I don't consider myself bearaphobic lol
DW and I have spent time in the Colorado mountains with only slight concern. I rode a bit with an old head wrangler who showed me some interesting claw marks on a tree, high above our heads. I asked him if the bears climbed up there and he replied, "No, they just stand up and stretch..." lol. I asked, and he stated he always carried a .44 magnum. Just a precaution.
A gun is a tool. There are times and places it's prudent to have one. DW and I are going to spend months at a time travelling, what with retirement, and will be out in remote places a lot. I want to have all the tools I hope I never need.
I love animals and don't hunt ( no criticism - I love a good steak) but if it came down to a bear or DW, I'll stand between them and empty whatever I'm carrying. It won't stop a charging bear (or moose), but hopefully it will be dead before it knocks me over and I'll only get crushed, rather than mauled and eaten *grin*
As for the rest, I agree with you. I may have gained a reputation as being anti-gun, but I'm not. I'm anti "idiot with a gun". Please note the lack of an 'lol' here. I know many responsible gun owners. Unfortunately, I know an equal number of those who are irresponsible and downright dangerous. So I understand your sensible caution.