Building Hank

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So glad my posts yield a little help for someone else :)

You can just zoom in on the curtain pic and see, pretty much how it works. The convo-company put little covers over the nuts to make them look all spiffy. They are just small silver-colored plastic caps with holes.

And another thing-- If you use rubber backed, light blocking fabric. Be aware that it will hang up on the rod a bit. Plan for this, and cut your fabric with extra for the sleeves. And if you use a thick fabric, you need an extra nut on each end to space it off the van body so they don't mildew.
Got my house batteries in the van.
Box has a lid (with zero inside facing metal) just not in the picture.

I also got my roof rack parts back from the welder.. See "Rack Butcher" post in Mechanical... :(


  • HouseBatteries.jpg
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Work/progress on Hank has been slow, of late. More hours at work, then new- full time job.. so almost No hours to work on the van. But at least I can catch up on bills and have a couple bucks to get a few more parts. Like a new fuel filter (occasional hesitation/stumble when driving).. and monster jumper cables (2ga!) for charging house batteries off alternator (already have CDSoleniod) and such.. Soon a new exhaust muffler.. as the one there now is basically an open box with tube attachments on both halves.. lol Will sure love not having to have the cab floor vent open to not gas myself with exhaust.. :)

Still no resolution on the roof rack. Apparently I am being unreasonable for wanting what we discussed and not the crap they gave back to me. sigh.
Some days, I really hate people... you know.
SOOOOO happy to see your post, Gypsy. I had been wondering about where you disappeared to. Sometimes you have to take the work when its there, as you said, so you can get what you need to make more progress when work is slow and you have more time.
Thanks Ms :)

I am on here regularly, reading. Just not posting.

OH- I do plan a shakedown camp out for new year's weekend... seeings how I have a 3 day long weekend to work with.

Will get pics/video and share after.
Still Here... (for those that care/wonder)

New job is now Full-Time and eats into any free time I have.
Trying to get a few things done each week. Some weeks I succeed, others,.. not. :)
Have all the parts for my ventilation system: 12v high cfm computer fan, trailer vent, and narrow furnace duct cover for intake. With reducer and bug screen. High/Low setup to draw hot air from the roof and pull cooler air from under the van. Also got reversible rheostat for the fan. woot!

Still need to address the muffler and weird battery thing. Took the van, and battery- of course, to the place I purchased it. They hooked up a tester and said it was fine. Which seems odd, as the van started with the slow 'Ruh, aw-Ruh' that sounds of a very low battery. And I tried to argue that 11.7 was nowhere Near starting power.. but being a mere woman I know nothing apparently- lol/sigh

On the not-the-van topic, I have begun my dog blogs and videos and am slowly building a following. Yay :cool: :D

Going to try to get a little work done IN the van this weekend. Dormancy has led to a slight mildew problem. Will rigorously wipe all surfaces with funk-killer. And improve ventilation.

OH- Also got a neat cooling mat for the dogs. They seem to like it and will probably make good use of it once the weather warms up. :)
glad to hear from you, was wondering about you. what's up with your battery? 11.7 is way low. was this during cranking, if not you have a problem. what was the voltage with it running? was the 11.7 resting voltage? highdesertranger
Hello, my friend!
It was 'resting' just after having it on the charger overnight (slow charge) and driving it about half a mile to the big-box store.. again, sigh.
well if you had the charger on all night and the battery only read 11.7, sounds like a bad battery. I am curious, they told you everything was fine and your battery only read 11.7? is that true? if t is they sound like a bunch of shysters. highdesertranger
Agree w/HDR
11.7v after an O/N slow charge with an extra boost from the alternator .....was that at the battery terminals ? If so , it's Poooched.

I can't imagine how someone could call it fine,,,, don't go back there!

If you can , check voltage while running to see if the alternator output is normal 14+v.
Check where the negative cable attaches to the motor , look at the wire end for corrosion , clean and tighten . Install a new battery. Turn key and smile.
Hey Gypsy Dogs, glad you're still here. Doesn't full time work suck? But it does help pay the bills. And yeah, that battery is toast, surprised it started the van at all.
I need to take it back to the place I got it and explain to them that they need to honor their battery warranty.
Seeings how that is one of the reasons I bought from them in the first place.

And yeah, I'd love to "turn the key and smile" I Like my van, but it seems to need extra lovin' right now. :(
Glad you are posting again to update us!

I'd love to hear more as you have experience with that cooling pad. The sales site says they have an X-large and I'm wondering how that might work for an adult person's upper body if one is caught in unusually warm weather (I try to stay high and cool when I am camping).

was driving my route for my job... and Saw HANK... in a used car lot.

price- $6990. roflmao!

and yes, I'm sure it was him. You cannot mistake the blue/white roof, and classic 'Getaway Van' swooshies.
Wait, wait. What happened between March ‘16 and now?
Just read this thread and was enjoying the remodel then poof