A gun thread

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bobj said:
Glock 27 , light, easy to conceal and reliable.

Bear spray, hair spray or wasp spray may or may not stop an attack....A handgun will.

Sorry, don't mean to be a PITA, but your last statement happens to be one of my pet peeves. . .

Handguns are notoriously unreliable stoppers. The BEST rounds are considered 90% reliable. Lesser rounds - like, say, 38s and 380s - are lucky if they approach 50% reliability.

There was a famous, and much analyzed case, of an FBI shootout in Miami in the late 80s. One of the perps took a hit that LITERALLY turned him into a walking dead man - no hope of survival. He stayed on his feet long enough to kill a couple more FBI agents before he finally went down.

SERIOUS handgun self-defense training includes a lot of "what-ifs" and most certainly the "You've shot him twice in the chest and he hasn't gone down. Now what?!" what-if.

Thus endeth the lecture.

Glock 27 is a nice choice, btw. Glock reliability is legendary, and .40 caliber is an EXCELLENT choice with the right bullets. I'm partial to Cor-Bons, myself, in my Glock 35.

I'd have to add that bullet (& gun) tech has come a long way since the 80's, but yes, handgun bullets are rarely a one-shot-stop. It is why all these magazine-limit laws in CA and NY are so idiotic!

However, there was that recent YouTube movie of a guy protecting himself against a raging Moose with a Glock, and it took only a few rounds to down that massive animal. It *can* do the job quite well, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.

Personally, I carry 15 rds of 40.cal in my S&W with another 15-30 on my belt.
My bullet of choice is the Hornady 'Critical Defense' bullets @ 165gr - "Custom built for conceal carry guns. The bullets are unaffected by thick and heavy clothing, including denim and leather".
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Sorry, don't mean to be a PITA, but your last statement happens to be one of my pet peeves. . .

Handguns are notoriously unreliable stoppers. The BEST rounds are considered 90% reliable. Lesser rounds - like, say, 38s and 380s - are lucky if they approach 50% reliability.

I use my .357 for boar hunting. If I can take one of those down with 1-2 shots, a person has no chance; unless they are in body armor. I train for shooting 2 to the chest and then 1 to the head. I am now also training for dealing with people who routinely wear body armor. Instead of 2 to the chest, I now try for the groin/thigh area as my first shot. With 158 grain hollow points, I should have a good chance of eliminating such a threat.
At the Police Academy we we're beat over the head with "shoot at center mass". Makes sense to knockdown target first then re-asses if you need more shots...
All of us can train religiously, but a real life firefight is not pretty, nor good tactical shooting...
It's not always who has the most powerful round, it's who has more rounds, as there are lots of factors when in a firefight....
I'm no expert at all, but i think tactics are right at the top of the list for survival

1) Getting behind cover,
2) Shooting from behind cover (and hitting what you are aiming at!)
3) Making yourself a small target
4) Being able to shoot while you move, especially sideways

But, I'm just a wannabe so take that with a grain of salt. I do practice all the above tactics though.
I'm no expert either Bob, and don't claim to be, but what you posted is exactly what I would do!!!! :)
Luckily I never got "into it"...
I have a few that I have with my. .45 pistol, .22 bolt rifle, 5.56 semi auto, and a 12 gauge bolt actions, plus enough stuff to clean all of them.

I am also out in the southern arizona deserts on a fairly regular basis, it's not just the 4 legged critters that may come a knocking. When out in the southern az desert, leo's usually aren't on the top of the concern list.
I misinterpreted the OP's initial question, I thought he was asking about Concealed Carry Weapons , not what kind of firepower one has in total.

John, you are correct, handguns (or anything else) is not 100% guaranteed to stop an attack. And the measly 9 rounds in my Glock will not see me thru a firefight. I have weapons that will serve that purpose but they are not carried with me at all times. What training I do have (retired Marine) gives me the confidence (rightly or not) that if I have to use a weapon I will hit what I aim at.

Other than than my days in Vietnam I have never pointed a weapon in anger. I hope that trend continues.

I hope everyone travels safe and never needs the firepower. Bob J.
My ccw weapon is a full framed glock 21 .45. Unless you know how to carry a gun, then you don't know I have it.
For the past few years I have carried the full sized M&P 40. Last week, before summer clothing season, I went ahead and sprung for a more concealable handgun.

My original choice was to be the Smith and Wesson Shield, but after comparing it to the M&P Compact I chose the M&P for the following reasons;

1) It was only 2 ounces heavier than the Shield
2) It was only fractionally larger than the Shield
3) I can not stand the single-stack grip
4) The M&P holds 10+1 over the Shield's 7+1
5) I can use my current holster(s) used with the full-size
6) I can use my full-sized magazines (15 rds) in the Compact

The M&P Compact was an additional $125, but the above perks made that worthwhile. Now a simple T-shirt does the job of concealing.

Obligatory picture required to prove it

"Amy" my full-sized behind "Carrie" the Compact (Yes I name my guns)

Due to California laws, I've had to store away my stock 13 round magazines, plus aftermarket 20 round magazines for my Sig which I've had for many years. I ordered online the Sig 10 round mag to be "compliant". I hate the thought of having only a measly 10 rounds, but I figured it's better to be safe than sorry.
Dang, really?? You only get 7? :dodgy: You better practice your aim more, haha! Me? I really on quantity versus quality. :D
Any of y'all ever had to use a firearm to defend yourselves while vandwelling...?
Once, in SoCal. Middle of the night, I was awaken by someone trying to break in. That guy got me meet "Amy". Once he saw it, he ran. I did not have to pull the trigger.

I have never felt at risk in rural areas though.
only once for me and never had to pull the trigger.............It's funny how the sound of a 12 ga. shuttling a round into the chamber demands attention so quickly!!!!
Yup, my 12g has seen action twice.

Once with a guy who jumped our rear fence to (I assume) break into the house. I've never seen a guy re-jump the same fence so fast... he barely even touched ground before taking back to the air and over the fence.

Another time (same house) late at night there were two people fighting on our front lawn. I called 911, informed them that I will be hanging up the phone and stepping outside with the 12 gauge (the operator was begging that I do not when I hung up on her) and promptly did. I held the two (at gun point) until the officers arrived... which they got there quite promptly I might add. They even acknowledged that I had every right. They dealt with the problem and and I went back to bed.

What I find ironic about the three times I have ever had to draw a gun on people is that all three happened in California (most strict gun laws in the country). No where else in the country (and Mexico) have I ever felt the need to draw my weapon(s). Only in sunny CA where you are not allowed to carry a gun (unless you are a rich politician) have I ever had to actually use them. Criminals have no fear in CA. They know their victims will not be carrying a gun, and they also know the state is too bankrupt to actually incarcerate them (some cities do not even have a police force due to bankruptcy). So, it is free reign for the criminals in sunny CA.
That's what's nice here in Florida. We are allowed to defend ourselves and our property. Just stay within the law, because ANY shooting will be investigated.

I was told that you needed to wear bells to warn a bear you are coming. Also to carry mace in case you came across one by surprise.

The way to tell what kind of bear is in the woods. Brown and black bears have berries and grass in their scat. Grizzly bear scat has bells and smells like mace.
I have my Springfield 1903, Gerber half machete, and modern army combative on my side...

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