Thanks all, Sorry about the PM rejection Queen. I've been on that end of the stick after typing something thoughtful and been like WTF!! Not at the recipient, but at ther forum software, that I was not notified before typing, that that member had PM's turned off.
I've turned PM'S back on, but will redirect 12v electrical questions back to the electrical subforum and chime in on page 2, if they go that far.
This one cousin is the only one whose company I ever even partially enjoyed, so a lack of response to offers of aid or assistance, is a bit infuriating, I've got some other cousin$, all within 3 hours of driving distance and I will not expend any effort regarding them whatsoever, and that feeling, I am sure, is mutual.
If there was a response, a lot of my free time would likely be consumed at this moment and have me in a physical location I'd rather not be, spending money I'd rather not spend, and possibly worrying about thieves eyeballing my domecile. But I was willing to redo all these things, as I had already done them last week without issue.
So in one way I am relieved to not be standing shoulder to shoulder in a crowd wondering if tweaking low life thieves were looking for their next fix near my van, or having to deal with parking or traffic.
Popeye, I so 'Ain't right' that I feared my presence in that thread would make you merely partially 'ain't right' types question the meaning of 'Ain't right'

and as i said, I like to be considerate.
Too bad that being considerate is generally regarded at a sign of weakness in this day and age of 'Me me me. ' Or perhaps I've just been in Southern California for too long.