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      peteg59 reacted to Gr8ful's post in the thread Veterans Day with Like Like.
      I hope she runs in 2028🥳
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      peteg59 replied to the thread Veterans Day.
      Probably won't happen in my lifetime, but Ms. Gabbard is a woman I would stand in line all day for to vote in as our first woman POTUS...
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      peteg59 reacted to Gr8ful's post in the thread Veterans Day with Love Love.
      This is the actual way to honor our veterans
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      peteg59 reacted to FlipperFla's post in the thread Veterans Day with Like Like.
      For Dad and Fellow Shipmates
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      peteg59 reacted to Gr8ful's post in the thread Veterans Day with Haha Haha.
      Thank You Very Much to All who Served! A little humor. Veterans Say the Funniest Things That Will Make You Laugh | Fabulous Things for...
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      peteg59 reacted to Gr8ful's post in the thread Veterans Day with Like Like.
      A Saint for Veterans Day by Steele Brand November 11, 2022 Veterans Day is about more than mere jingoism—it is also an opportunity for...
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      peteg59 reacted to Cy_5th's post in the thread Veterans Day with Like Like.
      Truly the few holidays that really means something to me. And should be for all. Guess what the other one is hehe meh. I still got to...
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