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Reluctant RV

New member
Mar 30, 2018
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Do to life situations beyond my control, I have ended up in my RV (old class C ). never in a million years would I have believed this is were I would end up. this is not a dream life style for me. it was a necessity. this is not something I would have chosen but now, it is what it is. for me this will be a difficult transition but I have no choice. I do understand that attitude is everything and I am trying to improve mine when it comes to this situation. 
 I am a 53 year old single, white guy. I live in the New Mexico park system now and I need to stay somewhat close to Albuquerque for several doctors appointments. I am unable to do any physical work and I started a disability claim 6 mo. ago. still going threw red tape. I have no family or support network of any kind. pretty much an island to myself. I am comfortable in my own skin so being alone doesn't bother me, it is peaceful after 2 years incredible stress. but, I do need to build a completely new social circle.
 I understand that most people on this site wanted this lifestyle but I would appreciate talking with other people who didn't, people forced in to it like me, and how things have been working for them. It's only been 90 days in my rv at this point. BOB if your interested in interviewing someone reluctant, and following the progress over time, lets talk.
Welcome to the forum, it's good to have you here. Hang in there, a positive attitude helps greatly.
Welcome to the forum. I am in just the opposite boat. I am stuck in a S&B and would rather be out communing with nature. We have been out a few times since retiring but are now forced to stay at home because of wife's health issues. Hoping to get back out some part time when the kids move in to help care for my DW. Attitude is everything.

Good luck on the transition.
Riverman said:
Welcome to the forum, it's good to have you here.   Hang in there, a positive attitude helps greatly.
thank you, there doesn't seem to be much support on this site for the people who have been forced into this and tons for people who did.
Life is hard, life is tough, life is not fair sometimes... we simply have to make the very best of whatever comes our way.
IReluctant RV said:
thank you, there doesn't seem to be much support on this site for the people who have been forced into this and tons for people who did.

Many different ways to look at things to help you move forward. Whoo whoo positive thinking stuff or maybe “if that bozo/idiot/??? could make this work, I certainly can” or some other way. 

Reread Bob Wells story. He cried every night in his boxvan. Very few “sing ho for the life of a bear” in the beginning

If you can find the beginnings of George and Ms Tioga, his story was grim yet inspirational to me.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Reluctant RV! It sounds like you've been through a tough time and had to make some hard decisions but you made some good ones so give yourself credit. Using your RV as your new home and getting a New Mexico state park pass were very sound decisions. I hope that your disability claim comes through soon. If you have any questions on how to make your life a little easier don't hesitate to ask. Keep us updated!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Any situation is made worse if you have been forced into it. Staying positive (as much as no one wants to hear it) will help.

I once read that even fake smiling triggers the brain in a positive way.

It's hard and like everything else, this will take time. Try and soul search for some positives in your life (happy thoughts) and reach for those when things are rough.

I drive downtown past homeless people under the overpasses downtown almost every day. Someone somewhere has it worse. All you can do is all you can do.
I am very sorry this has happened to you. I suspect many of the people here have been forced into this lifestyle by finances.
Welcome Reluctant...let yourself breathe and enjoy your newfound, albeit, unwanted life situation. Make your space your home. I would look at neighbours...see who seems to be there for an extended time and just strike up conversations, you may be surprised.
I know a family of five that lived in a small car for several months, you have a mansion all to yourself comparatively. I lived in my van for just over six months and really enjoyed it.

I remember James Garners character on the rockford files TV show when I was a kid. I was thinking way back then when I was just a kid, I wanted to live like that guy!

its all about our perceptions. if youre anything like me (same age), you must mis having a garage.