Carry a gun? Extra cash? Where?

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Every Road Leads Home said:
I've always wondered what would happen if you shot a would be assailant....with a gun you had in that state illegally but legally owned in your home state....

The answer: sand. They would bend you over not with lube, but with dry sand.
I keep my gun and valuables in the cat box   :p

You are welcome to search it.  ;)
Optimistic Paranoid said:
The Handgun Law site disagrees with you. 

Yes, Wyoming residents no longer need a permit to carry concealed.  However, Wyoming law does not extend that right to non-residents.  They need a permit from one of the 35 states that Wyoming recognizes as being a valid permit.

The nine states that they list as having permitless carry - AK, AZ, KS, ME, MS, MO, NH, VT, & WV -  have no such restrictions.  They are described as follows:

"Anyone who can legally possess a firearm may carry it concealed in those states without a permit/license"

You, sir, are correct. It was my assumption that since Wyoming was limited to residents that was the case elsewhere. I believe ND just signed a bill to authorize permitless carry. 

The other thing that is super important to know when CC is whether you have a duty to inform or not, or only when asked.
Wabbit said:
Not sure about guns, but "dog" and "bear" repellent are legal in all 50 states. 

This isn't so. There are several states that make bear spray or pepper spray illegal to carry--New York being one of them. Other states make it legal to carry only for people over 18. In Florida, I carried pepper spray on my bicycle as an anti-dog measure, and the law there is that you can only have two ounces spray capacity.
Pepper spray laws, knife laws, handgun laws, long gun laws: if you're gunna use them then you had better know the laws.

But the ol' saying is still the truest . . .

"I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six."

When you are alone and fighting for your life, anything goes.

Just my opinion . . .
Can of wasp spray cost about $3 and I imagine it's legal in all 50 states.  Shoots quite a ways too.
Speedhighway46 said,
But the ol' saying is still the truest . . .

"I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six."

When you are alone and fighting for your life, anything goes."

Years ago in my wilder days I got into a scrap with a guy who had me in a serious headlock, he was steady thumping the back of my head. Luckily for me I'm hard headed.. My face was against his chest so I just took a huge bite, not a dainty little nip, out of his chest and tried to tear the flesh off. He let me go like I was on fire, big mistake. After all was settled and he went to get stitches, one of his crowd called me a dirty fighter. Nope, I was a winning fighter.

Yeah, Gunny, you're correct!

"Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser . . . "

Just my opinion . . .
speedhighway46 said:
Yeah, Gunny, you're correct!

"Show me a good loser  and I'll show you a loser . . . "

Just my opinion . . .

As the legendary Bill Jordan observed, "There Are No Second Place Winners In Gun Fights".

And, oddly enough, no one ever seems to award a Good Sportsmanship Trophy after one . . .
My Sig P226 is in a soft case in a gym bag on the floor underneath a backpack. My extra cash is in ATMs all over the country.
Cat litter balls...  Guarenteed to creap out the most macho bad guys ever. 

Nobody dares attack anyone insaine enough to fight with toxic substamces.  :cool:
MrNoodly said:
My Sig P226 is in a soft case in a gym bag on the floor underneath a backpack. My extra cash is in ATMs all over the country.

Unless there is a power outtage or the banks close...what happened in Cyprus could happen here.
DuneElliot said:
Unless there is a power outtage or the banks close...what happened in Cyprus could happen here.

That's why the gun is there. ;)
Pepper spray IS LEGAL in all 50 states, but there are CERTAIN JURISTICTIONS within some of those states where it is illegal.

The simplest way to carry weapons and cash is as mentioned before: in a box welded to the floor with a heavy lock on it. There won't be any quick grabs, and LEOs need a warrant to open it.
DuneElliot said:
Unless there is a power outtage or the banks close...what happened in Cyprus could happen here.

To be fair, if the banks close...will the little pieces of green paper still be worth anything?
There are many scenarios where the value of what cash will buy skyrockets. Greece is a very recent example, friends of mine backpacked in had the time of their lives for 50-80% off, many spots had the run of the place, just them and the (very friendly and grateful) locals.

Disaster tourism, coming major trend. . .

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