Finally got my van

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Yes, that is the folklore. I paddled the Sunflower a couple of years ago at Clarksdale and visited Morgan Freeman's place - Ground Zero. We had a great time!
I don't know about that "bad girl" bit. I even took out all the useless adverbs...but, NO! - 404! I changed the ending, too. Several times. It went from bad comedy to snarky to reflective and, still, 404! I took out the parenthesis and the quotation marks. 404! I guess I'll have to take out all the cuss words, next. 

Darn, there goes my Story! ;)

(John Lee Hooker - 'No Substitute For Love'...)
Hmmm Maybe the Beast doesn't  want to play ball. Liv Check Seattle craigslist on the Road treks.
Liv, Post your story in installments. I will give you a nickel for each installment. Pay up at the RTR.
Hmmm, maybe the webserver has a built-in filter for really bad and excessively snarky language, as well as for certain onerous cuss words. Maybe it's not Cyndi wielding Maxwell's Silver Hammer after all.

John Lee Hooker. I don't really know his specific songs, but The Blues Brothers movie was on the tube this past week (not seen it in many years), and along with a lot of other big names, they had this blues guy playing as a street musician, and I just thought, wow that guy is really good. Later in the credits, it turned out to be JLH. I'll have to youtube his music now, :).
HalfShadows said:
Liv, Post your story in installments. I will give you a nickel for each installment. Pay up at the RTR.
Ha, this is gonna pay for her entire trip.

I think I'll edit a bit more. I'd feel bad taking advantage.

I have around four hundred dollars in change. Paying for a good story with change sure beats  rolling said change and taking to the bank.
I will have to open a tab. Please surrender my account later and I will pay up. Only one condition, save the best story for in person A bonus you might say.
HalfShadows said:
Hmm the 1998 seats appear not to recline.

The back seats don't recline but the front seats do.  The back seats with the fronts seats make into 2 twin beds.  I turn the front passenger seat around and use the back seat as a footrest.  Recline the front seat and nap time.  These were built for two adults and two children.  I Love my Roadtrek 200 Versatile.
I don't know anything about Roadtreks, but always like to see what's out there. It has 4 seats, and the back 2 don't recline. I just picked one not too expensive and with reasonably low mileage well under 100,000 miles. Another search of used only, low price first (high price starts around $170,000). Maybe someone can pick out a good deal. Plenty of them back east.
I do not even have a van, yet, but when I do I would like to be able to hook up solar and I do not have everything needed, please help. I can tell you what I have but what will I still need, any advice on solar is greatly appreciated.
I need to know what I still need when I finally get my van, I cannot make it to the van build, I might it at the end where I see everyone leaving, which will be sad, would really like some help. I am disabled and have some mobile issues. Let me tell what I have, I have 2- 100 watt renogy, panals, 1 200 amps, gel deep cycle battery and 1 500 watt inverter that might need a better gage cable hooking it to a solar charger, which I do not have yet. I was thinking of a Renogy 30 am MPPT solar charger. please advice.
Hello ElliMay and welcome to the forum. You are slightly misplaced on this thread. You're kind of lost in the shuffle here. You should do 2 things.

First, go to the "Newcomers" section and say hello to everyone in a general manner, basically describe who you are, which part of the country you're in, and what your future plans might be, but not be too specific about personal details.

Secondly, you should start your own separate thread - in the Van section - about getting and building up your van. You can basically take what you've written above and move it to your own personal thread, "ElliMay's new van" or whatever. That will inspire people to come and post there. People love to give advice to newcomers, when they see ... ahh, a new thread has appeared, :).

Have fun.
Got back from Portland late last night. The solar is some sweet arse caca. Was amped to do some work on it today but had to take care of some financial and legal matters. Can't wait til I am free of the necessary protocols. I was able to cut the support bars in the rear so I can install the bed frame. Unfortunately i will have to sleep diagonally, don't think my feet will clear the opening after the mattress is installed, unless my feet are turned sideways.  I could cut the lip on the bottom of the openings which would give me 2 inches more of clearance. It is feasible to cut one side, but the other side would lose much needed support. I will do that in the future. and bolster the one side for support. Tomorrow  I will finish installing the bed and fridges. Sunday I will install the Propane tank and run the propane lines. Monday I will arrange and load up SB. Tuesday close up the house. Hopefully Wednesday I can hit the road. Fingers Crossed :-/
Ohh yea, trying to find room for large bag of nickels.  Ohh snap, still have to plan my route south.