52 Mondays

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Queen said:
It's such a weird feeling, isn't it?  We spend our whole lives on a clock and calendar, it's unbelievably relaxing to not pay attention to those things.

Happens to me every summer when we get laid off from the plant I work at. This was my last year with them...I am heading south this winter and will find a job somewhere in southern Utah (I hope) for the winter to pay for a trip to Alaska next summer.
DuneElliot said:
Happens to me every summer when we get laid off from the plant I work at. This was my last year with them...I am heading south this winter and will find a job somewhere in southern Utah (I hope) for the winter to pay for a trip to Alaska next summer.
Winter jobs can be tough to find in southern Utah, usually all the summer employees are trying to work as long as possible.  What kind of work are you looking for?  NPS, Aramark and Ticaboo Marina and Resorts are the larger employers in south east Utah.  PM me if I can be of  help.
bullfrog said:
Winter jobs can be tough to find in southern Utah, usually all the summer employees are trying to work as long as possible.  What kind of work are you looking for?  NPS, Aramark and Ticaboo Marina and Resorts are the larger employers in south east Utah.  PM me if I can be of  help.

No idea...anything I guess. Probably a couple of part time jobs would be easiest to find a couple of days a week. I have a squeaky clean driving record and I have 20 years working with horses and cattle. I figure wherever I find a job is where I'll stay. I have to think about my dogs too.
100ish Mondays for me.

It's funny, as I acclimate to CRVL I find there seems to be three groupings of people:

  1. Dreamers, who've come here because they feel the magnetism of the lifestyle and are contemplating the possibility or have made the decision but aren't able to initiate the transition.
  2. Vandwellers who've made the transition, some of whom have been popping corn with sun rays in the desert for 30 years.
  3. And Countdowners who are actively shedding the world and building a new one in their driveway.
A rich bunch. A cauldron of of roiling raw life-force. 


Ejoying your countdown, mayble! Do you have a thread with some pix of your rig?
Unless I hit the lotto, i have 634
Why did I add that up? *headdesk*
Well, Dune, I have till October 15, plus 12 years. plus a month till I can qualify for SS and finding work without a HS diploma isn't easy, even with a strong back and a weak mind :D
(J/K I read at college level)
Amazon camperforce, along with many employers, won't look at you without a diploma, even with a solid work history stretching back to 1982
That paper is more important than your IQ or even your level of responsibility
Putts said:
Ejoying your countdown, mayble! Do you have a thread with some pix of your rig?

lol you won't see a build thread from me anytime soon.   there are a million of those already, and i have nothing to offer in that arena other than fodder for the others to pick apart
after nearly 2 years of research and a thousand decisions,  i don't want to hear how i'm "doing it wrong"  ;)
but i'm thoroughly enjoying the process!
That's probably the most healthy attitude, you build your van for you, no on else
mayble said:
after nearly 2 years of research and a thousand decisions,  i don't want to hear how i'm "doing it wrong"  ;)
but i'm thoroughly enjoying the process!

Excellent, and I'm glad you're having fun. 

Me? I love yabbering about my build and enjoy the peanut gallery. Too each their own, eh!

'Nother Monday coming up soon.  :)
41 :)
finished installing the sound dampener after getting my hands on the right tool to remove the door panels, and finally using brute force to get behind the headliner over the cab (nothing a little glue won't fix lol)
then i went to home depot and asked about damaged polyiso sheets on clearance; they had none.  so i dug thru the pile until i found a couple pieces with busted corners.  i asked for a discount at the checkout and got them at half price.   :cool:
Don't let them catch you damaging those corners! Just kidding HA!
767 days, 3 hrs, 16min and 36 seconds but whose counting????   Haha, I have a countdown timer on my phone. 2 more school years and I'm done.  Getting harder and harder to come home after long breaks!!
70 Sundays. I work every F-S-S. I plan on having my rig before then, hopefully spring of 2018 and stay in small RV park here. I still have to work the job till end of Sept,

CONGRATULATIONS Mayble, time is flying.
It seems so short when I type it, but so loooong when I envision another winter stuck in this climate :(

But that gives me plenty of time to empty and sell the house, and to work on the van.  I have everything I need and most of what I want, so it's just a matter of putting it all together.  A little here, a little there - which is all I have time and energy for anyway, so that works out well ;)

I've been living with the planned layout in my living room, and it's a lot more spacious than I expected.  On paper it looks really cramped, but it's very comfortable and convenient.
You're not building that rig for somebody else.
You're building it for you!
At your pace.
To your specs.......
(Maybe one picture ??)
Not much to see yet, but here she is :)
She doesn't look like a bread truck, gets good mpg and has room for a 72" mattress across the back.
What more could I ask for?


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Looks like a great start!
Wish I got that kind of mileage... :(

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