Florida Gathering

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Signman,<BR><BR>In that area I'm sure if Robert isn't busy he would want to come. Do you have a time yet or is it still too early. Whenever, do make sure you post the event on the vandwellers GTG group also. If you are ever up in Northwest GA, Dalton just off I-75, look me up. we can at least meet for a cup of coffee. For those not on this group I post on the group a notice about plaqnning an up coming FL GTG and a link to this forum.<BR><BR>David Hair<BR>706-280-5755<BR><BR>Night all
<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Hey Katie, ole cuzzin dick be behaving fer a change, yeah. &nbsp;The Florida GTG, yes, ya'll git ta work on it, some of you I know down there and I know it will be a great time, so, please post it on the Vandwellers_GTG site.<br></strong></span>Today I am picking up some paint to redo the fiberglass top on my van, gonna git interesting , especially an ole fart slidin around on top sloshin paint here and there, but, not chargin admission, free show, lol. &nbsp;<br><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Speakin o Florida, I know that ole cuzzin Wolf and ole cuzzin Robert have had a GTG or two down there, but don't see on the GTG site any dates or plans for more, mybe they be too busy wrestling with alligators?<br>Anybody that knows of a GTG, anywhere, would you please post it at the GTG site?, a good way to meet and make new friends and activities.<br>Ya'll take care. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;cuzzin dick&nbsp;</strong></span>
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Yeah David and Katie, I forgot to mention the S.E. GTG coming up around the first part of Oct.?, date to be determined soon, and will, at this time, probably be at Tumbling Creek, between Ducktown and Copper Hill Tenn. &nbsp;This, so far, is the only free campground I've found that can handle up to 30 or 40 vans, campers, etc., nice atmosphere, excluding da bears, o course, no elec., no water, does have tables, such as they are, lantern poles, pit toilet and a trail/road that runs down to the lake about a mile long, btw, the campsites are next to the river. &nbsp;Me, I have a water purifier and just dip out of the river for my water needs, excludes me having to haul 20 or 30 gallons of water to the camp. &nbsp;<br></strong></span>I or one of us will post the dates as soon as it cam be determined on the Vandwellers_GTG site and the event usually is about 9 days, but, I and others have come early and stayed late, so, what ever suites yurself.&nbsp;<br>Last summer while there sitting on the river bank, enjoying the peace and rumbling of the river, I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye, shore nuff, twas a bear on the far bank (about 25 ft from me) grubbin for his dinner, about 20 minutes or so, here comes 4 wild hogs doin the same thing, headed the same direction, none of them paid any attention to me, fortunately didn't have ta change mah undies, lol. &nbsp;Anyway, hoping and looking forward to meeting ya'll this fall, come iffin yuh can. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;cuzzin dick
Morning ya'll<br><br>I am heading to N. Ga to fish after I go to my great grand daughter's 1st B-day Sat 7/20.<br><br>Have not planed for a fall GTG in north Fl near Live Oak. Have had no time but I am watching for other GTG's in the area.&nbsp;<br><br>Regards Robert in Live Oak, Florida
<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Mornin Robert cuz, sorry to hear yur not having a GTG this fall, would of loved to make it. &nbsp;On the other hand, don't forget the GTG here, dates will be posted later. &nbsp;BTW, I forgot to mention that we will have a couple o tarps down, one for "stuff" not needed or wanted anymore, a chance to lighten yur load, lol, the other tarp will be for stuff one wants to trade/barter/sale.&nbsp;<br></strong></span>cuzzin dick
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>Daytona beech is at the west side of Ocala forest and is a great area to visit when no major events are going on .... blkjak&nbsp;</strong></span>
Hello Freykatt, I'm happy to meet ya'll from the GTG Group ! &nbsp;I really like your tarp idea, free, trade, barter,sell tarps, is it popular with the people ? &nbsp;We are open to all ideas you have, this will be a first for me, I have helped with fly-ins with the EAA ( Experimental Aircraft Assoc.) At least here we don't have to worry about spinning props! &nbsp;Thank you all for any and all help you can offer, &nbsp;Duane
<span style="font-size: medium;"><span id="post_message_1278740913" style="font-size: small;">
</span><span id="post_message_1278740913"><span style="font-size: small;"><span id="post_message_1278740913">Daytona beech is at the west side of Ocala forest</span>
</span><br><br><span style="font-size: small;">huh? I think there's a typo in your statement blkjak... Daytona is to the "EAST" of the Ocala NF. <br><br>Or at least I'm hoping I don't have my bearings (east - west) wrong!? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"></span><strong><br></strong></span></span>
I'm in the Melrose area, between Gainesville and Palatka, just north of Ocala and a hoot from Hawthorne. &nbsp;I'd love to go to a GTG this fall, as long as it is not too far, since gas prices they say will keep rising! &nbsp;Have been working on Josephine the Van, living in her for almost 2 months now, and she might be the way I like by the fall. &nbsp;Fingers crossed.<br><br>I'll keep watching.
