Finally got my van

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Tomorrow I Take SB to Portland to do the solar thing. Today I will repair the Instrument/Parking Light issue. I also have a seep/leak between the box and the cab. Inspected and found the sealant has cracks. Going to Aluminum Tape the sealed portion until I get to a drier climate to properly seal. Thinking of driving to the airport where I was based out of and grabbing some expired poly sulphide sealant. Amazon has it but @ $64.00 for 6oz tube I don't think so.
Drove SB to Portland yesterday. Drove like a dream, except for the road noise in the Cabin. Going to have to do some sound proofing in all the equipment bays. When I finish building out the inside, the noise level should reduce as well. Installing x2 340 watt solar panels. Was going to install x3 305 watt panels but decided I didn't want the overhang of a few inches. 400 amp hour battery bank and a 2500 watt inverter. SB came with a 3000 watt 23.6 amp Brutus inverter. For the Brutus inverter to work efficiently a minimum of 90 watts must be applied to it. I suspect it was used to power Emergency tower lights and power equipment.
Getting closer to the end of the solar install. Should be able to test the system Friday if all goes well.
Q. Looks like I am going to do the full size bed east-west installation after all.  Not leaving until after the 15th, unless something else comes up :dodgy:
Going to use 2" angle iron for the frame. Will bolt the frame on the lower shelf as you previously eluded to.
Yeah, floor space disappears fast once you start putting everything in there, and bed across the back really frees up a lot of floor space - even in a regular size van like mine. I actually have enough space, I can put in my folding lounge chair. 

And good, the longer you wait, the better you will be able to check SB, aka "The Beast", in snowy blizzard conditions. You can still make RTR, where there will be 1000 youtube cams wanting to do interviews. Fun awaits. You new life as a celebrity is beginning, :).
Q. Maybe I will bring my bike and camp way a way and ride it to the festivities LOL Maybe I can borrow your hat as well. :cool:
Don't be so shy. Nothing scares you. (so, maybe only 100 youtube cams hiding in the bushes around SB).
SB is no big deal. I am sure there is a lot more interesting eclectic rigs to keep the muggers with their digital refractive recorders busy. I wonder if there is a hierarchy followed by the You Tube video loggers. Do they have meetings and divvy out the vehicle tours. Or is it just happenstance. They seem like nice people.  Ohh well I shall not judge, just the anti-social in me coming out.
Relax. From what I've seen, the youtubers just pounce on whomever they see. And don't for even one minute think that SB won't be "by far" the most unique rig to come into pounceable range in eons. Every one of those channels already has all of the usual faire. SB is special, you'll see, LOL. One day Liv will write a story about "The Man From the Great Northwestern Territories".
If anyone can write a story it is Liv. Speak of a good story, I haven't seen a Liv story for a while. She must be doing road trip research. Can't wait for the next one.
She's not posted for a bit. I believe she was heading back east to deal with personal business. Real life has a habit of getting in the way of fun.
Sorry, I got an email stating I was using too much bandwidth. Since I don't know what that means...

I tried to post about the Beast and was met with "Fancy Meeting You Here" 404!

And every word of my Story was true!


Ahhh, there she is. And every word of every one of her stories is the truth and only the truth, subject to the pain and agony of perjury, as the judge said.

I've had a few of those 404 errors too. I think it was just the server temporarily burping.
Thank you for your support, Q. You know I wouldn't tell a tale. Even a damn good one! ;)
Welcome back Liv, now you can tell us the your story of truthiness :rolleyes:
You know I want to. "They" just won't let me.

And Cyndi seems like such a nice woman!

I'll try, again, later - after my parole hearing...
