A gun thread

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"Odds are in my favor to be safer without a gun": that really comes down to how careful you are handling a gun. It's a responsibility.

I rarely carried a gun in my private life. Everyday circumstances in the area I lived didn't necessitate the effort. Traveling and camping in remote areas - often without a form of communication - offers a greater opportunity of situations where possession of a firearm might be advantageous, to me, and makes the effort necessary worthwhile.

To each their own. While a carbine might be nice for longer distance shooting and acquiring food, it's size makes it less convenient to store, conceal, carry, and makes it awkward in a self defense situation which would normally be a quarters close enough for a handgun to be an advantage. If you need a carbine or shotgun quickly, it probably won't be there for you. Depends what you want it for, though the title of this thread was 'safety on the road', not food gathering. I love archery, but it's not suitable for self defense.

A defensive firearm has to be light enough and concealable enough that a person can wearing it all day without discomfort. If you don't have it when you need it, it's worthless. It must be of a suitable energy for the shooter: low enough they can fire it accurately, and repetition, with relative quickness. That will depend on the shooter. Shot placement is more important than ballistic energy - and I'm not going to argue the point. If you can't place the shot, the energy does you no good. A solidly built firearm constructed to tight specs will be more consistently accurate than a sloppy piece of junk. At 6' - 9' range for self defense, though, that may not be as important.

Just food for thought
A good way to avoid trouble is to avoid those situations where self defense may become necessary. I ALWAYS have my Colt .45 within arm's reach. So, I avoid driving in those areas of town where trouble is likely to occur, and avoid those states and metro areas with unreasonable anti-gun/anti-self-defense laws. My choice of course, and others may need to deal with those places. In any case, common sense is paramount.
The best defensive weapon is the human brain...lol
flying kurbmaster said:
I don';t think it is about luck at all, the odds are in my favor to be safer without a gun, most people on the planet don't own guns. In America fast food restaurants, insurance companies and gun manufacturers have convinced everybody that they can't live without them. I am not convinced that I need any of them.

   Care to put up  some sort of verification for claims within the above? You can also put up the stats for that " most people" comment. Because I can show you sections of the planet where
nearly ***everybody*** has a weapon.
   Your choice is your choice , that's just fine as long as you don't inflict your choice on others. Something you may wish to try though , is argueing from a point of reality and facts rather than just regurgitating the same old propaganda we've all heard prior to this.
If I ever become so fearful of living that I need to carry a gun,I'll just stay home.
You misunderstood.I was only speaking for myself.Nowhere did I imply what you said.No need to attack me for my personal belief.According to theAmerican Acadamy of Epidemiology,Having a firearm in the home causes a 3 fold increase in risk of a homicide and a 5 fold increase in the risk of suicide.
Bob Dickerson said:
If I ever become so fearful of living that I need to carry a gun,I'll just stay home.

Generally it's concern about dying, not living. And not one's self, always, but loved ones. The vast number of people in the world will never have of a firearm to defend themself.  The kicker is, we can't identify in advance the ones who will. How you are willing to meet such a potential situation is your decision. It's not your position in life to be critical of other's decisions.

We cross posted, but I got the same inference from your wording as Wandering did. It's difficult on the net, with no audio cues.
Bob, No need to justify your opinions.  I do not agree with them completely, but will defend your right to have it.  I am for gun ownership, but not everyone should have one.  I do not carry myself.  But the reasons are part of my personal attitude adjustment...

Long story.
Wandering said:
   Care to put up  some sort of verification for claims within the above? You can also put up the stats for that " most people" comment. Because I can show you sections of the planet where
nearly ***everybody*** has a weapon.
   Your choice is your choice , that's just fine as long as you don't inflict your choice on others. Something you may wish to try though , is argueing from a point of reality and facts rather than just regurgitating the same old propaganda we've all heard prior to this.

