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Hmmm.<div><br></div><div>Right now all I have is a Kel-Tec P-32, and a Mosin Nagant 91/30.</div><div><br></div><div>I had a HK P7 PSP, but sold it when I got stupid on the drink. The 32 will do everything I need that the Mosin won't, and the Mosin is a great all arounder.</div>
paddling_man said:
A good reminder: the the four primary rules of gun safety as codified by the great Jeff Cooper:<BR><BR>1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded, all the time.<BR><BR>2. Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy.<BR><BR>3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on your target.<BR><BR>4. Always be sure of your target.<BR><BR>
&nbsp; </P><br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; An anecdote from Gunsite in the old days , Cooper stood in front of the class and asked " Is there anyone here who is unsure of their ability to pull the trigger if their life was really in danger?"...... <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " Ok you're excused , see us for a refund" <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; And a Cooperism " A .25 in the hand is worth more than a .45 at home in the drawer." <br><br>&nbsp; As regards the guy coming through the window , basic stress situation , and probably no significant training. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 1. Acquire target. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 2. Identify target. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 3. Place finger on trigger <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 4. Confirm target <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 5. Fire if necessary. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The shooter in this case missed 2 and 4 , with 2 being of primary importance , especially to civilians.<br>
I have been very interested to read this topic.&nbsp; I have a concealed carry permit and have a bersa .380.&nbsp; I introduced myself on another thread today and while we are about to be homeless and considering living in an RV full time, I will not give up my permit.<br /><br />I was stalked a few years ago by a woman I had been friends with.&nbsp; She was threatening to kill me and my children.&nbsp; I lived in NY and when I tried to get a restraining order, I was told that because I was not married to her, I could not have one.&nbsp; This was one of the reasons why we moved to CO.&nbsp; When we got out here, she continued to stalk us long distance and make death threats.&nbsp; We had a temporary restraining order but the judge took it away because she claimed not to have any money to be able to get to CO.<br /><br />After he took the order away, the threats started again.&nbsp; The police advised us to get permits and told us about the 'make my day' law.&nbsp; Apparently, if she is banging on our door, screaming that she is going to kill us, we are allowed to shoot her through the door.&nbsp; Now, I have a problem with this.&nbsp; I live in an apartment complex (temporarily) and would have no way of knowing where that bullet would end up (I can't see what I am shooting if there is a door in the way).&nbsp; Besides, if I am safe behind my door, I can call 911 and let them deal with it.&nbsp; I absolutely do not look for trouble, I moved halfway accross the country to get away from it.&nbsp; But, my thought is this - would I have shot her, if necessary? Yes, it has to be easier to live with an assailant's death than the death of your child because you failed to act.&nbsp; After a period of time an officer in our town put out a warrant for her arrest in NY for harassment.&nbsp; While she was never actually arrested (her lawyer quashed it) we haven't heard from her in 1 1/2 years.<br /><br />One of the reasons we are losing our apartment is because the people downstairs drink...alot.&nbsp; For some reason they decided they didn't like us.&nbsp; I have repeatedly been subjected to threats like they will kick my ### and other stuff every time I would go to my car in the lot.&nbsp; It finally stopped when one day, as I was going to my car, my jacket blew open and the woman (who is twice my size) saw my bersa on my hip.&nbsp; Since she must have decided that confronting me directly might not be wise, she has been complaining to the office that I have been confronting her.&nbsp; Last week, one of the men downstairs was drunk and tried to physically touch my mother and put his arms around her.&nbsp; I have proven to the office that I have not done anything (since my mother moved in last year, I am never alone) but they decided "not to renew our lease".&nbsp; You know what, that's okay, given how much this complex has gone downhill, I might actually be safer being<br /><br />The point of my post is this, I only carry a gun for personal protection.&nbsp; I am willing to use it only if all other options are not available and it will afford me an escape.&nbsp; I used to carry knives and I know how to use them.&nbsp; When I travel to other states where I cannot carry my gun, I carry my knife on my belt under a sweatshirt.&nbsp; I have been attacked a couple of times in my life when I lived in bad areas, and knives have saved my life (without cutting anyone up).<br /><br />If you do not think you can use the weapon you are carrying, do not carry it.&nbsp; You are only handing your assailant something to use against you. I would rather kick out a knee and run like hell then hand someone a weapon I cannot defend against.
