A gun thread

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Too late, I'm deleting posts in an effort to save what has been a good thread I'm giving little wiggle room.

That's what happens when mods give too much leeway, it snowballs into a fight unless nipped in the bud.

That's not to point fingers and blame anyone, it just seems to be human nature in the 21st century.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.To each his own and hope everyone has a great 4th.
Milk Hauler said:
Sounds like the shtf AlREADY in those countries. I'll stay in the US and take my chances.  [emoji12]

The US is far from perfect, but its still the best country on the planet. As US citizens we have the choice to carry or not carry. U gotta atleast admit that. [emoji4]
  To be sure yes the shit has hit the fan in those countries , many times over in some cases. And frankly a great many folks that think they have it bad in our country might have their perspective changed by a face to face experience with a refugee camp in Darfur or many other locales.
Bob Dickerson said:
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.To each his own and hope everyone has a great 4th.
 The very same to you sir , hope that any fireworks are entertaining but not enlightening ( couldn't resist the oblique pun.
Wandering said:
   Actually no , there are more ComBloc and other weapons floating around Africa now that you can shake a stick at , courtesy of countless insurgencies , clan and religious conflict ,various genocides and the assorted revolutions.
  This also holds true in certain locales in the eastern European theatre , and likewise in Central and South America.

Very true.  Firearms are easiest to get and more prevalent in dangerous areas with hardcore antigun laws, like Mexico and points south.  But the penalties for being found with one by the Federales is harsher.
Here in the USA, anyone with a few spare FIRNS and a light duty machine shop can crank out workable firearms.  If they did make them 'illegal', every other person would have one.  Good reliable ammo will be a bit trickier, though those of us into handloading will be better set up.
Firearms are a genie that left the bottle centuries ago, and will never be put back!  ;)
Bob I cracked up when you said nip it in the bud.

you got to nip it in the bud. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
Bob I cracked up when you said nip it in the bud.

you got to nip it in the bud.  highdesertranger

Tick a lock, HDR, Tick a lock!!!

It does not take much to agree to disagree, or to disagree with style.  

In my case to just shut my mouf!  :shy:
Milk Hauler said:
Sounds like the shtf AlREADY in those countries. I'll stay in the US and take my chances.  [emoji12]

The US is far from perfect, but its still the best country on the planet. As US citizens we have the choice to carry or not carry. U gotta atleast admit that. [emoji4]

if you ask most Canadians they will tell you Canada is the best country,  Aussies,  New Zealanders, if you ask an Alaskan which is the best state  etc etc....  nationalism is like religion, it puts the blinders on. If the best country on the planet is based on the right to carry a hand gun or not, I guess the US wins... congratulations World Champions, pretty thin criteria don't you think?? :)
Ask me what I think of Ohio and I'll definitely put a crimp in your theory.. Lol
Seraphim said:
Ask me what I think of Ohio and I'll definitely put a crimp in your theory.. Lol

    A state which I'll drive around rather than go through.
I will go through Ohio ten times befor I go through Jersey once.  

I would get thrown in the can for my nail guns!
ask me what I think about kalifornia. you don't want to here my response. I will say this when I was in the Yukon there was a lot of negative talk about the Canadian gun laws and how Ottawa had no clue about what life in the Yukon was like. highdesertranger
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Usually known as the "Relying on dumb luck for my personal safety" theory.

Glad it's worked out for you so far.

Whole country of England is dumb luck. But they have no bears and no nasty boars.
offroad said:
Whole country of England is dumb luck. But they have no bears and no nasty boars.

And they preferred bombs and beating people with cricket bats...
Over there, even beating an attacking perp with a cricket bat will get you jailed...... Their criminals are a 'protected species'. Getting that way here in some 'enlightened' metro areas......... :(
GotSmart said:
I will go through Ohio ten times befor I go through Jersey once.  

I would get thrown in the can for my nail guns!

Jersey is messed up for sure. The firearm law is written so loosely that a bow and arrow can be considered a firearm even though no fire is used. And don't even get me started about how much trouble you can get into by making the venerable 'Potato Cannon'...
Why so many insults? I choose to have a personal firearm and a concealed carry permit but I certainly don't think those who choose NOT to own one are idiots, or even foolish. It's a free country, folks. Let's be respectful of the opinions and choices of others even when we disagree.
highdesertranger said:
ask me what I think about kalifornia. you don't want to here my response.  I will say this when I was in the Yukon there was a lot of negative talk about the Canadian gun laws and how Ottawa had no clue about what life in the Yukon was like.  highdesertranger

I lived in the Yukon for five years and never heard anyone complain about gun laws, I hiked, canoed and had a very wilderness cabin still I never used a gun. now if they banned fishing rods I think you would hear a few complaints, you can own a gun in the Yukon you just can;t own a hand gun, I must admit the last time I was there last summer I carried bear spray for the first time as I had never seen so many bears, they seemed to be everywhere.
I guess it's just in who you hang out with kurbmaster. btw semi auto anything is a no no also. highdesertranger
I've yet to own and carry a gun for self defense, but I hope to someday.

Just a few days ago on the fourth I would have really appreciated having one. Bf and I were driving a relatively remote paved road from a popular campground. He was driving the speed limit when despite the double yellow line a car whizzed passed us and we heard someone yell from it "GET OFF THE ROAD!"

He made no gesture or face back at them, just fixed his gaze on the road and continued driving as per usual.

They weren't satisfied with that. About 30 seconds layer they slam on the brakes, coming to a complete stop in front of us on a 3 mph winding road. We slow and stop a little ways behind them. For perhaps a minute or so we both wait at a dead stop, until they finally drive off.

Would I have used a gun if I had it? No, but I would have had my hand on it ready to draw if needed, and I would have had the assurance of an effective defense should one or more people emerge from the vehicle filled with inexplicable road rage.

Guns are great and terrible things. When random idiots are, threatening my personal safety it would be nice to have a great and terrible thing at my side in case one day the threats aren't empty. My 2 cents.