How do you carry, if you carry a gun?

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Never a good idea to openly display any weapon inside one's vehicle that can be seen from the outside of the vehicle.

Nor is it ever wise to verbally advertise the presence of a firearm to anyone but legit law enforcement if/when the opportunity arises...
Thank you for all the info and comments.
I have thought about will I be able to shot another human.... only for saving my or hubby's life. Not so much for the cash.
My family always had hunting guns around even though dad only went hunting to drink beer with his buddies. I learned to shot young, but I am very much aware that it is different then shooting at a live human. Also I did not like to shot it hurt my ears so I did not do it much. Hubby taught our sons to shoot and the power of a gun. He made them listen and understand the roll a gun can be to change your life.... as well as others. We both also know that we may need it some time to stop someone from doing US harm. There are stories for both sides of this.
He grew up in carny lots and farm camps and sometimes under bridges, he knows how to stay out of trouble, unless trouble is determined to find you. (As in Cash around)
I am, like I said, trying to figure out how, if, and what, to think about all this...
Maybe the gun will be his, the pepper spray mine....
Both of us will need to practice and then practice and then practice some more. We will take lessons from the cop friend and do what we can to be legal. I'm thinking this might not be fun if we don't.
I like the idea of a vest type holder, but Hubby may want a belt thing.
I plan to have a strong box in the van to hold it, but the friend was saying because it is a van, there may be some places where it will need to have the bullets somewhere else, not in the same place and some states say it has to be in certain areas in the van. He said some states are real buggers about it. Has anyone had any problems with this issue? I want to have it if needed,(?) but not so it can be stolen or used against us. And not so it is not legal.
We are planning to have the money safe bolted to the floor someplace out of sight and only between banks. Not many banks open at 2-3 am....
As you can see this is something we are not taking lightly. The cop friend has made sure his wife and now daughter are both very capable with hand guns and has said it is not a bad idea. He has seen to much he says. As long as we are careful....
I have a hand gun that is a bb gun. It's pretty powerful. I don't want to kill anyone or hurt myself but I will shoot their eyeballs out.
Most people can't hit the side of a barn. Many people can't hit a person in the center mass.

As for shooting them in the eye, do you know what is right behind the eyes?

Maybe you'd best stick with a decent brand of pepper spray (Sabre or Pom), and practice a bit before you need it.
I don't intend to get involved in the whole gun argument.

I grew up in a rural hunting gun-culture kind of place. Then I spent my time in the military in a less than peaceful time and place. Right now, the last thing I want to do is shoot and maybe kill someone. So, IMHO I think the name of the game should be deterrence. The other nice thing about this approach is that nobody is likely to steal your deterrence and kill someone else with it. And in case of error, the innocent will still be around for us to apologize to.

To this end, I favor alarms, the brighter and louder, the better. Spray, shock, etc... also have their place. As a LAST RESORT, a handy knife or baseball bat will also work. Even if they can be deadly, I am not likely to use them on someone standing out of my reach or running away from me.
Most people can't hit the side of a barn. Many people can't hit a person in the center mass.

As for shooting them in the eye, do you know what is right behind the eyes?

Maybe you'd best stick with a decent brand of pepper spray (Sabre or Pom), and practice a bit before you need it.
yea, i told my DW after my last range visit that you need to be Very Large or Very Close to worry about me shooting you ;)
I'm with you.
I have owned 7 firearms and every one stolen from me.
IMO light (at night) and sound work very well at interrupting the attack.
Pepper spray as a deterrent within 7M.
A paint gun is also a deterrent.
Lots of people go to prison because the situation got out of hand quickly. is amazing to me that those that claim to be Christians think it is acceptable to protect their material possessions by harming\killing other people.
I don't buy into the diety(s) myth(s) so I don't have that concern on that basis; that being said I prefer not to hurt people if I can. I am not going to kill\maim somebody over something that can be relatively easily replaced. I will deter though, I have no problem with that. Resorting to a firearm often is a lack of planning and employing alternative methods. It's macho, laziness often....IMO.
It amazes at the people that think I bought a gun just so I can kill someone.

If your guns have been stolen than you didn't secure them very well.
Exactly why you shouldn't store your guns on your doghouse. Examples of how guns get stolen...
I deleted a bunch of posts that were off-topic. I should delete more but I'll probably leave them. Please stay on the topic - How do you carry?
It has been our experience on this forum that debating about the usefulness or necessity of carrying and using guns always leads to disagreements and then the threads must be closed.
I understand deleting posts that just lead to divisive arguments. And I have found I usually agree with most deletions. I imagine this post might be soon deleted as well, but I have to say it.

