Florida Gathering

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Lots of great info here! In the interest of space, if there is alot of info, a link is often better. I can also add it to our lins to good stuff list!
Hi Katie,<br>Sorry about that but I wasn't sure if it would just bring up the entire site and I wanted to try to get just the 'free' or nearly free ones. Also, these are just the ones that are less than 100 miles from Flagler Beach. I'll be a little more diligent next time and find the specific links.<br><br>I actually pulled all of this info from<a href="http://freecampsites.net/#!562&amp;query=sitedetails" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">freecampsites.net</span></a>&nbsp;<br><br>-k-
Oh, no apology necessary! I am so delighted that you were willing to spend the time to dig up some info for us! Thank you!

Freecampsites.net is owned by a dog and his 2 humans, Jenn and Johnny, who are part of our tribe. Now ~there~ are some folks who deserve your support if anyone does. They just upgraded their website and do alot of work to provide us with free info. I like to throw a couple bucks at them whenever I can :)
Wow!!! I wasn't aware of that! It truly is an amazing site!!! Boggles the mind at how much work it must have taken to create it!!!
I would be interested in a Fla. get togather as long as you don't mind&nbsp;having an old fart show up. I grew up in Jacksonville.<BR><BR>Rafe<IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif">
Hi Rafe, &nbsp;Most of us here are close to being "old farts" if we aren't already, lol . &nbsp;I enjoyed our chat the other night, small world isn't it. &nbsp;Come on ya'll, I know there are more of us in Florida, or planning to visit when it gets a li'l cooler. We don't have to have programs and such, we can have a cook out, get together, or what ever ya'll want. Those that can't travel this far, have a local gathering where you are ! &nbsp;Duane
There is over 100 free sites in the Florida Water Management Districts. RESVP online. Here is the on for SE Fl.&nbsp;<br> http://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/recreation/camping.php<br><br>There is no good drinking water. most have a Blue room. Stay away from the horse sites. Areas are closed when the roads are flooded. Bugs can get bad. Not good for trailers or med to large Motor Homes
@ <strong>signman</strong> - i'm glad you have taken the initiative to try and promote this more.... I've haven't had much free time (have had company I haven't seen in a long time) so I've only been popping in and out of the forum at best. I know if others, or if just you and I wanna do this, signman - we can start talking a time. Heck I wouldn't mind you and I getting together for just a one day "meet-n-greet", and as I said in another post, to scope out a good area.... why not, we're close enough to each other. Well!?<br><br>@ <strong>Rafe</strong> - If you don't mind 40 somethings, I certainly don't mind <span id="post_message_1278722340">"old farts"...... age is after all relative....&nbsp;</span> <br><br>
"age is <em>much like the velocity of light, which, according to Einstein, is also relative, relative to whomever is seeing the light</em>"
<br><br>&nbsp;<br> LOL, that's a quote from some brainy someone! Anyway, I'm 48 yrs old.
CALLING ALL FLORIDIANS, When do ya'll think is a good time to have a Florida Get Together ? Is there anything that you can help with, Do you know Solar, Carpentry, Mechanical, whatever ? Could you do an informal talk on your specialty ? &nbsp;Do you have any suggestions on what we should do ? &nbsp;ALL YOU LURKERS Please help us with the planning, LET US KNOW YOUR INTERESTED, &nbsp;I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE !!! &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Duane &nbsp;&nbsp;
Duane- have you hooked up with our southeastern faction of Vandwellers GTG? They have some florida meets and people who would probably love to join up...
Evening Katie, Haven't been doing much in the vandwelling line lately. Had to go back in the hospital a couple months back for a couple more stients. How have you and mutt been getting along.<BR><BR>Now about the FL GTG they had this spring. Robert Clark had a gtg on private property up around lack city. He may be having another this fall, I'm not sure. We will be having a GTG at most likely Tumbling Creek some time this fall also. Tumbling Creek is in the national forest on Occoee lake #3. About half way between Ducktown, TN and Copper Hill, TN. School starts back Aug 6th I think and I won't be able to get much more than 100 miles from Dalton during the school, but you can never tell about Ole Cuzzin Dick.<BR><BR>Good to hear from you and any GTG you are anyone plans in the SE, please post it on the vandwellers_GTG yahoo group. Until all this spam hit a couple weeks we had the group where you didn't even have to join to read, only if you wanted to post. If it hasn't been changed back I'll try to get to it tomorrow. <BR><BR>David Hair <BR>PS -&nbsp;I do stay out of trouble every once in a while
Hi Katie, Yes I did go over there and sign up, Thank You so much for your help. We'll see what happens! &nbsp;Duane
What area of FL are you thinking about having a GTG in. South, Central, North, or West.<BR><BR>David Hair
David! Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear you have had problems again. I got your voicemail but it never rang...I am at the farm and you know how reception is here....next time I get up to reception I will call you back and we can catch up. Say hi to everyone, especially mama Linda. I miss her cooking! I think im gonna have to mosey down your way soon. Almost came by in april but Bruce got the farm on fire and almost blew himself up. I slept in chattanooga and kept on north. Anyhow, these guys are wanting a get together and some of 'em need watching. They are mischief. Thank you for stopping by!
Hello Dave, &nbsp;At this point Ocala NF looks good, we're still in early planning stage, and open to your experienced suggestions. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;We are getting some momentum going here folks, now is the time to let us know when, where and what Ya'll want, if you can help, how you can help. &nbsp;Thank you Dave, and Katie for all your help. &nbsp; Duane
They're some great people on this forum.<br><br>Duane, you're doing a great job! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Ziggy, This was a great idea you had here !, Your still in this with me I hope ? &nbsp; PM me, we'll get together anyway. &nbsp;All Ya'll that are helping, Thanks, We'll be getting more organised soon. I have family that is having some medical problems, But, We can do this ! &nbsp; Duane &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;