Kentucky RTR (Gathering) 17-19 Aug 2012

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As of 8:00 PM 15 Aug 2012 I have PM'd directions for the Ky RTR to all the good folks who expressed the intent to attend!  If you are planning to come please PM me and I will send you directions too!  For those who do not get a PM and are going to come... I will be at the Lawrenceburg, Kentucky Tractor Supply Parking Lot at 6:00 PM, 8:00 PM and again at 10:00 PM on the 17th of Aug in a Red Ford Ranger Pick-UP truck and will be glad to escort you to the RTR!  Just let me know you are there by stopping by my truck!
dragonflyinthesky said:
<span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>YES PLEASE&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="font-size: small;">I can use this for my niece. My family of one is now two.</span></strong></span><br /><br />
<br /><br />Cool I'll bring em then. &nbsp;TV is 13" btw. &nbsp;Input power 12v, 46W
How often do the trains come through at night? lol
leaving Lexington now. Of course I waited till rush hour. Should be there between 5 and 6
We just finished up the Kentucky RTR today! It was a great time and I want to thank Les, Trish, Jerry, Diane, Janet, Jerry, Larry, Tina, Ernie and Kevin for participating! &nbsp;Some participants traveled 7 hours to attend! &nbsp;It was great to finally meet some of the forum members in person! I plan to host another gathering soon!<img src="" alt="" />
Thanks for a great time, Andy. &nbsp;You went through a lot of trouble to make a fun weekend foreveryone, and it was a great success. &nbsp;Getting to know &nbsp;everyone better, in person, was the best way to spend the weekend.
I want to thank ak&nbsp; for having us, and all who attended, being from Ky, myself I was so happy to finally have something in my home state. We had lots of food, once AK came bringing more food from the picnic area to the campfire area and said " here we haven't eaten&nbsp; in 10 or 15 minutes.<br /><br />Great place to have&nbsp; the gathering with&nbsp; one set of twins and a set of triple fawns wondering onto the property.<br /><br />I haven't downloaded my pictures yet, but will try to add a few later.<br /><br />Janet
Sorry I missed Gail in the picture, of course Gail! LOL! &nbsp;Sorry Gail!
Just to let you all know, we are safe and sound at home. In typical gps fashion, it sent us home a COMPLETELY different way ( 65 to 24 instead of 75 and 127) which was a nicer ride and let us see Nashvilke for the first time. Many thanks to Andy for his hospitality, and everyone else for food, company, and enthusiasm. Its great to put faces and personalities to the posts i read. With luck and planning, I hope to see you all in Tn in oct for a pig roast!