Kentucky RTR (Gathering) 17-19 Aug 2012

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Oct 23, 2011
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Hello Folks, &nbsp;I am trying to get an idea from "Cheapliving Folks" if Aug 17-19, 2012 will be a good weekend for the Kentucky RTR gathering? &nbsp;<div>The 17th is a Friday and of course the 19th a Sunday. &nbsp;I was planning on kicking off the "events" at about 4:00 PM on Friday and ending at 1:00 PM on Sunday. &nbsp;This is not to say people coming great distances cannot come earlier or stay later, just that there will probably not be any "scheduled events" outside of the above mentioned dates!</div><div>What help do I need?.... Real easy, I would just like to know how many people think they will be able to attend? &nbsp;I know many people would like to attend, but who really will be able to participate? &nbsp;If the dates are good for you and you can make it please post on this page the number of people in your group.</div><div><br></div><div>Some information you might need to know in order to decide if you will attend, &nbsp;</div><div>Dates: 17-19 Aug 2012.&nbsp;</div><div>Meet and Greet Dinner at 6:00 PM on 17th,&nbsp;</div><div>Farewell Meal 1:00 PM on 19th,</div><div>Bonfires at 9:00 PM both nights of 17th and 18th</div><div>Possible events, Bourbon Distillery Tours? Ky River Canoe Trip, Learn from others-skills-classes? BBQs...... etc....&nbsp;</div><div>I am easy-going and like to have fun, I do not personally consume alcohol but participants &nbsp;of the RTR are free to consume alcohol if the behave properly! &nbsp;</div><div>Illegal drugs will not be allowed on my property!</div><div><br></div><div>Again, please consider your schedule and let me know if you are a serious "possible" attendee? &nbsp;I need to have enough porta-johns and water available to support the event! &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks, AK &nbsp;</div><div>Location: Lawrenceburg, Kentucky.</div><div><br></div>
I'm off that weekend, so unless something critical comes up...
I am going over schedules and finances now. I Definatly want to come, but won't be sure for a week or two. I'll post again though one way or another. My wife has never been to Ky, soooooo. And that's right near our anniversary, soooooo..... Could you pm me an adress to google for miles/hours? Thanks-
NM, it's about 320 someodd miles and about 51/2 hrs, depending on actual location. Didn't see the town posted untill after I posted . Duh-
Les<br /><br />A lot of neat things in the area, if you can plan to stay a while: Ky Horse Park, national forests, whiskey brewery in Bardstown ( gives tours lol), Berea Ky ( town pretty much run by college students in exchange for a free education). Plenty of hiking.
I live on campus near downtown Lexington so this is CLOSE! &nbsp;Yeah I can definitely make it whether I've quit my job by then or not. &nbsp;Hey if the heat wave is still going on I could still wuss out and run home at night but I bet I'd never hear the end of it <img src="../images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />.
Well, we just sat down and looked at a paper calendar ( the only way I can do it!) looks like we will be headed to Ny fri, July 27th after work, returning Sun, Aug. 5th. This has to be ok'd by my boss, but he was told over a month ago that it was in the planning stages. So, the Kentucky GTG will not coincide with our trip.....BUT...... we will make every attempt to make Kentucky anyway. Put me in the " more than likely" category. It would be my wife, Trish, and I. Prolly leave after work , so arrival time could be between 6 and 9 pm, depending on traffic and when exactly we leave Chattanooga. Though we would have no interest in a distillery tour,( non drinkers. no drugs) hiking and horses and a chance to meet other Vandwellers, ( including Jerry, who once posted that he would drive bye and wave mournfully from a distance, or was that steve?!?) is plenty
entertainment enough. I've been through Kentucky many times, but have never really spent any time there. Should be fun.
Thanks for the posts, I am glad there is some interest! &nbsp;I will continue to update info about the gathering!
I look to be there late the 17th. looking forward to meeting.<br /><br />David Hair
Will be there with rings on my fingers and bells on my toads.<br /><strong><span style="color: #ff00ff;">Dragonfly</span></strong>
Hello everyone...<br /><br />Question:<br /><br />Are a couple of big goofy friendly dogs welcome ?<br /><br />Thanks.. kenny
dragonflyinthesky said:
Will be there with rings on my fingers and bells on my toads.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style="color: #ff00ff;"&gt;Dragonfly&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;
Ha! You funny lady!! Would love to meet you too!
Yes Dogs are welcome! &nbsp;Plenty of room for them to run around!<br />-AK
<span class="Apple-style-span" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">including Jerry, who once posted that he would drive bye and wave mournfully from a distance, or was that steve?!</span>
<br /><br />That was me lol. &nbsp;I'll try to overcome my introverted nature...
New newbie here. Am still in the planning phase for this all, but am thinking of driving over to check out these fine folks set up vans, trailers, and such. Might just tent camp, or couch surf, or find a hostel. &nbsp;Will see.&nbsp;
Hey all, I would love&nbsp; to make it, won't know for sure for a couple o weeks or so,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cuzzin dick
<strong>Oh, and btw, anyone have the GPS co-ordinates and elevation, i.e., weather type for this location?&nbsp; Thanks ya'll.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cuzzin dick</strong>
dickt said:
<strong>Oh, and btw, anyone have the GPS co-ordinates and elevation, i.e., weather type for this location?&nbsp; Thanks ya'll.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cuzzin dick</strong>
<br /><br />Well he said around Lawrenceburg, Kentucky which is pretty close to Lexington. &nbsp;You can look up historical weather trends on &nbsp;Here's a direct link from the closest official weather station at the Frankfort, Kentucky Airport <a href="">HERE</a> showing last years trends for August.
AK. Forgot to mention there's two in our group. &nbsp;What's the total count up to?

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