How are EVs going to help our environment? The electric used to charge them are made from nat gas or coal. Solar panels & li-ion batteries are full of toxins. Plastic can be recycled into diesel even at home. Wind farms lose money & are a huge waste & kill wildlife. Look at the Olympics in china, runners couldn't see & china shut down mfg. It won't work unless the whole world makes every country clean. IMHO I want a clean earth but we're just not prepared yet.
India & China are building coal powered power plants at record paces with no scrubbers like ours have & buying US coal & mines then trucking it to ports then shipping to china. I've owned several diesel VW Rabbits all got 55 mpg & Geo Metro's that got 50 mpg. Hybrids don't really get that mileage. We don't have enough electric capacity now.
India & China are building coal powered power plants at record paces with no scrubbers like ours have & buying US coal & mines then trucking it to ports then shipping to china. I've owned several diesel VW Rabbits all got 55 mpg & Geo Metro's that got 50 mpg. Hybrids don't really get that mileage. We don't have enough electric capacity now.