Kentucky RTR (Gathering) 17-19 Aug 2012

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The Deer were very hard to get a good picture of, but that didn't keep me from trying. Neither the Momma of the twins or the triplets&nbsp; would&nbsp; let you get close to those babies. <br /><br /> <br />Deer5 by trashcan3983, on Flickr<br /><br /> <br />Deer4 by trashcan3983, on Flickr<br /><br /> <br />Deer3 by trashcan3983, on Flickr<br /><br /> <br />Deer2 by trashcan3983, on Flickr<br /><br /> <br />deer1 by trashcan3983, on Flickr<br /><br /><br /><br />
Threat pictures Janet! Glad you came, since we are so close we should get together for coffee!&nbsp;
Great pictures Janet is what I tried to say, I guess spell check messed it up!
I was able to make the KY RTR for several hours Sat afternoon.&nbsp; It was well worth the drive to meet the attendees. It makes me so want to get to the winter RTR.<br />I hope&nbsp;Janet and I will be able to do some caravanning together in the near future.<br />Jerry, I tried to describe yours and DWs rig to Big Guy. Will you post a pic or send one to me?<br />Hope I will be able to camp next time. <br />Andy, you are a most gracious host.
In addition to all the fun, meeting everyone, the food, I also learned a lot. A couple of the guys insisted I should get a Carbon Monoxide, Smoke Detector, and Fire Extinguisher even though I have a rule to never carry propane, butane, or any flammables (long story on reason why not). I did as you guys advised and bought all 3 last night. Now, I have questions, since I use mine only as a van tripper, not dweller and don't really want to drill holes in it unless I really have to, can these detectors be put in a cubby hole or in the netting behind a seat? Also the smoke detector says will not operate if temperature is over a 100 degrees. Wow,&nbsp; does that just mean the alarm would not go off that day?or does that mean it could make the detector inoperable forever? We all know black vans in the South get over a 100. Told y'all I was mechanically dumb, embarrassed to ask and sorry for the dumb questions. I did read all the instructions but couldn't find the answer to those.
Dragonfly:<br /><br /><div> </div><div>photo.JPG by jglennhart, on Flickr<br /><br /><br />We're glad you made it down. Tell Big Guy we expect to see him next time.<br /><br /><br /></div>
Yep good times! &nbsp;Left my tent stakes in the ground, doh! &nbsp;Ak said he'd hold em for me so it's all good. &nbsp;Forgot to secure a few things in the van too before I took off. &nbsp;Well this spurred me to create a "pre flight" checklist so to speak that I now have tacked up to the side of my cabinet. &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
We've left a few things behind on occasion, as well lol. A hubcap in the mountains, a step stool in the forest...
Travelingchick, smoke detectors should be mounted as high in the cabin as you can get (ie the ceiling) as smokerises,, and would fill the van from the top down mabye back a screw out of the dome light and put in a longer one in to hold the smoke detector backing plate?. Cant really help you with the not working over 100 *, thats a new one on me. I keep my 5 lb extinguisher under the passengers seat, within easy reach. Having said that, i have ( thankfully) never needed it for a fire in my own vehicle ( i herebye banish all evil jinxs, curses and spells) , but have used three being the first on tbe scene of a fire or accident. A decent firdt aid kit (Jandj, 140 pcs, $9.99 @walmart) is a good idea too. Glad to see that you took steps to protect yourself. thanks for sharing your pics, too!
Very happy to meet you too, Dragonfly. I hope you can spend more time next time!
Great pictures of the deer!&nbsp; And yes, it does look peaceful sitting on a porch swing amidst family and friends.<br />Katie
After this positive experience, I'd like to see the Eastern members of the tribe make more connections - much easier to help each other should the need arise.