when that noise is load enough to be heard the casinos will have already heard it too. They will take action. They have proved that much many times before in history.

  First, you obviously don't know my situation nor my history.  While I haven't had the same situations you have...that by no means implies that my life has been peaches and cream.

  I have had to start over with absolutely nothing more times than I care to count in my 55 years.  I have seen things that most would rather turn a blind eye to.  From tearing down an old concentration camp while I was in the military in Germany (if you think that wouldn't affect you...seeing the very ovens that the Nazis used to incinerate people while they were still alive to the horrible conditions the Jews were forced to live in...think again), to entire villages in South Africa where the shelters are constructed from whatever they could find on the side of the road.  All this while dealing with lifelong major depressive disorder, scoliosis and a barely functioning growth hormone system that I was born with.  Marry all that with four divorces and being told when I was 15 that I would never have kids of my own and you start, just start, to understand the crap I have been through in my life.

Through all that, I have never once thought that I had it worse than everyone else.  Some have had worse lives than I have (and they have my sympathy), some have had better lives. 

  What binds people in this community together is that after everything that has happened to/around them they persevered and chose freedom, chose to live a life that -they- control rather than -being- controlled by their life.

Second, I get that you are passionate about your system and want to help people with it...but basically trying to force it down their throats is not the way to win people over to it.  One basic thing I have learned through my life is that when people feel they are being pushed, whether what they are being pushed toward be positive or negative for them, the instinct is to push back and resist.  It's just human nature.  We want to feel we are in control of our lives, that our lives are our own.  That's, in my opinion, what makes this life so desirable.  We get to control -everything- about it, from what our home is to how it's constructed...from where we are to where we are going..-WE- get to choose where we will live on a daily basis, what we will eat and how we will cook it.  WE get to choose...not our boss or our bills.

  If I wanted to, I could move into an apartment next month...I have that option...but it isn't what I want.  The van/RV life isn't for everyone and I understand that...but it's what I am choosing.

As for gambling, I may choose to occasionally as a form of entertainment but I am not interested in cards or roulette or craps.  I get that some are into those things and I say more power to them...but as for me I like playing slot machines and yes, I realize they likely have the worst odds in the house..but it's what I like.  I see it as no different, really, than going to a fair or an amusement park.  Maybe I will walk out with something, maybe I won't but I will have had a good time along the way.
Markw said:
Second, I get that you are passionate about your system and want to help people with it...but basically trying to force it down their throats is not the way to win people over to it.  One basic thing I have learned through my life is that when people feel they are being pushed, whether what they are being pushed toward be positive or negative for them, the instinct is to push back and resist.  It's just human nature.  

I didn't force anything. I pushed back after being called a scammer. This thread bent towards the bad by other people. I have been defending myself. Anyway, anyone interested must go elsewhere to another forum to get the skills needed. That thread is completed.  The damage done by trolls and disrupters can't be inflicted any more. It's too late. I got the job done. 

I don't care who passes on it. To each their own. I care about those that have questions and are trying to learn it. They are the people I will spend my time helping. But how many of them are going to risk ridicule by a few here if they speak up? When I meet interested people face to face that want to learn I will hope that the interrupters will just keep their comments to themselves. 

You know that line? "Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach them to fish and you feed them for life."

I'm glad that you were able to share your experiences. This community is past being embarrassed for the most part, another aspect of real freedom, and really nice people too.
Well somebody wants to fish. The Reading Randomness teaching thread is up 950 views since yesterday.
gizmotron said:
Well somebody wants to fish. The Reading Randomness teaching thread is up 950 views since yesterday.
That's because people love a train wreck.
I'm retired......if it takes work I'm not too interested. Just speaking for myself.
I'm sure that one net win with $5 chips as the bankroll is the way to go. Imagine if you used $25 chips, the maximin straight up bet on a single number at many Native American casinos.

A person playing with a really strong sense of patience, that is willing to wait for a strong moment to strike, will outdo the 2 to 1 results that many have already demonstrated.

Anyone ever see the movie '21' where a bunch of MIT students go to Vegas to take down casinos?  It's in reference to gambling teams that use stealth and cunning to hide the fact that they are an organized team.

It happened many years ago in the game of Roulette too. Back in the early 90's the Pelayos family found a way to just win 6 extra spins out of every 100 spins more than they should have. Those 6 extra wins allowed the family to march across Europe and take more than a million dollars off the casinos in around a year's time. Once it was discovered what they were doing and that they operated as a team, the casinos changed all the wheels and took other defensive measures.

You want your own land for Nomads? Start your own gambling syndicate and send out teams. It's 100% legal and they have no idea that you would be coming.

You want to see a train wreck? Try watching unskilled players try this.
john*thomas said:
 Being that I retired at 58 with enough to live on, I'm covered there.

I'm covered too. I only go out to escape the heat by going to the coast in summer and by escaping to the south to get out of the cold. When Reading Randomness tactics become common place my chance to gamble using it will have dried up. This is in fact my plan.

I'm just giving it to those that might have a use for it while the sun still shines. I'm 70. My bucket list is pretty much empty. I already did everything. This is just icing on the cake. 

Nobody will be able to say that I was a hog and kept it all to myself.

It is doubtful that anyone from the gambling world would ever come here to hear fuller explanations and advice for beginners. But that is what is needed for beginners. I'm waiting to see if / when people will have questions. I'm talking about people that have done the work needed to gain the skills. They are the only ones that will ask the questions that this thread was created for.
I can't tell if anyone is trying to learn this. But that will take care of this itself. Among those that try I should point out benchmarks to determine if you are getting anywhere.

