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The first consideration is to place it as far as is practical away from your engine's exhaust pipe outlet. I placed mine on the opposite side and more than half the length of the van toward the front. Drill your hole and install this system only if you have a working carbon monoxide detector, and never never have the engine and this fan running at the same time. There was a van lifer in the news who rented a camping space right next to the space a Class-A had rented. The Class-A left its gas generator running all night, and the van lifer never ever woke up again. The carbon monoxide from the generator was sucked in by the van lifer's similar ventilation system, and it proved fatal.Where in the van did you drill the hole? Thinking of doing the same with my van for a while now. Not exactly sure where would be a good place to put it.
Where I put mine is against the side wall and under my desk. To get that right, I crawled under my van to find a spot that had no wires, steel bars, or pipes close to it. Then drilled a small test hole first, checking to be sure the hole is in the correct place both under and inside the van. My perfect spot under the van was a clear square area between the gasoline filling pipe, the side wall, the gas tank, and a heavy steel beam. Wearing protective eye goggles and a mask over my nose, I drilled a small test hole up from underneath. Then went inside, saw two inches over would have been better, and drilled a second test hole down from inside. I crawled under the van again to see, and found my second test whole was in the perfect spot, both under and inside the van.