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>correction - Daytona east side of park .... oops</strong></span>
Signman,<BR><BR>This may wind up as a double post, but thats OK. I don't know what happened to the last one. As I was saying the best answer I can give you to did the people like the trade tarp idea is I don't know this will be our first time to try it. I know we have had people trade and give away things in the past GTG's,<BR><BR>David hair
<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Hey signman, the tarps idea is a new one for us, but, in the past, most everyone attending has given stuff away they no longer need or want, which is methinks , something that happens all the time. &nbsp;So, what da heck, lets recycle or whatever that which we don't need or want anymore, after all, who better to have it than a brother or sister in da hood ??lol. &nbsp;BTW, the fall S.E. GTG will be Oct. 5 thru ????, usually lasts 9 days but some of us come a little early and stay late, so, git yur bags packed ya'll. &nbsp;<br></strong></span><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>And hey, ya'll, all ya'll thinkin bout a GTG, don't think, just gord ahead an doit, lol, it will work out an be fun, just find a free place to meet, select a date, pickup a can o deoderant, (just in case one has an odiferous atmosphere) and have a good time, let me tell you, the past GTG's we've had , has been a wonderful time meeting new friends. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></span>
Cuzzin Dick, Mutt says we need a neutral 3rd party to account for your behavior. Maybe we will have to get down there soon to see for ourselves. Think there's a few that needs some hugging down there. I miss Mama Linda's cooking...and we simply miss the whole lot of you.
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Mornin cuz, seems ole cuzzin mutt be gittin a lil uppity??<br></strong></span>Just brang him on down an we be havin a lil pulavar, by golly, ole Lacy sue might jus have sumthin ta say bout it.<br><strong>Yup, this area been a lil dry on huggins, in bad need for some, yu betcha, save some up fer us down here cuz, please,please,please.<br><span style="color: #008000;">Momma Lou be headin fer da store rat now. LOL, &nbsp;miss ya'll</span></strong>
Okay, so that brought a few tears to my eyes. I am pretty homesick right now! Getting the rondyvan worked on right now so it will be roadworthy. Lost my brakes again on friday, so I am getting the whole roadtrip checkup and inspection done. I have been missing my youngest boy alot so I imagine Palatka FL via Dalton GA is in the near future. And I gotta check up on all the other florida folks too.....
And Mutt is getting nothin but hard of hearing. Funny and sad at the same time. Jack will run circles around him. Oh, wait. He already did!
<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Hey cuz, brakes again? gee, yu using both feets ta stop&gt;? lol<br></strong></span><span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Well, we be waitin on ya, (gee, it sure takes a woman a long time ta gits ready, huh?) &nbsp;give us a heads up, huh?&nbsp;</strong></span>
I go through brake lines like Mutt goes through biscuits.gonna install a parachute in the rear for stopping.
<span style="color: #008000;">Combat<strong> boots cheaper dan parachute cuz, don't has to fold up combat boots after stoppin.Ole Lacy sue said ta tell ole mutt howdy.</strong></span>