Songbird<br /><br />You don'twant to live inthat's environment. It will escalate. &nbsp;They will push and see how far they can go before getting a physical response &nbsp;There are other apartment complexes.<br /><br />Used to own a Bersa .380 - a fine shooting handgun. &nbsp;Looked at another yesterday, but the changed from the wooden grips and the new ones feel too small in my hand.<br /><br />Currently looking for a large bore handgun and carbine combo for travelling next year. &nbsp;I'm a bit out of date as to what's available - been a few decades since I've reloaded.<br /><br /><br /><br />Only rifle I currently own is a .303 British. Good range, good punch , good accuracy but a bolt action. &nbsp;Looking for an Ar15 or AK platform.Effective range of 300 yards and the ability to stop a bear are sufficient parameters.<br /><br /><br />
I tend to agree with the responses to this thread. However, it's important to realize that, if you ever have to use your weapon in any situation, your e-mail, forum posts and just about every public statement you have ever made about firearms will be dredged out and possibly used to show an 'attitude' or 'tendency'. Just sayin'. <br /><br />That said, I have been actively supporting an interstate concealed weapons permit reciprocity--long overdue. Each state has its own rules and regs and it would be nice to travel without being in violation.&nbsp; <a href="">http:</a>
<p>The way I look at it is. I am 50 years old and I have never needed a gun. And if you have a gun and you use it, how will you handle killing someone. Im not against guns, I just dont think I need one. I will use a club, or pepper spray, or something like that.</p>
Most most people never have a need for a firearm - much depends on your environment and your lifestyle (out late in high crime areas, etc.) as well as one's judgement. &nbsp;all in all, you never know. Each must make their own decision.<br /><br />Make knowledgable and responsible decision.
I'm not sure if I'm going to be bring a handgun with me when I hit the road. But it's something that I'm considering.<br /><br />I've got&nbsp;CCW permits issued from several states so I can legally carry a concealed handgun in approximately 32 states.&nbsp;My&nbsp;most serious concern is&nbsp;when/if I travel in a state that outlaws handguns&nbsp;to a&nbsp;major degree.&nbsp;If I'm&nbsp;found with a handgun in one of these restrictive states I've got&nbsp;bigger problems than&nbsp;being concerned about the price of gas,&nbsp;maintenance, etc.<br /><br />When I become a van dweller I'll decide&nbsp;if I want to carry a&nbsp;handgun of some&nbsp;type with me. That bridge I'll cross when the date is closer to my&nbsp;"hitting the road."
In states you can't legally carry, just learn the transport laws before you get to them.&nbsp;
Seraphim said:
In states you can't legally carry, just learn the transport laws before you get to them.&nbsp;
<br /><br />That's a "given" right there! All my vehicles have had a lockable gun safe in them. Most people with CCW permits already do this. We can't legally carry guns into federal buildings, post offices, etc. and other prohibited areas.&nbsp;We generally also know the gun&nbsp;transport laws of most states in which&nbsp;gun ownership/carry/possession is an issue. I plan on getting&nbsp;VERY familiar with the&nbsp;gun laws in states that prohibit&nbsp;gun possession.<br /><br />But as I mentioned, I'm not sure if I'll be&nbsp;bringing a handgun with me&nbsp;all the same. That I'll decide next year.
What do I carry...<br /><br />I carry a Colt Series 70 5" barrel 1911 on and off duty. &nbsp;On duty my "Wonder Woman" belt is a Bianchi Accu-Mold with all of the appropriate accessories except the magic lasso. &nbsp;Off duty, I use a SOB holster and keep a couple of Bill Wilson Combat 8 rounders in my back pocket. &nbsp;They are loaded with Federal 185gr +P Hydra-Shoks.<br /><br />What have I recently aquired?<br /><br />I recently stumbled into a steal of a deal on a Mossberg 535 pump shotgun. &nbsp;Wasnt shopping for a gun but when I found it on sale for about 40% under retail, but it was impossible to pass up. &nbsp;I have a few other options but wanted something a little more compact, something able to use steel shot, something with inter-changable chokes and something capable of using 3 and 3.5 inch shells as well. &nbsp;I kinda needed a do it all gun and this one fit the bill to a T. &nbsp;It came with a XX-Full choke tube now I just need to get about 3 more different chokes to keep with it and add a sling and it should prove to be the cats meow.<br /><br />Whats on the agenda in the near future?<br /><br />I got a couple to be honest. &nbsp;I was really looking at a revolver for the 327 Federal. &nbsp;Looks like most manufactures are dropping the models they had out in this due to slow sales. &nbsp;I think Ruger is the only one still holding out. &nbsp;Ammo is a bit hard to find and they are a bit proud of it when you can find it. Since I still want something a bit small in caliber but on the same level of performance as the 327, I have started looking at Rugers' New Model Blackhawk in 30 carbine! &nbsp;With high performance, flat trajectory, mild recoil, it should be about perfect for what I want. &nbsp;Now if Ruger will just make it in Stainless Steel...<br /><br />Next is a new bolt action rifle. &nbsp;My priority here is something of moderate power, compact and efficient, low recoil, cheap to shoot but still packs enough punch to humanely put down a deer or hog. &nbsp;I think the best choice for all that will be the CZ-527. &nbsp;Its a nice little Mauser action chambered in 7.62x39 with a 18.5 inch barrel. &nbsp;Its reknown for its accuracy and quality workmanship, light and handy. &nbsp;With ammo running at a paltry 4.97 for a 20 round box a bore diameter of the correct .311-.312 diameter as opposed to Savage's and Rugers .308 bore diameter, it ought to be just what the Doctor ordered dispite a few fun dollars more in cost.<br /><br /><br />
<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Hey lunatic