I was curious about the 'most people'  as well. Did a little research and, using known weapons, the comment is most likely accurate.  Areas where people's freedoms are restricted, or they're too poor. Had they the sbility to acquire and own, however, things would likely be different. I suggest we keep the stats relevant to the US.
This graphic represents how many people per one hundred own a firearm



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Seraphim said:
This graphic represents how many people per one hundred own a firearm
Looks like most of Africa and Europe are screwed if SHTF. [emoji51]
I used to own a bunch of guns, former LEO, really enjoyed target shooting. Then sometime in the last decade or so ownership became so politicized and the ranges became so hostile toward others with different beliefs (hateful Obama, Hillary, liberals, democrats stickers/targets/comments) that I stopped going, sold off all but one revolver, and no longer care about the sport.
Bob Dickerson said:
You misunderstood.I was only speaking for myself.Nowhere did I imply what you said.No need to attack me for my personal belief.According to theAmerican Acadamy of Epidemiology,Having a firearm in the home causes a 3 fold increase in risk of a homicide and a 5 fold increase in the risk of suicide.

A study of the subject will show you the extreme inaccuracy of those stats.  That is the kind of disinformation the Brady Bunch puts out, and which is so easy to disprove with some real info.  The FBI has good stats on firearm deaths by various means, using real world information.  Problem with these antigun groups like the Brady Bunch, is they severely maul their data.  For instance, their stats on "Child Deaths by Firearms" includes gangbangers killing each other and persons up to 25 years of age.  Hardly accurate information.  :dodgy:
The NRA has compiled some much more valid data too, accepted even by those who aren't particularly enamored of the NRA's politics.
This is a subject about which one must really study, and look at true data, not lies put together by the antigun activists.
Carrying a gun is no different than carrying a spare tire or first aid it. It doesn't matter if you are in the "safest" place on the planet shit does happen. Would you not carry a spare just because you only travel on busy roads? Not carry a first aid kit because you are always near a hospital? Not have a fire extinguisher because you can call for a firetruck?

A gun is no different it's simply a tool to protect your life that you hope you never need, and like all of the above carrying one is a choice you have to make. Even if you don't have to use it as a defensive weapon it has other uses that can save your life like getting meat or 3 gunshots is commonly known as a distress signal.

Personally I am not a fan of firearms for intimidation(racking slide, brandishing, etc.) because it will do one of two things, scare the BG away or escalate the situation causing them to act more violently. After it works once to scare the bad guy away you are more likely to go for the gun before a situation has reached life or death levels, not good. I have known people, civilians and LE like this, quick to draw over petty crap. They should not own guns, they are typically the ones who can't keep their booger picker out of the trigger guard too.

With a little situational awareness and using your head you can avoid most instances where you would need your gun.

I still haven't found any sierra 185gr FMJs locally, I need them for my woods(45 super) load. As I'm pretty sure the JHP I have loaded to 1350FPS will not get enough penetration on a bear, moose or elk.
This thread is very close to getting closed, but it's been around a long time so I hate to do that.

Insults and innuendo breed more of the same. You either start being respectful to each other or I delete your posts.
Milk Hauler said:
Looks like most of Africa and Europe are screwed if SHTF.  [emoji51]

   Actually no , there are more ComBloc and other weapons floating around Africa now that you can shake a stick at , courtesy of countless insurgencies , clan and religious conflict ,various genocides and the assorted revolutions.
  This also holds true in certain locales in the eastern European theatre , and likewise in Central and South America.
Wandering said:
   Actually no , there are more ComBloc and other weapons floating around Africa now that you can shake a stick at , courtesy of countless insurgencies , clan and religious conflict ,various genocides and the assorted revolutions.
  This also holds true in certain locales in the eastern European theatre , and likewise in Central and South America.
Sounds like the shtf AlREADY in those countries. I'll stay in the US and take my chances. [emoji12]

The US is far from perfect, but its still the best country on the planet. As US citizens we have the choice to carry or not carry. U gotta atleast admit that. [emoji4]
Now lets all gather around the van and make nice before Bob starts hitting the delete button. [emoji106]