Building Hank

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Gary68 I mean no disrespect, I will try to be diplomatic. but it's common for these rear brakes to give those exact symptoms, if any of the reasons I posted previously are present. now I never said for sure it was the rear brakes I just gave a list of things to check. this is how you eliminate possible problems. if you just start replacing parts, it's a crap shoot. that's how people spend lots off money on something simple. a mechanic should trouble shoot a system to determine the problem. they shouldn't be guessing. guessing usually cost lots of money without fixing the problem. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
Gary68 I mean no disrespect,  I will try to be diplomatic.  but it's common for these rear brakes to give those exact symptoms,  if any of the reasons I posted previously are present.  now I never said for sure it was the rear brakes I just gave a list of things to check.  this is how you eliminate possible problems.  if you just start replacing parts,  it's a crap shoot.  that's how people spend lots off money on something simple.  a mechanic should trouble shoot a system to determine the problem.  they shouldn't be guessing.  guessing usually cost lots of money without fixing the problem.  highdesertranger

No respect to dis,my ego went with the color in my hair,just trying to help the lady with her brakes,we are on the same team here.
Over the interwed,without never seeing or driving the van :-/
And I will take under advisement the advice of both you wonderful gentlemen.  I really do appreciate the assistance. You are both awesome to lend your knowledge and ideas!

I should be able to get more diagnostic done this next week.  Granted LS is in the business to make money, and has a tendency to shoot first- when it comes to parts.   :-/

On the build side:  Got the kitchen-desk redone.  Looks fabulous!  Also got my battery box built (2ce, due to miscalculation and tiredness.. lol) The box is installed, just need to adjust the lid a tiny bit. And took measurements for the roof rack that needs some welding…
It is getting exciting- things are starting to come together now!
While waiting on brake resolution..
Refinished the kitchen-desk.
KDesk finish.jpg 
And firmly attached it to the floor with large L-brackets.
KDesk screw.jpg
Built a battery box in the rear (for the 2 small AGM batteries), then rebuilt half of it because I attached the sides on the outside not the inside, and it wouldn't fit... and firmly attached it to the floor also.
Measured (again) for the replacement curtains I will be sewing soon.
Measured for the roof rack - welding on Monday (for the solar panels)
Finished covering the fiberglass-fluff insulation along the floorboards.
Re-attached the wheel well covers (insulation and sound dampening)
Attached sink plumbing and found the 5gal jug for gray water.  (still need to figure out how to secure it, because it is not flush to any surface but the floor..)
Added safety stops to the drawers in the kitchen-desk.
Put the original table flange back in the floor, for use with the pillar-table that came with the van.  I have replaced the ugly and fairly useless 'beverage holder' with a salvaged keyboard tray from a desk.  More surface for table, and easily stored behind the front seat.  Long rectangle, won't roll around.  :)
And of course, my helpers helped in their usual supervisory capacity.
Will be getting a screw in handle for the kitchen pull-out today.  The front stopper/trim piece has come loose, and I figure this would be a useful and functional way to reattach it.  lol
Got the 2 100w solar panels, charge controller, monitor, shunt, etc..  woooo!


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Thanks for the encouragement!  

Latest progress…
Pics of my battery box- firmly attached to the floor.
It may not be 'pretty' but there is room to route wiring.  And it is stout enough that, if I grab it anywhere- and yank Hard, the whole van moves. lol

Worked on the sink yesterday- yes I used sink clamps and mastic.. lol
And I am going to rig up a McGuyvered foot pump for water.  So got a beautiful salvaged faucet (it has a couple teeeeny little dents.. pfff. I don't care!  How cool is this?) and mounted it to the sink.
Hey Bob- did I mention I am the son my father never had? LOL

Then I knocked the paint off the roof rack mounts with a dremel- where the weld is going.  Save some labor monies.
While the help relaxed outside.
This whole build has been a good teaching opportunity for the dogs.  They are learning to hang out with the van.
Even to the point that, when she saw a guy walking his dogs on the sidewalk, my girl (the blonde) chose- instead of going to go say 'hi' - to come in the van and tell me, then hop up on the bed.  Good girl!


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Fantastic work.. and you so fearless about it all.

Guess your travel security de-TAILS have jumped into action! (sorry, bad pun LOL)
WriterMs- ha!

The brake shop says they Think they resolved the brake issue.. I will get Hank back tomorrow and run him through his paces. We shall see...
Danny says they put a clamp on the brake line to the rear, and it solved the problem.. But he Also said they turned the drums (again?) and polished the calipers... And That solved the problem too. I will test drive Hank for a couple days and see.
polished the calipers? what in the h*ll is that? is there anyway for you to post a copy of the bill? of course with all the personnel info redacted. highdesertranger
probably polished the piston(s) in the calipers.

that's why I do my own mechanical work...
never heard it called polishing. it's called honing. if that is actually what they did. highdesertranger
Prolly changed out the muffler bearings and adjusted the kerflunken valve too. Geez.
Also discussed swapping out the BPV for an aftermarket adjustable one. Not like I need OEM parts..
Even told him it is what I want, because I am essentially building a ClassB out of it. He agreed that it would be the best option- considering how nearly impossible the correct part is to find.

Later I get a call back. He talked to his boss about it, and got a firm negatory. They will not install anything that is not original spec.

So I am really hoping this latest 'fix' is an actual Fix. Regardless of what they did or didn't do. (and this last time the work was on warranty - so free)

Wonder if they will change the blinker fluid too?
if they are clamping off brake lines to try to fix the problem you need a new brake mechanic,les schwab is usually pretty good,try another location or someone else
they are clamping the line to isolate the problem. by clamping the rear line you are eliminating the rear brakes. so if the problem goes away they know it's in the rear. however that is really not a smart way to do it. just the action of clamping the line could damage it especially on a older line. another point if your proportioning is bad and causing this problem the brake warning light on the dash should be on. I wonder if they even checked that. highdesertranger
got Hank back this morning. Drove him all over hell and gone. Problem does not duplicate. They lightly machined the drums and other bits, removing glazing and damaged surfaces. Apparently when the brakes got hot they warped out of round by a tiny bit. Which caused the pulsing.. They say they removed the clamp. I will crawl under there and eyeball things tomorrow (it is raining right now, and after a long day at work, I am tired.) But feels good to drive him again.
Didn't realize how much the van would handle like a 3ton VW bug.. lol I actually really like driving Hank.

Also- the only time I see a brake warning light is on startup.