It's a 50 /50 game. Only it's not actually a fair game. You should lose approximately 3 extra spins for each 100 spins. Nevertheless if you are playing the ( virtual bets / real bets ) and 3 net wins or 7 net losses strategy then you will come close to 2.33 wins at 3 net wins for each won session, and for each lost session of 7 net losses. That's 7 net wins vs 7 net losses. You will know how you are doing if you just keep track of your sessions.

Now if you start to get better than 2.33 won sessions for each lost session then you are doing what many gamblers and casinos consider impossible. At least in the long run. They don't believe it. That's good too. As long as they don't believe it you have an opportunity to exploit it.

Many have studied and achieved 4.66 won sessions for each lost session. This represents a doubling of what is considered to be impossible. If you manage your bankroll well enough then you will be taking a load of money off of the casinos when you execute the planned experience gained from practice. That's the good part about this opportunity too . Real gambling methods are never revealed openly in public. Well at least once before with Ed Thorp and 'Beat The Dealer." But this one is a test to see if you have gained enough skills to completely disintegrate known mathematical assumptions. If you only achieve 3.33 net wins at first you are still wrecking the presumed odds.

So I urge you to keep track of your sessions to see how you are doing. It is only you that needs convincing. The world does not need to know what you are accomplishing.
Thank you for this thread, I never realized how little interest I have in being a gambler in a casino.
I suspect that almost all nomads would never consider gambling. When you figure that 99.9% of all the people that do gamble end up blowing their bankrolls each time they go to a casino. They consider it an entertainment expense. For me it's a war against coincidence. You never know when a good stretch or lucky streak will come along. They always come along, just like a bad luck streak does. People play the stock market like that too. They act out of fear and sell too soon when the stock goes up. They wait too long when the stock falls. A normal stock trade might last for 3 months to a full year for some swing traders.

It's no different with gambling at a casino. It just takes about 3 hours to get to the same kinds of swing activities. Course you must know how.

I'm just trying to show a few people that want to do the work that it's possible to become like a swing trader in the stock market with a very small bankroll. It all happens strategically over around 3 hours instead 3 to 12 months.

A person with a $100,000 stock investment portfolio might break that up into 50 $2,000 active trades in continuous engagement. Out of each individual trade action they would like to expect to make around $50 to $100 in a year's time.

With the Reading Randomness strategy and the 4.66 sessions won vs 1 session lost method you need around $750 total bankroll that breaks down to $250 bankroll for each of three sessions. Your big bet is $36. Every won session is worth around $100. This all happens just like the stock market only in one short visit to a casino for a few hours. You win or you lose. It does not matter what happens if you stick to your strategy. Your strategy and your skill makes you a long run winner.

I just figured that a few, not many, would want an income stream like this. So I shared it with van life people. It would be funny if not a single person was willing to learn these skills. It has been shown that most people get pretty good in about a month, spending around two hours per day practicing and learning. Several have spent the second month proving that they have reached that 4.66 won sessions threshold. They are ready, but only strategically. There's actually learning how to get bets down in time with charts to fill in and read searching for opportunities. Just playing and getting bets down in time is a skill on its own.
Hello gizmotron. Thanks for the detailed post. I've downloaded your software and have been researching your reading randomness technique. I've played with the software a couple of times (twice) and have proven I have a long way to go !

I'm not a nomad right now, but live nomad life vicariously through this website and youtube.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know I think reading randomness is intriguing. Not totally convinced, but nonetheless I thought you might some positive feedback !
@ TexasMu

It helps a lot for me. I was thinking that I might be talking to the wall.

This thread is the big deal giveaway. I mean here at the Money section for Nomads. The RR thread at the gambling site has been for the most part self taught. I started this thread here for those that go through it and would want to ask questions. Before I wrote that thread over there I took one student through the learning process where he could ask questions all along the way. That self-taught thread only deals with a few easy to notice characteristics of randomness. It's starts a person to see a few basic trends and patterns. I was able to answer that first student's every question as he learned.

Anyway, I'm here to help if you get stuck. A few people asking questions will end up helping a lot more people remaining silent.
ok, I have a question about the software.  I can understang the red black colums for betting , but get lost after zero and six's.  What is P refencing and S referencing - prime goes with P and nprime goes with S? What is spec and nspec referring to ?



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I love the picture. The Low numbers go on a streak designed just right to mess with the minds of players all stuck on "gambler's fallacy." High is due. I think I will risk $10,000.  BTW, nothing is due. Just wanted to make that clear.

Those groupings in the chart out to the right are my own creation. There is nothing important or magical about them. They were groups of numbers that I had already memorized over the years. Because I already had them memorized I use them when I play. It gives me three more unique groups with their respective opposite sides for each grouping.  When you make a bet selection, by pressing the button that allows you to bet on them, then you will see each number in the set posted at the bottom. All this is explained in the teaching thread somewhere.

For now you can bet one side or the other without having to memorize what is in them. The teaching site goes into how each grouping was formed. Some of that goes back 27 years ago when I was still getting jerked around by my own magical beliefs period.

Prime = Prime
nPrime = Not Prime

Zero's = numbers close to the zeros on the American Wheel.
Sixes = numbers at 90 degrees to the zeros on the wheel.

Specials = Specials
nSpecials = not Specials
The full explanation of these groups is a story on its own. It's somewhere in the RR thread.
In the software the cut and paste is disabled on purpose. I did not want it possible for my student to cheat the results. Once all the data is exported as a text file the telemetry could be manipulated. But a picture can't. And I only gave him a couple of minutes to send me a text file. There is a lot of stuff in a lot of telemetry. He could do sessions while we sent emails half way around the world when I taught lessons. That is how I know he really did it. This software is designed for discussion and validation. It's almost impossible to cheat it. You can't enter spin fo9r each bet. You can enter 100's of spins so that I can demonstrate seeing characteristics. It may look buggy at first but it served its purpose.
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