Seraphim said:So you have an armory lol.
VanTramp said:The little Ruger is nice <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I can see where it would be an easy one to keep with you. <div><br></div><div>I tried quite a few Glocks and a bunch of others including my old choice which was a Sig, all in .40 S&W, but the Beretta felt best in my hand by quite a bit. Heidi plans to get a pistol for herself too before too long so we get to do some more shopping. Always fun! </div><div><br></div><div>I saw a Taurus Judge advertisement and I think if for some reason I get another, I would want to take a closer look at that model. Looks pretty nice! I suppose that's potentially my "wish list" gun...</div><div><br></div><div>You still like the wheel guns don't ya Kate? </div>
Benjamin Dejo said:Just don't travel in CA with that Taurus Judge. It's prohibited in CA.
highdesertranger said:the Taurus Judge chambers a .410 shotgun round. with a barrel under 16 inches. highdesertranger
As of last year she was taking care of a family member on her farm in the east. I see Bob still posts on the yahoo group.owl said:An aside, does anyone know what happened to twokniveskatie?
XERTYX said:My next purchase will likely be a .357 magnum/ .38 special.
I'll carry with .357 ammo with my permit and when I'm in the woods I'll load with .38 spcl snakeshot.
The last .38 I had was a derringer. I bought it specifically to use snake shot. Then I tried to load it. The rifling in the barrel started just past the casing so that the rifling hugged around the bullet. Snake shot rounds arent domed they're squared. So they wouldnt fit.
I've also thought of just getting a .410/ 45 long colt derringer for double duty snake gun/ self defense.
For those that consider .22LR to be a self defense weapon I'd recommend at least considering finding some aguila sniper sub sonic rounds. That's what the cops use in drug raids on compounds to dispatch guard dogs and disable lights/ etc.
They not only have about twice the lead but as they are subsonic if used with a suppressor the bolt cycling on the fire arm is louder than the report. Hopefully they still sell them. They usually keyhole when target shooting and make about a .40 entry hole in plywood etc.