Carry a gun? Extra cash? Where?

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Meh, the conspiracy-theory fans have been telling me for fifty years now that the US is on the verge of collapse blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.

I won't hold my breath waiting.
We put in a small safe attached to the frame. It will carry expendable items and serve as "low hanging fruit" for anyone who decides that what we have is worth expropriating. Since ours is a home build, we have multiple niches for other stuff, so someone will have to do some serious, time-consuming searching. But, we figure that not carrying expensive possessions is the better option. We have a safe deposit box at the credit union. And a storage unit for things we want for down the road, when done with traveling. Also, we're paying for storage for our son's furniture and stuff for the years while he's in college, the things he's not able to use until he's done with school (included graduate school-he plans on using his GI Bill benefits completely). We'll pay for that until he has a job and place of his own. If we didn't do that, it would be tempting to jettison every thing. If we couldn't spare the cost of the storage unit, all we really need is the safe deposit box. The storage unit will be liquidated as soon as our baby takes his stuff unless our traveling is complete or nearly done. Only if we can see that we may want it soon.

Things we're keeping are pretty much family pictures and keepsakes. The latter I can do without. And now, almost all our photos are online and backed up physically.

As far as I'm concerned, my most precious possessions are my husband and I. That's why I carry. Personal choice.
I travel in a minivan with 2 dogs. Not many, if any, hiding places to keep important and valuable stuff. That's why all of my important documents are in a safety deposit box at my home base. I only carry enough cash with me to fill up my gas tank in case of gas station malfunction (pump or indoor register malfunction). I carry the bare minimum of documents while traveling (DL, vehicle insurance card, vehicle registration, health insurance card, library card, credit cards, and dog's registration papers).
I don't worry too much about somebody busting in my minivan to steal stuff while I'm gone. There is nothing of value in there. My dogs are always with me, so are the items mentioned above. If someone wants to break in while I'm in the van, I'll let the dogs take care of them. Or just jump in the driver's seat and take off if need-be.
Can anyone recommend a good safe with a link to it and something I could install (to the frame)?
XFILE36 said:
Can anyone recommend a good safe with a link to it and something I could install (to the frame)?

How big a safe do you need?

Tuffy Security Products makes a number of different products for various brands of vehicles.

BTW, the difference between a strong box and a safe is that a strong box protects against theft, while a safe protects against both theft and fire.  The difference is important when you are talking about cash and important papers.
the only right answer is,,,,DO NOT TELL ANYBODY weather you carry cash/firearms
I used to keep keys and cash in my factory tow cross bar and use the regular black stoppers and magnets to secure all available from the outside.
If you get a hand gun, carry it, sleep with it. Get a carry permit.
A 38 revolver weighs less than a pound and will kill a black bear.
Get trained.
Never carry more cash than you will spend that day.
Use your card for more than $ 15.
as for a can of spray that will work, and is legal in all 50 states. even most of the world. easy to get in most of the world. (probabley).
is a can of degreaser called brake clean. it is asitone under pressure.
not much for the nose. will hurt the mouth, sting the eyes very painfully. and hurts ones breathing.
no need for a carry permit, or training to use it. just point into there face n shoot.

i have this can of case lube never have got it into my face. but i bet it hurts also.

the best defense, is a strong and fast offense.
one needs to and MUST use there head. does not matter where you are or what you have or can use. first think about where you are and plan accordingly.

caretaker said:
the only right answer is,,,,DO NOT TELL ANYBODY weather you carry cash/firearms
And especially here on the world wide web! Sheesh!
brake clean has a lot more in it than acetone. also it is against federal law to use it in any manner other than what is was intended. highdesertranger
VanKitten said:
"LEO deciding to do a little confiscation" 

"How do I hide such things and have them remain Both accessible and secure?"

The second question comes.. is it even legal to have a gun in other than the state it was issued?   What about "concealed carry".   Is it considered illegal de Facto?

Hello OP, here's my take on your questions.

1.  I'm not sure what you mean by "LEO deciding to do a little confiscation"
First, LEOs needs probable cause to further investigate.  A typical traffic stop DOES NOT warrant to ask "do you have a gun in your car", even if asked you have the right NOT to answer.  In some states, LEO need a warrant before opening a locked compartment or a locking storage attached to your vehicle.  Unless you are doing something illegal you shouldn't have anything to worry about as you are a law abiding and a responsible gun owner.  Unless you mean a dirty cop searches your vehicle (even locked compartments/storage areas) without PC, then you can request his or her supervisor or report the incident immediately after contact (yes even dial 911).  And document as much as you can if you think the officer overreach his or her authority.

2.  People find creative ways to hide valuables all the time.  I had a van with an armrest that was wrapped in leather material with a zipper, I would hide my cash and registration inside the padding.  As for guns, you can have a small lock box or even a small safe but bolt it down so its not easily to grab and go.  Yes those cable can be cut easily.  The key is to make it harder and more time consuming.  The hiding spot can vary due to everyone's rig is set-up differently inside, take a little time to make or see what's the best spot for you.

3.  Yes its totally legal to have a gun in other States than the original issuing State.  Fed law allows transporting to all States period.  The way/matter of how its transported (loaded and unloaded) differs from State to State.  If you are not familiar with every State's gun laws, just do this, when you are driving, have the handgun unloaded, locked in a case, and store it in a locking compartment.  Locking compartment usually means a trunk in a vehicle but since we have vans or RV's, any locked cabinets within the RV is fine.  I wouldn't store it in a center console or glove box even if its locked as its "reachable" and won't go well in some States.  When you are sleeping, make the gun loaded and put it somewhere easy to grab if situation presents itself.  Having a loaded gun inside your rig while you are sleeping is legal in all States as your RV is your temp resident.  The key is to have a gun routine from driving to sleeping and stick with it everyday!

3A.  Conceal Carry often mean you are carry a loaded gun on your body in a conceal matter.  Like some have stated, some States allows conceal carry without a permit, some requires one.  Laws on conceal a loaded gun in your vehicle also differs from State to State.  Sometimes I forget so I just follow the "routine" described above.  I don't conceal carry everywhere I go, situation awareness is number one, I usually don't get into areas that I'm not comfortable with.

Hope my two cents helps.  Best travels.
Sorry if this has already been covered, but in many jurisdictions they have made it illegal to have a concealed box. So just having one is in itself grounds for arrest, search and for asset forfeiture to kick in.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Rv's are full of factory built hidden compartments, they waste space all over.  Tap into one of those.  I personally don't care if hidden compartments are illegal, I'll still have one.  Speeding is illegal and I do it everyday. 

That doesn't sound very smart.

Big difference between speeding a little and possibly getting a ticket vs. getting caught with a hidden compartment and possibly getting your home confiscated.
wagoneer said:
In the past I kept keys and cash inside my factory mounted tow hitch

I wonder if the Cops can claim that you used it as a hidden compartment. I know, far fetched....but damn, just saw post #53 about Cops draining debit cards, etc. 

Wonder how the Cops would ask about you carrying cash?  Would they ask if you were carrying "lots of cash" or do they have a set amount....."over $10,000 in cash?"....if you lie, then that's another charge right?

Read somewhere, where Mexicans from Mexico saved up their money to buy farming equipment for their small business in the USA and drove over with over $100,000 in cash to buy it. Bad move, as they were stopped for something and the Cops confiscated all of their hard earn money.  Don't think they got it back!

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