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Too many YOUR GOING TO JAIL rules for firearms.

1) cross state lines
2) brandishing
3) semi auto anything
4) loaded.
5) in passenger area
6) modified
7) failure to tell police during a stop that you have one
8) no permit
9) no license.

What a PITA
offroad said:
Too many YOUR GOING TO JAIL rules for firearms.

1) cross state lines
2) brandishing
3) semi auto anything
4) loaded.
5) in passenger area
6) modified
7) failure to tell police during a stop that you have one
8) no permit
9) no license.

What a PITA
   Sorry , I'm not trying to rain on your parade , but you're not real aware of pertinent firearms laws.  For instance " semi-auto anything" , there isn't a single state that has banned anything simply based on it's being semi-auto , those particular restrictions are on *magazine capacities*.
    And it's completely legal to cross state lines with a firearm , the rub comes ( for instance and as an example) you try to cross to say Calif without it stowed according to Calif rules.
   In quite a lot of states it's now legal to have a loaded firearm in the passenger compartment with you. Where folks run into trouble in some locales is the restriction on having loaded *long guns* in the vehicle , those are Fish and Game regs.
  As for " modification " , you're overly broad , the mods that folks commonly get in trouble with are those that come under the NFA , i.e. unless you're paid the registry fees , gotten the stamp and jumped through the hoops you'd best not get caught with a suppressor , and even if you're NFA legal to own Class 3 weapons ( full auto) it wouldn't be too wise to be traveling with something full auto.
  As for permits , a great many states now are *legal* open carry , Ariz , Alaska , Vermont , Wyo and Kansas ( along with P.R.) are now " Constitutional carry" , meaning that no permit is required for concealed carry ****as long as you have no criminal record and are not deemed a mental defective****.
   As for " telling the cop" , if you're legally carrying then you'd damn well *better* inform the officer who stops you , that's simply a matter of common courtesy and 99 times out of 100 will shortcut any hassles right on the spot. There are many instance where the officer involved will be appreciative of that courtesy.
   Can you get hassled? Sure , I had an incident in S.F. wherein they seized a 3k$ Les Bauer 1911 *** even though I was legally licensed in the state of Calif*** , they ended up having to give it back when the Sheriff from my home county ( at the time) in NorCal informed them of the actual FACTS , those being that Calif permits issued by the " shall issue" counties in the North State are valid ***state-wide***.
   As for brandishing , that's a word that at times is used in an overall too broadly applied manner based on the whims of the officer.
  The problem basically comes down to the hodge-podge of different laws in some areas.
In 13 years of carrying a firearm in my vehicle home, I've never had a single issue with it. Never, not once.

That includes carrying one across Canada. I filled out their form, gave them their $50 and everyone was happy!
There's an iPhone/iPad app called Legal Heat for accessing laws and permit reciprocity. Easy to use and quick.
akrvbob said:
In 13 years of carrying a firearm in my vehicle home, I've never had a single issue with it. Never, not once.

That includes carrying one across Canada. I filled out their form, gave them their $50  and everyone was happy!

   And as a varminter , predator hunter , working guide in the Far North at times and as a competitor in F-Class and other long range events along with handgun ( various sorts including silhouette and IPSC) and the last few years in 3-gun.
  The only time in all those years I ever had a problem was the time I already mentioned in San Francisco.
   Awareness of the laws and some common sense goes a long way , don't take " high capacity" magazines into a state with limits on them , be aware of transport laws , in certain states the firearm and ammunition have to be kept separately ( and locked) etc.etc.
   And be aware of the social climate in the given locale , in Wyoming for instance , open carry is both quite common and completely legal , conversely in parts of Calif ( for instance) the sight of a firearm will give some folks a heart attack and bring forth certain types of liberals with pitchforks and torches.
   I'll close by pointing out a basic *FACT* that the rabid anti-gun crowd can't get around and which drives them nuts when stated.
  The locales in this country with the most egregiously strict firearms laws are across the board the places with the worst crime and the worst sorts of crime.
   How's the Sullivan Act working out for NYC? How's it looking in Chicago nowadays? Certain parts of Hartford? Camden N.J.? D.C.? Oakland Calif?
   I'm in Wyoming currently , sure there's some crime , but no carjackings , very few home invasions , very few muggings etc.................because.....and quite bluntly , the criminals know that there's a damned good chance they'll get their ass shot off or get held at gunpoint until the sheriff arrives.
  Me ? Well I carry a sidearm because carrying a cop around gets too damn heavy and takes up too much space on my belt.
Wondered how long it would take for the big bias to show up. Using bold font and referring to others as "rabid" garners extra points. BTW, I'm a gun owner, former military, former LEO, I see hyperbole as indicative of the problem, not the solution.

Comfortable with a firearm and have the training, go for it; not comfortable or would prefer not to carry, cool, there are some decent alternatives.
Queen said:
Wondered how long it would take for the big bias to show up.  Using bold font and referring to others as "rabid" garners extra points.  BTW, I'm a gun owner,  former military, former LEO, I see hyperbole as indicative of the problem, not the solution.  

Comfortable with a firearm and have the training, go for it; not comfortable or would prefer not to carry, cool, there are some decent alternatives.

  I don't believe I indulged myself in hyperbole , did I? And I believe that I've called for a common sense approach , attempted to highlight observance of pertinent laws etc.etc.I believe I stated that it's not for everybody , along with avoidance of conflict and the fact that you're held to a higher responsibility.
   If you found me to be offensive or irresponsible please just come out with it and I'll avoid the subject from here on out.
  As regards the service , please be so kind as to look at my avatar.You're hardly the only individual here with such experience.
   In point of fact and as such things go , this has been a remarkably calm and reasonable discussion on the subject of firearms , neither the RABID NRA crowd , nor the RABID anti-gun crowd have showed up ( thank whatever deity for that 'eh.).
Wandering said:
don't take " high capacity" magazines into a state with limits on them ,   

There's a legal work around for this if you can't find a place to store your goodies, once they are disassembled they are no longer a magazine. That's how companies can get away with selling magazine "parts kits" to those banned states. But I noticed some sellers no longer shipping them to California so they may have closed that loophole.
Colorado's magazine ban is so poorly written even Colorado residents can bring "high capacity" mags into the state, just not buy or sell them in state.
If you are travelling with a pistol for self defence it's probably a good idea to pick up a spare 10rd limited cap mag for if you find yourself in on of those states. I need to do this just in case I am somewhere where 12 rounds is deemed illegal.
minimotos95 said:
There's a legal work around for this if you can't find a place to store your goodies, once they are disassembled they are no longer a magazine. That's how companies can get away with selling magazine "parts kits" to those banned states. But I noticed some sellers no longer shipping them to California so they may have closed that loophole.
Colorado's magazine ban is so poorly written even Colorado residents can bring "high capacity" mags into the state, just not buy or sell them in state.
If you are travelling with a pistol for self defence it's probably a good idea to pick up a spare 10rd limited cap mag for if you find yourself in on of those states. I need to do this just in case I am somewhere where 12 rounds is deemed illegal.

  Exactly. That's why for Colo I keep mags that have the 15 round followers for the ARs , and I just don't take "black" rifles into Calif at all , not even for The Great Ground Squirrel shoot every year up by Alturas.
  I frequently tell folks with the new generation high cap stuff ( Glocks ,Springfield Amory , FN etc....and P226 ,228s and 229s in SIGs etc.etc.etc) the same thing you do i.e. " just go buy the 10 round mags and stay legal".
 'Course now New York is 7 rounds , but then they saddled NYC LEOs with that ridiculous 12 lb " New York Trigger" on their Glocks.