Allowing a "How do you carry?" and not allowing others to ask WHY do you carry? or suggesting alternatives is like allowing a thread "How do you beat your children?" without allowing some of us to ask why or to suggest alternatives. Or even saying you should not beat your children in the first place. IMO there is an implied acceptance or approval to allowing the first while banning the latter that I have a hard time ignoring. It would make more sense to me to disallow the entire question.
^ Apples/oranges. CCW is legal in most states. Beating children is not.

I do understand why you're against it and I feel that it's kind of sad that it's come to the point in this country where so many people feel the need to carry.
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Allowing a "How do you carry?" and not allowing others to ask WHY do you carry?
Maybe start a thread?

Ammo is expensive. It might be better investment to get a satellite phone and just call the police! 😅
How long will it take the police to get to you if you need a sat phone? hours?
How much damage can a bad guy do to your loved ones in that time?
Last time I called to report someone lurking around my house it took 15 minutes for the cops to get here.

I do a lot of my practice now with a CO2 handgun; quiet, cheap, builds the same muscle memory, can shoot almost anywhere.

To this end, I favor alarms, the brighter and louder, the better. Spray, shock, etc... also have their place. As a LAST RESORT, a handy knife or baseball bat will also work. Even if they can be deadly, I am not likely to use them on someone standing out of my reach or running away from me.
A firearm is always my last resort. I have alarms, bright lights, and chemical deterrents. What happens when they don't work?

No way do I want a bad guy that is bigger and faster than I am to get within knife or bat range of me or going for a loved one. Fighting with a knife requires more skill and practice than using a gun. A bat is useless in the confined space of a van.
The three posts above are why gun threads get closed. There's no way to debate the issue without it becoming contentious. It's the same with every hot-button issue. No amount of discussion will ever make either side change their mind.
I understand deleting posts that just lead to divisive arguments. And I have found I usually agree with most deletions. I imagine this post might be soon deleted as well, but I have to say it.

Allowing a "How do you carry?" and not allowing others to ask WHY do you carry? or suggesting alternatives is like allowing a thread "How do you beat your children?" without allowing some of us to ask why or to suggest alternatives. Or even saying you should not beat your children in the first place. IMO there is an implied acceptance or approval to allowing the first while banning the latter that I have a hard time ignoring. It would make more sense to me to disallow the entire question.
Not only that, the topic of guns is divisive, if not political, across the country. Yet this board doesn't allow politics. And, why is it a category? What does it have to do with cheap RV living?
Yikes. Didn't see that it was deleted. Sorry.

Edit: it is still there
This thread was created 2 years ago.

If we cant discuss a constitutionally protected right that is extremely important to every single American, let alone someone living in a Van we are all doomed.

Laws vary dramatically from state to state (though they shouldn't), it important to discuss the How/If.
This thread was created 2 years ago.

If we cant discuss a constitutionally protected right that is extremely important to every single American, let alone someone living in a Van we are all doomed.
Extremely important to every single American? Don't think so:

"Typical is the most recent Gallup Poll on the subject, conducted about a month before the 2020 election. A strong 57 percent majority favored tougher laws, while only 9 percent wanted gun legislation to be even more porous. The other 34 percent supported the status quo.

"Think of it: For more than a quarter century — through Columbine, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, and now Atlanta and Boulder — the bulk of American voters have wanted tougher gun laws."
why is it a category? What does it have to do with cheap RV living?

I can see guns being a legitimate topic -- if people are going to have 'em, I'd rather they stored and handled them safely; and if discussion helps, I'm all for it. (I'm vegetarian, too, but if you want to talk about hamburgers, go for it.)

Some of the most passionate animal-lovers (and kindest people) I've known have been hunters. We can all learn from each other. Being pro-gun-safety doesn't have to mean being anti-gun.

Talking about guns don't have to be political, if we act like grownups. It bothers me having to tiptoe around topics because there's that "one in every crowd" that'll go political with it. Especially nowadays when every bleeping thing can be fought over. The more things we can't talk about, the more the bullies win. (Pro tip to all y'all that think you just have to make that point -- not specific to this thread, but in general -- we've heard it before. And the rest of us have strong opinions too; we're just choosing to respect each other.)
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