52 Mondays

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But even Bob seems to have gone out with the tide with no new blog entries
Maybe guest posts or "best of" entries could at least give the appearance of life to new visitors
Or maybe I'm the only one who sees the forum as the child of the blog, and not the other way around
I was completely unaware of the blog for the first three years I was here. It is odd that there have been no posts in so long though, not even a "on hiatus" post.

It's funny to read the blog posts now and people are unaware there a forum, guess we go with what we know and the other isn't on our radar so much.
more or less
slogging thru depression, thinking there may be a glimmer of light waaay up ahead, the end of the tunnel (for this round, anyway - depression is never gone, it's just in remission sometimes ;) )
work on the van is coming along slowly but surely - the ceiling is now pepto-bismol pink with insulation, ready for the next step
something i hadn't considered before i started the downsizing/escaping process is the cost of selling a house!  i've never been a seller, only a buyer and that was a couple decades ago.  i had no idea that closing costs took such a bite on the seller as well as the buyer.  not to mention the move out/clean out i was quoted at over $1k - just for hauling things to goodwill and the dump! thanks, but no thanks!  
i thought i would break even or maybe have a dollar or two of equity in the place.  turns out i was wrong lol.  looks like a short sale or foreclosure in my future, which is fine by me.  whatever it takes to get this albatross from around my neck.
onward and upward
Funny how we have it crammed down our throats all our lives how home ownership is the smartest choice a person can make.  For some it is a great idea, but some of us who have unexpected things happen in our lives we find out that renting may not be that bad after all.  In my state property taxes rise every year not because of the tax rate but property values rise every year and then there's the insurance rates go up every year.  I like TTs because there isn't any property tax.
I'm dealing with a lot of the sale stuff for my parents' place...still...so much BS and crap from the buyers. I really just can't take much more of the stress here. After all this I doubt I will ever buy a house....it's just not worth it.

Thankfully I am only in the area for another five days so I'm not on the hook for stuff after Friday. Our realtor is really earning his commission on this one. We are now at the point of accept at "as is" with an acceptable credit for the issues they are claiming like the contract they signed in July or move on and find something else.
Just now heard from our realtor and our place is good! There was a lot of localized flooding so we were a bit stressed waiting it out.
Back from my backpacking trip. I am without my RV now until Thursday as it is in the shop...then heading south. I can't wait...feels kinda lonely after spending so much time with my hiking buddies
The very last work Monday, today! She is so excited!!
that's awesome queen!
i think i'm down to 24 to my original target, but that will probably be pushed back at least until fall
but you never know.  it's the old tug of war between security (a bit more savings) and adventure ( i want to be out there now!!!)
we'll see how it goes.  i may not make it past january 1 ;)
I hear you mayble, it's so difficult to make that final leap... bet you're gone sooner than you think! :D
i've crunched the numbers and the way i see it my options are:

cash out my 401(k), pay off all debts and have a 2 year vacation before i have to worry about making more money (very tempting);
stay at my job 3-5 more years, pay off debt and have a 4-5 year vacation (a reasonable, responsible compromise);
keep working 10 years, collect SS and have a permanent vacation (yuk);
some combination of the above.  part time work? seasonal?

most likely, a day will come when i'll simply say "&#*% it" and let the chips fall where they may.  i'm an excellent planner, but not so good at sticking to those plans ;)
my goal is to run out of money when i run out of time, but when we don't know how much time we have it's hard to know how much money we need.  i keep reminding myself that i can make more money but i can't make more time, so i want to err on the side of adventure over security
We spent the weekend in Chicago with my niece, her hubby, and the baby! I looked at the insanely expensive house and how many years they have ahead of themselves to pay for it all and decided, we are making the right move. We can always work part time to supplement our sad little retirement amount, but we can't ever buy more years.
Not much fun doing Lowe's or Walmart but seasonal or not so seasonal in National Parks and remote areas a blast.
Queen said:
LOL!  When I got to know the UPS guy n a first name basis is when I realized I was taking my newfound "simplicity" too far.  It helped balance that with the local Hospice and Habitat resale places also knowing me on sight.

When I was building my boat, the UPS guy starting asking my wife if he could take a quick look as he was delivering so much stuff.  After she told me this I always wondered if he wanted a quick look at the boat or my wife.  Either one is worth a second look :angel:  at least in my opinion.
23 :)
closing on the house and handing over the keys in 3 1/2 weeks, so it's really down to the wire

as i go thru all my stuff (yet again) and look around the home where i lived for the past 20+ years and raised my kids, it's the oddest things that bring me to tears
i have no problem leaving behind the house.  it doesn't really represent anything to me, it doesn't hold the memories for me like it does for some people.  the stuff is just stuff, no sentimental anchors there.

what i feel bad for is the birds and the critters, and the habitat i've maintained for them all these years.  a month from now, someone will be removing the "no spray" signs, poisoning and ripping out all the native grasses and plants i've cultivated, cutting down trees and "cleaning up" the brush piles and logs homes i've built in my little corner of the planet.  

i'll still be local for a few months at least, and no doubt will at some point drive by my old homestead and see it turned into another green desert of lawn grass and invasive ornamentals.  i've seriously considered an amazon subscription to have bird seed delivered there on a regular basis.  i wonder if the new residents would think i'm nuts.
So write a few notes to the new owners explaining what you have done and why.