52 Mondays

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hard to believe, especially with the van covered in snow at the moment (which is very motivating, btw)
When is your launch date? I'm back to counting down again until the end of a job I hate...end date: June 8th
Only 10 more Mondays (or Monday imposters) 'til my "vacation"
I'm thinking two years ought to clear my head, and that's about when the money will be getting short enough to think about going back to work.

Happy New Year everyone :)
down to 9!

this thread really helps me keep track, and it amazes me how quickly it's gone from "forever away" to "right around the corner"

only 9 frickin' weeks?  how can that be?

there's lots i want to do to the van, but not in this 0° weather!  i keep reminding myself that this is the last Michigan winter i ever have to endure
Nine weeks, wow after 52, that's great. When you started this thread I didn't even want to think about how many Mondays I had, because it would just depress me. I have maybe 16, that's tolerable.
maybe ;)  
one manager in particular is being a royal azzhat, so i think he may be trying to hurry me along
but then again, he is kind of a dick so maybe it's coincidence
getting some doctoring done, while i still have health insurance
hopefully all the (long overdue) poking, prodding and picture-taking won't turn up anything that will delay my escape
Under the two month mark huh! It's a good feeling. I myself have decided that I'm cutting my miserable time here short and am heading to the PNW.

Where is your first destination?
probably New Mexico to take advantage of their State Parks pass to start out
I am envious. I have 29 months to go. Don't know if I can make it.
The house is on the market, an estate sale is being planned ... two VERY GIANT steps toward my next grand adventure!
After 46 years in the workforce, I feel like I've paid my dues. I'm ready. I'm anxious. I'm a YesHappy in the making! :D
Retirement is the point where your expenses are below your assets divided by remaining life expectancy.

You can retire now, if you can make your expenses low enough!

Zero Mondays here. Things cut my way and I can retire. But I’m not gonna. I work remote already, so now I’m gonna see just how remote I can get. If they fire me, so be it, I have lots of job opportunities.

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On getting rid of stuff: I reduced my possessions to just a backpack at one point in the past. Before that I had a lot of junk that just had sentimental value. I found that taking a picture of it enabled me to throw it out.

I threw out my own original artwork... after taking a picture. I can look at it whenever I want.

That’s all I did with it before anyway!

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