Another Minnesnowtan done with the pains of winter.

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Jan 27, 2020
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Minnesota Iron Range
I’m pushing 65 and this fall I plan to hit the road. I live in northern Minnesota on the iron range. My passion was canoe tripping in wild places. The last few years I’ve experienced a number of health issues that tries to bring me down it seems. This year in the middle of trying to build a new house/ cabin my pain level has my ability to get things done about squashed! I’ve lightly researched camping such as boondocking and found a series of Bob’s video’s quite appealing. I hope anyways, I don’t need much for help. But your little community seems to be a good fit for someone like me to load my tools and my little truck camper. And come down for the winter. And who knows if I’ll ever go home again. Haha! I love being able to help where I can. I may still work some... I’ve got a big canoe trailer and have hauled canoes and kayaks coast to coast for the last few years on top of my township job and being on the fire department here the last 14 years. I have a place here just off a lake that in the summer could be appealing for some that could come and hang out. And my invitation does not say come and pay to hang out. It’s come as a friend and enjoy... the lake is small and I like it here. But the cold is hard whether I’m in my warm house or not. I’m getting into the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis. That might play into it, but lots of hard work and play may have a lot to do with this also. So next winter you my see me pull into one of your camps. My plan would be to renovate my old pickup camper and get my truck in tip top condition. After hunting season I’d go west and visit grandkids til Christmas then south I’d come. I looked at a couple other groups I thought I might be interested in, but I felt a sort of snobbiness about them. This feels like a community of real life people that have heart and soul about ya all. So I’m joining the forum and we’ll see how this goes.
Welcome Ben to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Welcome to the forums, I can fully relate to your Northern pains (here in NW Ohio). My attitude usually heads South during January/February, even if my body doesn't, and at 55 YO, i'm tired of being cold.

It sounds like you have a good plan in place....what brand/year truck, and camper do you have now ?
My 99 f350 dually I feel is just about broke in at 520,000 miles. Something breaks, I don’t drive it til it’s fixed! The 7.3 is a great engine. The camper? Idk... it’s buried in snow. I got it when I bought the neighbors plow truck. She informed me about that after I’d bought it. I thought I’d turn it into a bunk house for grandkids. Older but looks solid compared to my travel trailer which I don’t enjoy pulling. My daughter and I tried it out about eight years ago and there it’s sat. This summer it will take on new life. And next fall begin a new life.
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your plans. I'm down in
Rochester and hope to be starting the van life in 2024...meanwhile,
i love MN and get up to the North Woods every chance i get ;)
Yeah Jim... I have a friend from over by Kasson that gets a bunch of our canoe tripping friends up here to my place every Fourth of July camping in my yard. 
I love Minnesota! But I don’t know if my bones can do another winter. I overheard a couple fellow firefighters talking about knowing what the weather is going to be like tomorrow... I’m like, grasshopper, I can give you the ten day! I’m hoping my rheumatologist will help, but still... I don’t want to take anymore medication than I have to. Arizona helped me a couple years ago. So I’m outta here end of the year...

Everyone of us faces new challenges as we get older. Keep on adapting and keep on trying to minimize the damage and pain. Most especially keep on appreciating what you can do.
Sorry if I sound like I’m bellyaching. That embarrasses me... I meant it more in the determinate person I am to get on doing what I can. I’m especially embarrassed about having to step back here in my little town after this year.
I hope to be an asset wherever I’m at.
Welcome to the forum, it's really good to have you here.

I've had a dream since I was a young kid to head to MN to do some fishing in a small, backwoods lake. Now, since I'm an old guy I hope to make the trip this next summer. I just need a real connection on where to go to camp and fish. Have RV.... will travel.
NctryBen said:
Sorry if I sound like I’m bellyaching. That embarrasses me... I meant it more in the determinate person I am to get on doing what I can. I’m especially embarrassed about having to step back here in my little town after this year.
I hope to be an asset wherever I’m at.
Don't worry too much about being embarrassed about stepping back in your little town. Your peer group is also on the downhill slide into being able to do less physically. They too might be embarrassed about their own selves ability to accomplish less physical labor in your eyes.

Besides people are pretty compassionate when it comes to being able to do less as people get older. Maybe you are still thinking like that 30 year old "got to do more than the guy next to me" mindset. Your physical strength is only one of your assets.
Riverman said:
Welcome to the forum, it's really good to have you here.

I've had a dream since I was a young kid to head to MN to do some fishing in a small, backwoods lake. Now, since I'm an old guy I hope to make the trip this next summer. I just need a real connection on where to go to camp and fish. Have RV.... will travel.

So are you hoping to go way up north into Minnesota? Want to stay on the North Shore near Lake Superior or thinking of the lakes area like Alexandria, Grand Rapids or Bemidji?

Lots of great options up here ... come on up and enjoy our summers. They are great!
Well, I’m off... not in Kansas I mean Minnesota anymore for a bit. Tonight is my first BLM campsite! Still have work to do but I think I’ll name my camper “Cabin on a Truck”.
Good news, where are you headed?

I never made it to MN fishing last summer with all the virus stuff going on. Maybe next year.

Come on down south and join us where it's warmer.
Well my first BLM camp was just east of Zion NP. Meeting son tomorrow near cottonwood Arizona and may see the Grand Canyon Tuesday. Then Christmas at daughters in northern Utah. Then south I go to find all you crazy people. Hahaha!