Started carrying a .357 626 with a chief special for off duty, then we switched from magnum loads to +Ps , then went to a S&W .45 when we went to automatics. That was a POS so I bought a SigSauer .45. The department eventually went to a SigSauer .40S&W, which I still carry. Not happy with the choice, but I retire in the spring and can then carry whatever I please, thanks to the LEOSA.

Personally own a Tanfoglio Force Police 9mm for concealed, and have an FN FiveseveN enroute for open carry on NF lands. A mintcondition Lee Enfield .303 completes the armory, should I decide to take up hunting. Looking up poly stocks and scope mounts at the moment.

Looked at a Kimber 1911 .45, and it's beautiful, but DW would skin me alive if I spent 1400 on another handgun. *grin*
Since this one is a resurgence... <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />My rotation depending on clothing is a Sig 228 (9x19) in R Grizzle IWB, a Glock 36 (.45) or a Sig P290 (9x19.)<br /><br />Seraphim? Which .45 S&amp;W did you have that was a POS? The 645 and later 3rd Gen S&amp;W autos (4506/4516/4553/cs45) are considered among the most durable and reliable of 45s? The 4506-1 being the primo choice for the once-popular .45 Super conversion, being one of the few .45s that could handle the pressures. Virtually all of these will chamber a magazine full of spent casings reliably! <br /><br />
I was issued two different ones, and I can't remember the model number offhand. The first one had trouble with the rear sights moving during a course of fire, and the second one had the barrel bushing come off during a qualification shoot. I heard the from barrel rattling and the bushing on the front of the slide was completely missing. I'm sure most of the firearms of that model are perfectly fine, but I wasn't going to take a chance after two simultaneous negative experiences. The drifting sight I could have lived with, once repaired. But a bushing,pressed into the slide, coming out ...?

And the department issued new weapons - they weren't a year old when this occurred.

Addendum: It was, as I recall, a 4506
Looked at a Kimber 1911 .45, and it's beautiful, but DW would skin me alive if I spent 1400 on another handgun. *grin*
<br /><br />I can certianly relate to that.&nbsp; You know what they say...Happy Wife = Happy Life!&nbsp; Id have a pretty tough time letting go of 1400 plus myself.&nbsp; That being the case have you thought about building one?&nbsp;&nbsp; A pretty nice gun could be easily assembled from parts just using drop in parts in the after market world.
Haven't the time for too many projects, at the moment. Working a lot of OT to get debts paid off for retirement. The only other gun purchase I'll be considering is something for bear country. The S&W 460V is appealing for that purpose, with a good selection of usable rounds.
wow! 14 pages of talk about firearms and in another thread someone said Americans are not armed to teeth.<br /><br />I think I'll stick to having a knife handy and maybe a slingshot. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
My teeth aren't armed - not even close lol

Maybe one day...

Actually, I've gone almost 28 years carrying a firearm on duty, but not carrying one off duty. Now that we're going to do a lot more boondocking in remote areas, I think it wise to have something available for predators, both 4 footed and two.
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