<br><br>It's called the guide to homelessness. I understand a lot of us on this website are doing this mainly out of our own choices, but this guy wrote this website for those who were caught in some unfortunate circumstances, like I almost did. He gives a lot of great advice on how to live out of a car. Not a van, not an SUV, truck, or trailer. Just a typical passenger car.<br><br>After having no where to go, this man had to resort to living out of his car. Instead of letting fear and hopelessness get the best of him, he persevered, and identified and utilized the advantages of mobile living, all on his own, before there were websites like this. He found ways to fake having an address, ways to get a job despite being homeless, avoided shelters like the plague, and even sent himself to college with all the money he ended up saving.<br><br>After not being able to find a job a year ago, I almost had to resort to this. This guy's website was the first I came across that addressed living a mobile lifestyle. I dug around the internet more and more, and found many other websites, including cheaprvliving. <br><br>Thankfully I did find a job, and thanks to other websites, my scope on the situation broadened. But this website started it all for me. Seeing there are no posts under this particular part of the forum, I figured there's no better way than posting the one website that made it all become a reality for me. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br>